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10122372 No.10122372 [Reply] [Original]

The only objective difference between BTC and BCH is that the latter can be used both as digital gold and also to be sent p2p for a tiny fee. Do you agree?

>> No.10122394

There are major fundamental differences. The difficulty adjustment interval for instance is not 2016 blocks any more, like on bitcoin.

>> No.10122427

Yeah but when it was set to 2016 it wasn't planned to have a competing fork with the same pow.

>> No.10122430

You forget that BCH will never amount to anything other than “that fork of bitcoin” because it’s called “Bitcoin *subtitle*”

>> No.10122466

When it was set to 2016 blocks, it was set to 2016 pernamently by Satoshi. Just like the total coins limit is 21 million Bitcoins, set by Satoshi, so is the adjustment 2016 blocks, also set by Satoshi. And so is the block size cap 1MB, set by Satoshi.

You are free to have a different opinion, but that is an opinion not objective fact.

>> No.10122486

>And so is the block size cap 1MB, set by Satoshi.

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.10122492

Kek. Adjustment algorithm is corecucks last straw.
> 1MB was meant to be forever.

Delusional corecucks will have a dead network in a few years

>> No.10122496
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>And so is the block size cap 1MB, set by Satoshi.

>> No.10122499

woke af

>> No.10122517


Retards claiming Bitcoin is "uhm you know digital cash whose rules are secondary"

>> No.10122526

the difference is, that btc is controlled by CME Futures and BCH not. thats why so many People believe in it. the flippening?

>> No.10122541

No it's digital gold whose rules are made by corecucks Blockstream bankers.

>> No.10122549

Imagine spending time talking about bcash

>> No.10122550

Better than rules set by arbitrary chink with the most miners.

>> No.10122587

F$ck Blockstream. F$ck dem banker kikes.

>> No.10122597

Retard that doesn't know anything about BTC history.

Block size was unlimited at the start.

>> No.10122601

from my dead cold hands.
Nakamoto consensus as defined by the longest proof of work chain defined by Nakamoto rules.
As verified on my raspberry.

>> No.10122617

Show me one block larger than meg from the early history you claim is real.

>> No.10122657

it really is as simple as this. They need to re-brand.

>> No.10122686
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>As verified on my raspberry.
I knew you're a troll!

>> No.10122704

cryllar (crypto-dollar)
anything is better than "bitcoin-subtitle" it just seems inferior.

>> No.10122723
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>> No.10122741

How about Bcash?

>> No.10122746

already taken :)

>> No.10122759

You're a fucking moron.


>> No.10122775
File: 469 KB, 2543x3602, SatoshisVision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bcashers prove once again they are newfag retards who have no idea what they're talking about.
satoshi himself added the 1mb limit you dumb cunts.
that doesn't mean it wasn't meant to be changed, but the fact is he put it there.

that commit was by satoshi you fucking idiot

>> No.10122777

sorry bro, I'm a fellow cashie.
I just trolled you

>> No.10122813

Anyways what we say at this point does not matter, what matters is that pro Blockstream propaganda is at the top, place that everyone reads.

My job is done, have fun retards :)

>> No.10122829
File: 175 KB, 1200x1000, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at 12.46.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Core has delayed adoption and ruined bitcoins name, have a seat and let the big boys take control of this situation.

>> No.10122844

Let's post fake Satoshi Nakamoto for a change the post

>> No.10122887

I told hold what will make them both obsolete.
Asic resistant, Set cap, Mineable.

>> No.10122905


>> No.10122956

lol. imagine being op, and this deluded. bch is nowhere near btc adoption and will always be seen as the coin that no one wants to use. it is a fork, just like btcp, btg, and a bunch of other btc forks. litecoin on the other hand is its own genesis block. the forks will die.

>> No.10123115
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>> No.10123134

Most traded crypto is BTC but most used flip is BTC>BCH If you think 100 million cap is signs of growth you are living with your head in the sand.

>> No.10123184

Most intelligent free thinkers believe he is Satoshi, can't help it if your being programmed otherwise

>> No.10123243

Most intelligent free thinkers are retards.

>> No.10123320


>> No.10123413
File: 318 KB, 724x722, 1511818383167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only objective difference between BTC and BCH is that the latter can be used both as digital gold and also to be sent p2p for a tiny fee. Do you agree?
Throwing away segwit made BCH also able to offer reliable enough 0-conf instant payments (crucial for local payments).
Other than that, pretty much the same except the stuff being built on either. For example, BCH has their tumblr quasi-anon thing, tippr, sms transfer service (no internet required).

But yeah overall, pretty much the same except no segwit on BCH, and larger blocks.
Adding smart contract capabilities might change this though. Including it being much much easier to build complex 2nd layer scaling solutions on top of the base layer. Segwit that enables LN are both dead ends in blockchain development.

Personally I don't like BCH very much because I favor casper POS game theory and costs over POW, and prefer the flexibility of what can be achieved with smart contracts + POS when it comes to scaling and fintech.

Realistically though, the first seriously adopted crypto moneys are likely BCH, Stellar and Ethereum. The first two because they are trying and succeeding in gaining adoption (especially in third world) and ethereum because projects built on it and wallets built on it are spreading and ethereum as a currency is piggybacking on that. ICOs recognizing it as money for fundraising purposes was only the first step.

>> No.10124256

>Throwing away segwit made BCH also able to offer reliable enough 0-conf instant payments (crucial for local payments).

You, sir, have no idea what you are saying.

>> No.10125227

I agree. Litecoin is way more promising than Bcash. Most of the fud around LTC is coming from Bcashie cultists.