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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 566 KB, 1322x715, Screenshot 2018-06-21 at 6.55.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10110361 No.10110361 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry anons, I'd explain but am focusing on getting rid of my stack on a pump. In a nutshell, codeship integration is a seriously monumental task, and they have been downplaying the required labor for it. Maybe some programmer tards can explain.

>> No.10110374

if it gets done in just 5 years it'll be a miracle. these guys are slow as fuck

>> No.10110377

Codeship is done in MAYBE Q3 but most likely Q4 2023. Will have years to accumulate under $.30!

>> No.10110382

I heard IBM spent 5 years working on their codeship adaptor. Maybe they can get one from them? Once everything is loaded on the ship everything becomes standardized anyway.

>> No.10110400
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Yes sell now sirs , our ship superior and fast.

>> No.10110410

As soon as I saw codeship integration I sent my links to binance to sell them. Luckily got out at 23 cents, feel really bad for the bagholders since they’ve been through so much fud

>> No.10110427

Samefagging dipshit FUDers

>> No.10110430

Unfortunate that they chose the codeship adapter, yes it is stable, but there are better choices that don't take five years to implement.

>> No.10110437

Focus harder, maybe that will make it pump faster

>> No.10110444
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I just googled codeship integration and no chainlink or smartcontracts appeared on the first 5 pages !
Wtf Sergey !!??

>> No.10110446

what makes you think that they wouldn't give it to amb which is on the stellar platform?

>> No.10110449

Link $1000 Eoy, it won't take 5 years.

>> No.10110450

Link always was a long term hold. If you can't wait 5 years to get rich you don't deserve it.

>> No.10110467

The reason they won’t is because there are a million configuration options for codeship adaptors (which won’t serve the same needs for chainlink as they do for IBM) and the required libraries haven’t been written in golang yet. They will have to write all the dependencies in Go and then write the config files.

>> No.10110474

And so fucking week fud at that. But if some retard falls for it, hey, darwin wanted it..

>> No.10110487

Unironically why I lost faith in the project. Good engineers pick the appropriate integrations. This is not one.

>> No.10110591

Why the fuck does it take test driven design/continuous integration 5 years to get up and running on codeship? That seems like something that should be trivially easy to set up if you have a bunch of unit tests and a test environment. What the fuck is so hard about the codeship platform?

>> No.10110613


>> No.10110617

What is codesheet?

>> No.10110631

>Doesnt have time to explain
>but has time to start biz threads

>> No.10110648

Microsoft has been trying to implement their codeship adaptor from 1998. They still face issues with some really low level connection network scaling solutions.
The Danish Matrix isnt connecting to the ship so it cant compile.

Chainlink is dead. It will take decades to fully adapt the chainlink node adaptors to the codeship chain.

Its over

>> No.10110649

I have no doubts a philosophy major can lead this engineering challenge to fruition.

>> No.10110660

MIT 6th y student here currently working at Google as an intern

>> No.10110712

>It will take decades to fully adapt the chainlink node adaptors to the codeship chain.

What? Thats just not true and you are talking out of your ass
Its literally one of the easier tasks

>> No.10110748

Nice just panic sold 100k

>> No.10110753

Fake news the codeship team has been working in a private repo since 2015 their ICO is end of July

>> No.10110770
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31 year old programmer insider coder here, my adopted half-brother is actually friends with someone that works for Sergey and the smart oracle team. I'm thinking at least 15 years, like you stated in your post. Codeship adaptation is quite the monumental task. Typically, it takes a large team of 12-15 experienced coders 2 years to just begin with the first flux accelerator node, it's easy to see how it would take a minimum of 10 years for oracles. Then you have to consider that we're dealing with decentralized trust-less oracles so you have to tack on an extra 2.5 years each for the decentralized and trust-less part. LINK is a 2033 hold for sure. I'm comfy in my position so I'm going to keep holding but this isn't some millennial zoomer meme get rich quick pump and dump scam coin, you gotta have some patience biz bros.

>> No.10110785

This is true

>> No.10110801

>taking facts that look like FUD, and turning it into FUD

>> No.10110808


>> No.10110818
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>> No.10110846

Christ this shilling is getting desperate. It will never come out so 5 years is too unrealistically optimistic for anyone to fall for.

>> No.10110859

So whats to stop a major corporation from stealing the idea and implementing it faster with a team of 30 programmers?

>> No.10110960


>> No.10111009

this thread is why i fucking love /biz

>> No.10111085

My jimmies are a little rustled, and im a tech brainlet.

What is a codeship adapter?

>> No.10111153

it's basically a little codelink, middleware if you will, that connections the outside code to the ship.

>> No.10111195

Oh no, thanks OP!

It makes me feel warm inside knowing that all the nice Anons have my best interest in mind and take the time to make important, truthful threads like this. What a kind, selfless group of gentlemen. I can tell OP has never once defecated anywhere besides in a fine, porcelain, sit-down receptacle.

>> No.10111203

made me kek but you clearly are not a competent software engineer

>> No.10111204


I thought they were already working on their codeship adaptor prior to starting the Chainlink project. This is fucking huge news. why is nobody talking about this

>> No.10111280

because another company will do it with 300 programmers in 5 mins and then they will steal all your linkies and use them to buy lambos. Sad.

>> No.10111302

Why not just use 3000 programmers and do it in 5 seconds?

>> No.10111307

How did people not already know this? This is why you hear nothing from the team. It will take the better part of a decade to achieve a grounded baseline of adaptations at least but it's still a comfy af hold.

>> No.10111308

wait am i getting memed on or hwat just answer unirocinally pls

>> No.10111311

>This is fucking huge news
why ?

>> No.10111330

Stop expressing your dark pigmentation so aggressively over the internet. It is offensive.

>> No.10111339

What you mean like this? How does that make you feel?

>> No.10111341

Because op is right, codeship adaptors can take YEARS to complete. let that sink in.

I don't think Chainlink has that much time to stay relevant in the current market, especially at it's current price.

>> No.10111354

Is a codeship adapter necessary for mainnet? or is it one of those "nice things to have".

>> No.10111375

Good point. We clearly have a lot to consider here.

Also has anyone on the team addressed which size of codeship they will be using? If they're just gonna use a code barge it's probably 1 year tops but if they're planning on using a code yacht or even a code oil tanker we could be talking 100s of years here desu. I'm a programmer and maritime coding can be very time consuming.

>> No.10111403
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>Also has anyone on the team addressed which size of codeship they will be using? If they're just gonna use a code barge it's probably 1 year tops but if they're planning on using a code yacht or even a code oil tanker we could be talking 100s of years here desu.

fuck, just sold, this is too much fud for me

>> No.10111431

I would also imagine a project with the scope of LINK migrating to codeship would need a Rails application compatibility solution. This would add at least 3 years onto development time on top of the optimistic 5 year predictions some of you are making. I can hold though.

>> No.10111529

Fuck..this is bad. And I just bought 5k more. Do we know if they were going to use panamaCanal casing?

>> No.10111539
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>> No.10111555

They say there are two wonderful moments in a codeship owner's life - the day he buys it and the day he sells it. What say you?

>> No.10111658

I say those are some beautiful trips fren

>> No.10111659

wow. i can not imagine what id think if i came here to see what chainlink is all about since it is the only place its actually talked about. i kid you not people going to be asking thomas about when codeship going to show up on the pivotal next.

t. probably good idea

>> No.10111727

>What? Thats just not true and you are talking out of your ass
>Its literally one of the easier tasks
you have no idea mate. This is a monumental task ahead of them. I'd guess 3 years.

>> No.10111783

I guess we got req'd again.

>> No.10111788
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Quality trips and fud. Overall good post. I like thick fud before I go to bed.

>> No.10111852

We are just discussing that the chainlink network might take 5 years or more. Even Sergey said it himself. Nobody said it wasn't a good project.
T. Software programmer tech

>> No.10111892

Advanced programming computer engineer specialist here, the flux capacitors are already set to go on main net. Chainlink is all but confirmed to be the middle "link" that connects all other coins on blockchain 3.0. LINK will actually be $20 - $100 EOY.

>> No.10111918
File: 45 KB, 640x514, 7C476099-4A16-4609-A88F-E98E9C50CFC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Normies, Chainlink is possibly the most promising crypto project currently. Think Ethereum before it took off. 4Chan trolls spend a lot of their time and energy thinking up vaguely convincing negative posts disguised as helpful advice or warnings because they want time to accumulate at low prices and are also anti social neckbeard fags. Ignore them. Link will be huge.

>> No.10111984

This project has a lot of shilling. Link and funfair are literally the next paradigm. If you don't buy you are not smart. It could really get to bitcoin price.

>> No.10111987

based sipper

>> No.10111992

>throw in some techno babble to confuse brainlets

T-that'll fud um!

>> No.10112009

reminds of these guys https://cryptocurrency-double-spending.tumblr.com/
they tried to fucking fool us all the time with their blockhain stuff..

>> No.10112036


>> No.10112069

You can’t stop us, the tide is rising. We will get the normies on board and the price will sky rocket. Not because it’s a shitcoin pump and dump, but because it is a paradigm shifting revolution. Choke on a dick queer.

>> No.10112100

>tfw they havent even started on the flux capacitor yet

>> No.10112130
File: 504 KB, 2610x1754, 1518461262679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the entire devcon three presentation by sergey again.

You guys got me, I didn't sell any linkies, but my heartrate got faster.

>> No.10112138
File: 397 KB, 991x688, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO with this bitchass fud fromy /link/ board

>> No.10112149

better pop some more cbd gummies, we're just getting started.

>> No.10112215

You will lose. Queer.

>> No.10112772

link is trash
prove me wrong faggot protip you cant

>> No.10112797


>> No.10112818

Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.

>> No.10112829


And yeah, my IP got swapped. You are a pig.

>> No.10112884

We should volunteer for chainlink

>> No.10113064
File: 355 KB, 1486x1253, Bought at the Bottom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$2000 in 2020

>> No.10113106

>Dear Normies, Chainlink is possibly the most promising crypto project currently. Think Ethereum before it took off. 4Chan trolls spend a lot of their time and energy thinking up vaguely convincing negative posts disguised as helpful advice or warnings because they want time to accumulate at low prices and are also anti social neckbeard fags. Ignore them. Link will be huge.

1. You know that everything this anon is saying is true
2. You know that there is no way to prove it to the actual normies, and working joes who are reading this
3. You want to buy more link but you have put every penny into it
4. You are starting to go into an existentialist crisis because it seems pretty clear that link is going to explode soon and your ability to affect anything about that is close to 0 (i.e. can’t even buy any more, and can’t really convince anyone to buy any more)
5. You feel like one of those protagonists in a sci-fi story about going back in time, and even though you know exactly what is going to happen you are powerless to change it.
6. So you decide to do your best to focus on gratitude for your 30K link, and your friends, and your mom and dad, and just try to float down the river.

>> No.10113220

Fucking lol'd

>> No.10113261

> Choosing codeship
> Not having your adapters ready

This project is doomed, without adapters you can't code

>> No.10113314

code is is integration tool guys like cvs, svn..etc...all they do is ship their code to codeship...literally it takes 5 min job, if any issues during deployment, take it as week work. biz poor at fudding.

>> No.10113345

This is the most likely scenario. Some anons are over exaggerating

>> No.10113355

holy fuck that's an abstract feel... but i know exactly what you mean, friend... it's like knowing about Apple in 1982, and you keep telling everyone but no one listens because they think computers are a meme, meanwhile all you're doing is working and putting every last cent into Apple stock.

>> No.10113366
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i remember when nasa thought the same thing, and i remember how that turned out. you rush codeship adaptor development and pay the price.

>> No.10113388

you have no idea what you're talking about
t. current computer science phD candidate

>> No.10113409

Oh, are we larping now?

>> No.10113914
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>> No.10113950
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>/biz/ doesn't recognize obvious satire

>> No.10113970

They don't have a roadmap.... because then they would have to admit that the mainnet won't go live until 2023.

>> No.10114053


Burger boy keeps stalling

give me my money sir gay!

>> No.10114070


>> No.10114110

This is the best, most accurate post on my mental and emotional state I’ve experienced holding LINK.

>> No.10114118

>buy at 20 cents
>ffw 10 years
>it's worth $6000

>> No.10114272

>TFW you convinced your family members and friends to buy Chainlink and it hits $0 in 2019.

>> No.10114346

More idiot level fud.
Let’s say you’re right. Let’s say I convinced my brother to invest 2K in about 10K links. I would say, look, this could go to the moon, or it could go to 0. It’s risky. And then it goes to 0 in 2019. You know what I’m going to say then? I’m going to say, “at least I tried. Too bad that one didn’t work out.”

You are a real dick for trying to use fud to stop others from getting in on this.

>> No.10114377

>ho hum, why did yet another scam with no working product fall to $0 again? gee, too bad

>> No.10114474

Not sure why I’m engaging with this retard tier fud, but the answer is, you’ve just described every investment in every startup ever. The whole point of being an early stage investor is you are investing BEFORE there is a working product.

You are not doing a good thing right now by posting this retard level fud. Maybe you think it is funny, or you are just bored, or you are waiting to shout “ha ha, triggered!” Or maybe you are rich and you are about to invest more and you want your $100K investment to go even further.

But whatever it is, it is bad what you are doing. You are hurting people who don’t have much to invest, and you are trying to scare them out of what could be a life changing investment for them.

>> No.10114523

Don't worry, I did. I just couldn't be bothered replying to it.

>> No.10114525

Ha ha, triggered.
To be serious for a second, I hold Link myself and I think its probably the best bet in all of crypto right now.
However I will still criticize you for being overly convinced that Link will blow up. There is so much that can still go wrong, so don't take your future riches for granted at this point.

>> No.10114535

Nice anon, if there are newfags around please take the time to do some proper research on LINK. If you're scared because of the memes and FUD it's normal, people want to accumulate at low prices (including me). No matter what, just don't fomo in mindlessly, especially if you didn't do proper research before

>> No.10114568

You people are fucking idiots, spreading this shit.

It has nothing to do with the codeship adaptor itself, it has to do with the codeship REGRESSION. Codeship itself will take maybe 6 mo to a yr, but the regression for it will take at least 5.

All of you non-programmers are easy as fuck to spot.

>> No.10114593
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>mfw it took me half the thread to realise OP's fud was just a meme

>> No.10114607

>he says codeship REGRESSION when what he means is “brain dead” regression

Anon, your already retard level brain is regressing to flatworm status.