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10132593 No.10132593 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel bad for the Pajeet's in crypto? Their government is literally forcing them to sell the bottom.

All of the pajeets here are going to be on the sidelines for the biggest bullrun in crypto history.

This thread is a general discussion. Do you feel bad, or is this a type of payback?

>> No.10132601


>> No.10132657
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Thanks sirs, and in your opinion which coin do Pajeet's shill the most?

>> No.10133079

you can't force anyone to sell crypto, that's the whole point of it
I feel nothing because pajeets have everything they need to deal with this situation, and this won't be the last country to try it

>> No.10133160

Pajeet here, not selling, just moved all my fundus to binance

>> No.10133163

Pajeets love dow leading free stuff....
They also love tech related stuff.
Basically what I'm getting at is the ones that want to stay in ....will
The pussies that are scared of the law and are too stupid to figure out VPN will sell

>> No.10133186

No hardware wallet?
not going to make it

>> No.10133211

Yes, because crypto needs government permission to continue.
Definitely a major 'fuck you' from the old generation to the new.

>> No.10133226

exchanges get hacked everyday, either put it in a hardware wallet or send it to me

>> No.10133306

Best hardware wallet?

>> No.10133320
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No, youre a fag?

>> No.10133328

Wait, is it actually illegal to hold crypto? I thought it's only about trading

>> No.10133414
File: 355 KB, 500x695, 2446903-tumblr_m3kpo5nxcq1qg5e45o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can see for yourself the true nature of his cruelty and hate when you watch those videos where Asian women wearing high heals slowly stomp cute little animals to death. And if you believe that these are just single exceptional cases then watch the food in a Korean seafood restaurant. Watch those families with their children enjoy the suffering of those mutilated but still alive animals who's flesh they are eating. Realize that this is all the compassion that you will ever receive from them and that they will treat you just the same if you let them.