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File: 10 KB, 246x205, Sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10101285 No.10101285 [Reply] [Original]

>was getting bullied by coworkers and /biz/ told me to stop being a beta
>Finally snapped on coworker and went too far
>Everything has only gotten worse and they treat me worse but not directly insulting me anymore
>Worried they're going to try to get me fired

>> No.10101301

>Finally snapped on coworker and went too far
what you did?

>> No.10101336

>you guys told me to

>> No.10101359

>being this gay

>> No.10101382


you pussy, no matter what you keep your cool around normies.
if you need to stand up for yourself, do it. but dont lose it.

something as simple as
>hey fuck off with those jokes all the time
said in a reasonable lighthearted but serious tone
or literally just hit em back with some bullying and pretend like its just ribbing with your boys, even if you hate them all

>> No.10101387

Yeah, we're gonna need to know what you did to see if a resolution is possible, desu.

>> No.10101403

fuck the normies they cant deal with chads, so they bullied the autistics, thats why autistics partner with chads, that's what you have to do

>> No.10101408

I'd rather not get into the specific details...

I thought it would make me more respected...

>> No.10101413

>fuck off with those jokes otherwise i will follow you to your home one night and kill you in your sleep

would be a more reasonable approach, otherwise they wouldnt take you seriously

>> No.10101414

cmon explain

>> No.10101439

>Finally snapped on coworker and went too far
>Worried they're going to try to get me fired
For what? They were the ones bullying. Try not to snap again but don't take shit from them.

Fuck with them and become overly friendly or make them think you're nuts. Normies can't handle non normies anon. You're superior, manipulate or scare them.

>> No.10101440

Green text op this is waaaaaay better than Boomer threads

>> No.10101464

Lets say I got personal with the insults and then smashed the main bully's printer

>> No.10101474

this reeks of boomer

>> No.10101489

Be more specific. Also what do you do? Just find a new job

>> No.10101492

Fred is that you? you're a beta fag

>> No.10101507

greentext now

>> No.10101508 [DELETED] 

I too am bullied by a coworker. Faggot talks shit in a playful manner but clearly has a problem. If you call him out he'd probably tell you to calm down since he's only joking thereby making you look worse. Well one day he mocked me for not being able to reach something in front of others. I throw back a "yeah some genius put it up there" in a clearly mocking tone since I was sure he put it there. He kept on mocking me but later on he quietly approached me and talked down to me. Haha. This same faggot has also told me to turn off the faucet quicker. He also rings the damn bell at the front desk whenever I'm there and not looking at leaving time by the time I turn I barely get a glimpse. One time I faced the window. He was clearly gonna go for it but didn't when he saw me standing there. He does this even though I no longer talk to him on purpose. Well at least I'm not at the bottom of totem pole at 40ish years old with an ugly wife. I'm in my 20's and at the bottom of the totem and single with good odds of getting a better job long before 40. Now if only I could say that to his face without getting fired.

>> No.10101515
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>personal with the insults
ok depending on the severity, this isnt exactly horrible, insults arent shit unless they are personalized

>smashed the main bullys printer
hahahhaha you fucking rage baby, come on man
21 yr old zoomer

>> No.10101516

Ya at work you never ever confront a person or problem direclty. ALWAYS do it passive aggressively or devious. Corporate environment wants everything to seem nice and civil

>> No.10101518

what you need is a good old office shooting spree. Bonus point if you pretend to be an ISIS hellspawn.
Do it.

>> No.10101524

>hey fuck off with those jokes all the time
terrible advice, this is literally the most autistic response anyone can give to bullying.

This is even more autistic. This means you literally could not come up with anything to say so you resorted to violence instead of calling them out. If this is what you did you can't even prove that they drove you to do this.
Safe to say you lost this one. Get another job and try learning how to shoot a devastating comeback at someone as soon as they say something stupid or blunder somehow. Learn to calibrate it to make it work appropriate yet harsh enough to fuck with them. You can't win any other way, you have to beat them at their own game.

>> No.10101530

my fucking god dude. walk with your back straight arms by your side chin up and no passive aggressive "mocking" tone. if you really want just punch him in the gut and spit on him if you really want to

>> No.10101531

Awwww Yeah Boiiiiii

>> No.10101539

OP please repost but with boomer meme phrasing

>> No.10101560 [DELETED] 

This is what annoys me. As long as they do it passive aggresively the organization seems to be okay with it. At least if they say shit directly I have no qualms doing it back since they started it. But if they do it passive aggresively and I go the direct route I'd likely get called in to HR or fired.

>> No.10101561

all you did was showing that you are mentally unstable and that they perfectly hit your weak spot.
all you had to do was just to mimic their voices in a retarded manner everytime they try to bully you.
it works 100% of the time and defeats every bully.

>> No.10101576

i agree its not the best, thats why i prefaced it with
>if you need to stand up for yourself, do it.
if they call OP a short bitch every day and constantly make fun of his height, he needs to say something along those lines or else it literally will not end
and also i think the better solution is my 2nd suggestion, just ribbing them back like its your friends, but secretly you actually mean it

>> No.10101583

Anon you can always do better. Get a better job, work on your social skills, make better memes. You fucked up. The key to dominating someone in the workplace is to be passive agressive and check them the first time they try to pull some shit you don't like. The prince said you should smack them so hard (in this case verbally) that they won't do it again. But you don't shout. You bully them when theres an attractive female in the vicinity. You bully them when all the guys are around. You do it subtle but deep down everybody knows what you did. Try again next time

>> No.10101593 [DELETED] 

"just ribbing them back like its your friends, but secretly you actually mean it"

I'm positive that's what at least one coworker does. Annoying as fuck since he easily gets away with it and if you call him out he'd probably tell you to calm down since he's only joking.

>> No.10101604

The best thing to do in those situation is show indifference. The moment you give in to something some retarded brainlet says to you is when It gets worse. Trade playful banter at the most but don't give in to cockscukers who think they're hot shit. They're not worth your reaction or attention, you put them to the side like a child who isn't yours.

>> No.10101610

Best to do this first, then smack them OP

>> No.10101616

Can u give me some specific examples so I can learn for next time? Im going to look for a new job anyways now.

>> No.10101627

he's lost this one, he's outnumbered and everyone knows he can be bullied. Unless he is very valuable to the company OP needs to find another job before he completely loses his mind.

>> No.10101643

Although with the biggest bullies you don't give them your attention or anything because any sort of affirmation just makes it never ending. The biggest bully in my office just gives me fist bumps, meanwhile he is constantly shitting on the weaker guys in the office because they don't know how to take it. I also lift and shit so that probably helps as well. Can't be a weak man, it will be sniffed out. Physically and mentally you must build yourself.

>> No.10101648

>if I pretend I wasn't bullied then it didn't happen
worst advice ever

>> No.10101650

Honestly it was better than doing nothing mate.

>> No.10101651

Anon you need to find a new job. There's no coming back after a guy has a hissy fit. Work construction for a while and learn how banter works.

>> No.10101666

Holy shit that's hilarious

>> No.10101684

OP you should shoot up the place

>> No.10101692
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An entire generation of children didn't get bullied in school. They lack basic problem solving and people skills.
They're so fucked.

>> No.10101697

People get bullied all the time in school though. They just come back with dads "paintball gun". How is bullying a good thing in a workplace?

>> No.10101701

You don't pretend you weren't bullied flat out. I'm not saying shrivel up and don't talk but you can't show weakness. Most people really take this shit personally and step number 1 is blocking out that shit. Once you do that everything can roll off you and you can respond if you want.


said is right too. But the worst thing you can do is get into a never ending war with some hard headed faggot that will never get up. Worst mistake I see people make is they think they can out bully the bully. They are bullies because they're weak and you need to play your own game not try to trade insults and jabs like a moron. The last guys in my office who constantly were trying to prove themselves ended up leaving and they were by far the weakest douches in the vicinity at any given time. You don't have to prove yourself to fucking anyone and the moment you try to is the moment you fail.

>> No.10101746

social interactions are easymode for me. i truly wish i could teach anons how to be more socially accepted without conforming, per se. it's mostly first impressions and body language

>> No.10101747

As soon as you enter the workplace you need to identify other peoples weaknesses. Single mothers, bad taste, short, bald, fat, annoying voice, bad breath, makes funny noises (usually nasal problems) or is a total dick and everybody hates.

Once you find these things, you memorize a few comebacks you can use at any given time. But I'll come back to that. The best thing you can do is better yourself and close off all openings for attack. If you're fat, lose weight. If you're awkward git gud. Fix yourself so nobody can give you shit for anything. Plus be cool with everybody so they don't think to talk shit in the first place.

Take for example my coworker Mike. Mike is a total nigger with a bad tattoo behind his ear; they are stars like a female nigger would get or a fat spic. Which indeed is what happened. A fat spic housekeeper who also works there has a very similiar tattoo. I work hotels.

So Frank decides to call me out one day over something stupid. I offer an explanation, he understands he is wrong but decides not to say sorry. Another coworker of mine, a pretty white girl named Emily works with us as well. I wait about 20 mins until we are all in the same area and casually bring up his tattoo, feigning intrest. Where did you get it? Does it mean something? Loud enough to where Emily can hear. All the while the nigger is answering sounding cool and being a nigger.

After that I bring up the fact " I ask because the housekeeper has the same tattoo. Yeah, you know, Martha. Exaftly the same bro you gotta check it out". Then I leave to do something else. Get out of the room when you ball out so they cant give you a come back. He didnt say a word and Emily knows this is a fact.

>> No.10101775

See here


>> No.10101815

Okay ive thought about this and at my work there's many absolute degenerates I could savagely roast but I was worried they'd literally try to punch me because a lot of them have big problems (bad relationships, major debt, stuff like that which is very personal)

>> No.10101837

Thats why you always do it casually. For debt, talk about how you incurred something small. Maybe you got a new tv on payment plans. Say something like "such a bitch making these tv payments every month but this 4k shit is awesome. Im almost done tho only got 2 more months of payments. Imagine having to do this with x (student loans, mortgages, whatever need be) for years?? Lol damn brah must suck

>> No.10101847

its all about calibration, if one of them hits you with
>anon whens the last time you touched a woman
then you can fire back with something about their failed marriage

but if they come at you with
>anon lookin small haha
then something like "yeah maybe i should drink a 6 pack every night to get a belly like you"
is more appropriate

>> No.10101856

Okay let's say there's a coworker with a kid who has a disability. Would roasting them based on that be appropriate?

>> No.10101859

Bullshit, I went to a fucking amazing school where everyone was cool and there were still some bullies.

>> No.10101864

Or for relationships mention how a friends just got thru x (abusive relationship, divorce, whatever). Try to cater it to where its not too directly related to them...but it is. Like if you knew one of them got their ass beat in her last relationship mention something like " man my best girl friend came to me crying cause here bf beat her was. I was about to go beat his but she had already called the cops. I told her she was fucking stupid for staying with such a douche. I told her to leav him the first time. Can you believe how stupid she is

>> No.10101869

>all this beta pre meditated planning

I'm not for it. I take shit as it comes.

>> No.10101871


>they'd literally try to punch me because a lot of them have big problems

You know if they try do that they'll get fired and assault charges right? It's not like school anymore where we get a small suspension for a fist fight. Chill out

>> No.10101881

Lmao use your brain we're not gonna be there holding your hand. We're just voices in your head as it stands

>> No.10101882

Anon don't listen to that guy. That's how you make enemies and make people despise you. Sure you might ""win"" in their face by being a prick but when you leave the room they are all praying and discussing your downfall.

>> No.10101886

>being this autistic
Just have bantz that’s literall all you need.

>> No.10101890
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no i would say no matter what they say, insulting their disabled child is off limits

>> No.10101899

Its not like it takes long, unless you're a brainlet. I size people up within a few minutes and find out weaknesses to use them later. Take you for example. You're a little bitch, this I can tell. You can try replying with something witty but in the end you're just gonna look like a bitch

>> No.10101904
File: 26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you did well. snapping is always good

>> No.10101905

This unironically. This technique shuts any bullying down even if they are right.

>> No.10101910
File: 66 KB, 335x250, hes-right-you-know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn Ted Bundy's ghost post here?

>> No.10101920

OP clearly doesn't have bantz. He needs a script to work off of and then when he gets the feel for it he'll figure it out. Or he'll keep jacking off to anime. Up to him

>> No.10101924

Gotta say u fucked up OP, violence is never the answer

>> No.10101925

I think it would shut them up quickly

>> No.10101935

Damn. How do you git gud with comebacks like these?

>> No.10101954


by being an azzh0le

>> No.10101959

No this is beta shit only a weak man would resort to and it's just a reflection of your person. I don't need to reply with something witty, it is what it is. You are the type of douche who absolutely folds when confronted with a real man and ends up getting their throat cut at some point.

>> No.10101968

As if to prove my point lmao

>> No.10101970

Yeah, as sad as it it he needs pua level stuff.

>> No.10101974

He will learn. It takes longer for some

>> No.10101986

Yeah but calling people cunts, dumbfucks and faggots doesn't sound witty, they are lame. I just can't come with good comebacks.

>> No.10101992

You have absolutely no point. The only weak faggot who feels the need to point out faults in other people is the person who is scared of confronting their own faults. You aren't intelligent or some crafty guy, just an asshole with a weak spirit.

>> No.10102008

Dames. Sometimes all they gotta do is let it out

>> No.10102047

got some work bullshit to blog about myself. working with women is the fucking worst, no contest

women are weak in physical force this they try to subvert others by manipulation. when that fails they will espionage warfare your ass until you're as miserable as them. And unlike with crazy women you fuck, you can't ditch crazy women at your work

I've known many a man who can avoid being manipulated, while keeping the women thinking that her manipulation is successful. depending on your skill at this, you can have an autopilot persona when interacting with them, giving away as much or little of your freedom as you will.

the only bright side is that women are lazy workers for the most part. digging a hole to bury pride and self-respect is too daunting a task for them. while wahecucking, I choose to be frugal with the insults I take. Dealing with a cunty woman is never a charitable moment on my part

>> No.10102069


Yah they get mad when you aren't one of the wh*Teknights sucking up to them. Legit one of them tried to get me fired over something stupid because of this reason.

>> No.10102075

So wait if you are just doing your own business, the bitches are gonna bark at you? Damn women are fucking crazy.

>> No.10102079

Pretty badass man

>> No.10102110

This is autism plain and simple.

>> No.10102149

Don't insult their kids, insult THEM
Be creative, give everyone a nickname inside your head, like "retard factory" or "downs pour" and then let it fly when the time is right.
Whatever you do, make sure it cuts them to the core and destroys their ego by being absolutely true.

Also, bonus tip, adding cursewords to insults when you address people will make you seem weaker. Don't call someone "Nicholas Cage-lookalike motherfucker" or "faggot badly", your insults have to require little thinking and lots of weight.
Now, go get em Printer Smasher!

>> No.10102162

>smashed printer

Depending on the circumstances you either appear badass or autistic with impotent rage. Here's what you can do OP, if you can't find another job then double down it. Be an asshole. Mess with their equipment or their work but in a subtle way that they can't pin it on you but they KNOW it was you. If they are in a group then find each and every one's weaknesses and soft spots that you can use as ammunition. At this point, you might as well hire a detective to spy on each and every one of them to know their daily routines, their personal lives, their family situation, etc as a backup. If all really goes to shit then hire a fucking hitman and kill at least one of them or fuck with their families. They WILL suspect it was you but since you hired someone to do the hit, they can't pin it on you. That will shut them up real quick and send the message that you're not a person to be fucked with.

If you do get caught or go to jail, last resort is shooting up the place. Go out in a blzaze of glory than dying of shame. At least you get to take out the fuckers if they want to destroy you in the process.

>> No.10102226


>So wait if you are just doing your own business, the bitches are gonna bark at you?

Yeah pretty much. Women by default are solipsistic by nature so if they see someone who doesn't give them the time of the day then they're going to get pissed off. Luckily for me I had a rep for being a hard worker so my boss and my coworkers defended me when that incident happened.

>> No.10102231

This thread is so confusing. Are they actually bullying you or is it them joking around and you don't like it? Can you not catch them alone and ask them to their face if there is a problem?

>> No.10102252

Women love attention since they are narcissistic, it's odd though, that not giving them attention makes them angry instead being attracted to you. Good to hear you were able to keep the bitches in line, keep the pimp slap strong bro!

>> No.10102382

>terrible advice, this is literally the most autistic response anyone can give to bullying.

sure, but its way better than what he actually did. He's probably just autistic and its all just friendly ribbing. If he said something like that it would be awkward, but they'd probably stop and it wouldn't be a big deal.


haha holy shit this. Do it confidently while smiling/slightly laughing/making a dumb face/rolling your eyes too

>> No.10102473

This post but very ironically.

>> No.10102797

>not being unironic
Not gonna make it.

>> No.10103203


Imagine being this much of an ant. Little tiny ant brain obsessing over its little ant reputation in the colony. l m a o

>> No.10103719

fuck off fbi

>> No.10103747


>> No.10103785
File: 389 KB, 1440x1292, Screenshot_20180630-163922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Be me
> Wagecuck at the office
> Go to guy for my normie roastie degenerate supervisor because i'm a hard worker and reliable (will likely not be a hard worker at next job)
> Asks me for "favors" the most of all the underlings
> Sometimes asks me to do menial shit she can do herself
> Even had one of her underlings contact me since she wanted a favor
> WTF why not ask the underling she did find
> Turns out she wanted a cardboard box from the desk I had which the other underling sits next to
> Or when comes from the opposite side of the building to my cubicle and asks me for basic office supplies to do stuff
> Literally using tape, duct tape, etc. (unprepared she is)
> Calls/and comes in person to ask me for work advice on how to do stuff she's done for a few years whereas I've been there for less than a year
> Tells me or calls me tp update me on what she has been doing on her side and apologizes for not finishing certain things faster (something I'm in charge of)
> Frequently asks me how things are going
> Eventually circumstances cause her to get serious because she got mad that I don't like a certain workduty
> Says I've come at her before and brings up vague incidents of me saying I'll quit and how I don't need this job which came up in NORMAL conversation with her
> Normie roastie continues to act as if we're friends yet pushes me around like I'm a slave
> At this point I'm sick of this garbage job and her

How do I get this repulsive woman to leave me alone without getting fired which would hirt future job prospects due to the organization it's at?

Some things I know about her:
1. Low self esteem
2. Poor physical health for someone under 40 even though she is skinny fat
3. Ashamed of her husband's job

>> No.10103818

How do you deal with people who attack you physically? Verbal bullying is a fairy tale.

>> No.10103892

go out with her, make her drunk and get her to suck your dick.

>> No.10103908

Sometime I wish I was autistic, but this is not one of those times. You need to learn to artfully tell people to "fuck off."

>> No.10104016

This thread came at an opportune time.
>be me
>have a deadline to give a project do coworker
>deliver the work on time
>coworker reviews the work I did 1 day before he has to deliver it to the client
>starts bitching I made mistakes and we need to pull an all nighter to redo everything
>I did it, much to my dislike
I fucking hate this guy. He's irresponsible and tries to push the blame onto me for his fuck up...I'm seriously trying to figure out a way of just telling him to fuck off. I'm new to the place and don't wanna jeopardize my position.

>> No.10104024
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probably something like this

>> No.10104045


> Shittalked by a collegue
> Step up and insult him right back
> Get laughs out of other collegues, even the one I insulted
> Drink coffee with a smile on my face

Ahh such is the blue-collar life

>> No.10104048

>>Everything has only gotten worse and they treat me worse but not directly insulting me anymore

those link bags getting heavier hey?

>> No.10104062

this. the virgin chad duo is unironically a greek archeotype

>> No.10104386

i dint knew that an autistic can get jobs, i cant get any

>> No.10104432

You smashed his printer? That is like having a temper tantrum when no-one is looking - passive aggressive (weak) as fuck. You need to 'trigger' him in front of co-workers - calmly ask him questions that will bring out his worst qualities - let everyone witness it. Then when alone, call him out to fight no matter how weak/inexperienced you are. If he does show, attack immediately with pure viciousness. Take some amphetamines beforehand - and to get vicious, recall every time the fucking mutt has put you down - then attack.

>> No.10104443

fucking based

>> No.10104626


>> No.10104837

nu-snapping is frowned upon
you have to go old-fashioned /r9k/ snapping for it to be effective

>> No.10104861

You need to fuck her at work, and then blackmail her with the evidence, bonus points if you can record her saying absolutely vile things. That's what she would do to you if the roles were reversed.

>> No.10104897

Yes, because taking drugs right before beating the shit out of him at work will surely end well during the drug test where they try to figure out what exactly happened.

>> No.10105529

Just kill them and try to get away with it.

>> No.10105554

it's because you are a kid. mentally.
you never insult a working persons kids.
doesn't matter if they're douchebags to you..
or if you are cool with them..
the only reason they are even there is cause they got kids..

if you don't have kids you are expendable.
they'll prob fire you.

work a non-fag job where you all have printers at your desk..

>> No.10105574

Extremes meet, as they say. Amazing.

>> No.10105614

>Verbal bullying is a fairy tale.
As much as you think it is you sheltered Millennial, verbal abuse is a very real thing. Passive-aggressiveness is the norm in the workplace so much so that sociopaths and psychopaths actually flourish there. Men can't fight back physically because it would be deemed an "unsafe" work environment and you would be a "troublemaker", so you have to fight back by being a toxic person/psychopath yourself.

Gone are the days where men dueled it out or punched each other in the face to fix problems. If talking like a woman is not your forte, then you're out of luck. Add monotony and meaninglessness in your day-to-day routine and that spells recipe for disaster for the human psyche. Is it any wonder why depression and suicide is on the rise in our industrial world?

>> No.10105628

Punch him in the throat
Knee in the bollocks
Smash his face against the wall

There sorted

>> No.10105761

I got bullied all the time in school and still hate people and "friendly ribbing" to this day (28 khv). Bullying only makes me want to kill people more.

>> No.10105789

That is based af

>> No.10105805

Kek you said something racist

>> No.10106098

I know this is wisdom lost on queer OP but theres only one solution to his problem

just stop giving a heck

>> No.10106184

Start taking modafinil anon, 200mg daily.
As a fellow autist it makes me more competent socially. Although situation at your current workplace is probably unfixable now
btw if you want to physically fuck someone up, assault them outside of the workplace and fuck them up. Remember to leave your smartphone on elsewhere, police uses them to track your position. Ideally you would have some friend that would provide an alibi. Deny everything. People will start to be genuinely afraid of you.

>> No.10106235

why would you do that
when i get bullied i just getting confrontational and honest
all people are insecure and weak behind their shell
you can scare them with philosophical questions

>> No.10106262


I am chad looking for my autistic side kick

>> No.10106285

If somebody goes fucks with you at the office you straight go to them, watch them to the eye and verbally destroy them, 30 seconds is enough you do it from the position of power not in a pussy way.

>> No.10106294


You basically have to learn to shoot your bully down verbally.

>> No.10106299
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Alpha AF

>> No.10106312

Also the moment you realize you are winning is the moment when they are starting to struggle with comebacks. Until you are not challenge to them you lose. Make yourself challenge to them. Be in control of the situation.

>> No.10106322

why cant you just stop giving a shit? my first day at new job, work my ass off doing menial stupid task

end of the day two big guys come over to me and ask-you like doing x?


they laugh, I go home

>> No.10106405

Also... take some high caffeine/testosterone booster pre workout before work. Without it you can't push yourself to fight, with it you can't hold yourself back.

>> No.10106430

healthy diet is better than some shitty suplements

eat veggies, fruits, puompkin seeds, yogurt, chicken. shit like that.

look into nofap and intermittent fasting. if you only eat one meal a day you have more energy than if you were eating 3 times per day

also semen retention-IRL missing piece to becoming a living god

>> No.10106449
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>also semen retention-IRL missing piece to becoming a living god

>> No.10106457

Both help. You are talking about longer term health improvement, I'm talking about getting instant aggressiveness when you know you are not on your top game but you need it in few hours.

>> No.10106460

I dunno who this guy is to be honest

>> No.10106464

>healthy diet
>plants, fruits, seeds
Pick one.

>> No.10106467

tips fedora

whats your healthy diet tescos frozen curry+monster?

>> No.10106480

I eat meat and fish as well if thats what ur asking

>> No.10106490

Literally all meat. Carnivory.

Steak, eggs, pork, chicken, butter.

Look it up it will change your life.

>> No.10106492

my morning mix that goes to mixer is powders of schizandra, preworkout, maca, mucuna pruriens, siberian ginseng, astralagus.

+ red bull and some food

People at the office are afraid of me.

>> No.10106499

+ few capsules of pau darco and probiotics

>> No.10106500

never heard of any of that shit other than maca gives you sexual energy. will look into it

>> No.10106512

That stuff has made me 10 years younger as well.

>> No.10106521

o rly? because the main reason why Im doing intermittent fasting and semen retention is to be 10 years younger

>> No.10106540

I also do 2-3 days fasting few days a month on weekends, it indeed works.

>> No.10106543

what did you do, faggot
the story is the price for anyone helping you

>> No.10106553

>few days
few times*

>> No.10106556

The women will always back stab you, just get some other guy to lie for you to be a manager, or get buddy buddy with another manager and use them as a reference.

Don't waste your time on filthy my friend. You're getting nowhere with it

>> No.10106562

because we're witnessing autism in action. that's the simple truth. no amount of advice will help because of the tool through which it is implemented. it will come out all fucked and make it worse. a normal response would be not giving a fuck about some dumbass trying to start shit. just shut their ass up by not caring cause you got shit to do and no amount of some faggot talking shit changes what you gotta do. just dismiss them. they realize they aint shit to you and they get bored. but for an autist it eats them up and they make it worse

>> No.10106586

Carnivory benefits:
Lost weight
Gained muscle
More energy
Better sleep
Scars reduced
Mood stabilized
No farting
No bowel issues
No allergies
Reduced inflammation

>> No.10106592

idc if you're larping or not, this was so autistic it made my day
thank you op, you madman

>> No.10106599

from all the shit that you can do to become a legend, my nr1 is semen retention. this shit is so unreal you have to experience it for yourself, there has been books written about it. you dont have to become a jesus fag and 100% celibate

look into full body orgasms for men. when you are orgasming (with a real woman ideally not in front of porn), you flex your PC muscle and all the energy you would be shooting out of your body, instead goes inwards towards your brain, giving you a full body orgasm which can last for literal minutes. it extends your life expectancy im not even joking

I now live in a completely different reality than 99% of the queers out there

>> No.10106605

how do you eat just meat without anything else? sounds disgusting taste wise. not trashing you, just looking for tips

>> No.10106614

also this is me being a kinky asshole but I ask women who I fuck to spit in my mouth before sex. this is how I steal their energy

Im planning to live 150 years and still fuck 3 times a day once Im there

>> No.10106624

How does spitting in your mouth help? You just get some different kind of bacteria and that's it.

>> No.10106626

No farting or constipation. Riiiiight.

>> No.10106654

Have you considered kys? I think kys would do the trick

>> No.10106660

Do not eat chicken breasts. Eat fatty cuts of meat. The fat will help enormously in sticking with it.

Steak is by far the best. Eating beef is much superior to other meats. Many times I eat a pound of ground beef with cheese as a meal.

It's delicious

>> No.10106665

sexual energy is life and its concentrated in bodily fluids. If I fuck her and make her come a lot, and consume her spit, then I leave with more than I started, thus she doesnt make me lose anything but instead gives to me, empowering me, gives me strength and intelligence. I know its kinda spiritual shit, I dont expect you to get it

>> No.10106671

Farting is literally a mild inflammatory response. Women are right in a sense to be disgusted by it.

If you eat only animal foods you will not fart

>> No.10106674

+ I dont ejaculate, as mentioned earlier

>> No.10106677


Eating too much of beef will possibly get arteries clogged before age 60.

>> No.10106681

Bullshit delusion of 20th century Jewish bigGrain "science".

Meat does not cause arterial blockage.

>> No.10106687


>anon whens the last time you touched a woman
then you can fire back with something about their failed marriage

don't do this retards. engaging is all the proof they need that it got under your skin, and you care. it's all power dynamics. they have the power. what you should do is respond in a way that shows it doesn't bother you but more importantly that what they think matters even less. respond with a shit eating grin and say lightly, "hopefully never dude, women are scary." and just give em a smile. now they're off balance. they can tell you don't give a shit, but now they're thinking, "uhh, maybe i misjudged, this dude probably fucks." either way you take the power back. just respond in that light sarcastic fun way to all this shit. don't engage. and people will respect you more and stop teasing you. the catch of course is you have to do it jokingly with self assured confidence. so for OP you're probably fucked. but for anyone else having the problem of immediately reacting and engaging to defend yourself by "fighting back," this is literally a hack for every interaction you will ever have with anyone to put the power balance in your favor

>> No.10106694

"Meat" does not cause arterial blockage, but beef specifically is extremely high in cholesterol.

now tell me cholesterol doesn't cause arterial blockage so i can laugh at you

>> No.10106696

>whens the last time you touched a woman

should say that youre a virgin or homosexual

>> No.10106697

So what is the cause?

>> No.10106698

This guy has autism

>> No.10106704

Women are fucking weird to work with. I'm a woman and don't even know what determines if they bully men or not. I know what determines if they bully women - women hate all other women they work with. If you're seen as any sort of competition, even for refrigerator space or something bullshit, they'll hate you. My advice? Don't work with women.

>> No.10106707

Cholesterol does not cause arterial blockage in itself.

Cholesterol needs to be understood in context, not some random LDL number count in the bloodstream. Your cells literally need cholesterol to live, it's a necessary lipid.

Look into the way bodies utilize glucose versus ketone bodies.

>> No.10106710

Sugar being prioritized as an energy source because it's recognized as a poison in the body, forcing lipids to be unused as an energy source.

Context is key.

>> No.10106714


Competition between women is interesting to observe, it is pretty nasty.

>> No.10106731

Men who have died because of arterial blockage who I know have all been near 60 whole life beef eaters. Looking physically good outside. You know when you see a person who lives on carbs, they do not look good physically.

>> No.10106738

Learn boundaries. You're in this situation because you're a yes-man. You never say no, so they walk all over you.

>> No.10106748

imo eating too much meat is bad. however the key to nutrition in general is simply to eat less than you think you need to eat.

if you eat once a day, during fasting your body produces growth hormon, you build muscle and burn fat naturally. whole food balanced diet is good, without obsessing over shit like yes meat or no meat, just a bit of everything

after a while you will know what you need intuitively, your body will tell you what it craves

>> No.10106757

>beef eaters.
There's an enormous difference between simply eating beef and eating ONLY beef.

If you supplement beef with a bunch of carbs you're going to die of a heart attack regardless.

The "ONLY" part is key.

>> No.10106760

Do you have this in writing? Emails etc? Email him back and thank him for reviewing the work and picking up the mistakes. Point out that you did the project well in advance and then gently suggest that next time it be reviewed sooner.

Then when next time rolls around, send the project early and keep chasing him to review it. Then when he fucks up like this again, you have a lot of evidence that it's him, not you. In fact, a day before the deadline just take the day off and keep your phone switched off. Let him deal with his own fuck up.

>> No.10106769

>let your body eat itself
Sounds healthy

>> No.10106781

>>Worried they're going to try to get me fired

dont worry they wont be able to get you fired unless you do something stupid yourself like snap at a coworker.

>> No.10106787

it is look into it. our bodies are the exact same body when we were out there hunting wild animals

think about it in ancient times you didnt eat fucking breakfast. you ate one huge meal whenever you had the chance.

one meal a day=win. Just try it for a week and tell me you dont feel pumped as fuck. Get used to being hungry

>> No.10106799


yup, it's called autophagy, your body destroys the weak cells therefore lessening the possibility of cancer as well other benefits.

>> No.10106806

>inb4 they died age 35

false. thats because they died of disease/murder. If you were based as fuck you would live to 150 years, without the 99% of modern bullshit thats shilled to us thats actually killing us

like breakfast

>> No.10106812

I did the whole IF grind.

If you're trying to lose weight without giving a shit, it's useful. If you actually want to be healthy, I guarantee you it's not a good idea.

Starving for a period of time is not healthy. It doesn't matter if we had to do it previously. Successful hunters ate meat.

You should strive to be a successful hunter, not a starving one.

>> No.10106814

If you havent noticed, many people in the workplace come across bullies. Or playful banter or however you wanna call it. If you had any social skills you would know that its better to dominate then to be dominated. Clearly OP doesnt have bantz. I am giving him a cheat sheet that actually works. I'm not concerned with my status at work or life or here on this absolute shitboard. I'm almost a millionaire off of shitcoins lol. Im just trying to help a fellow anon out because I've been there and many of us have to deal with it daily. Unless you're a neet faggot ;)

>> No.10106824

Fasting is awesome. More energy, more boners. My record is 30 days, only water. Clears up skin, promotes hair growth and cuts you up...especially if you go the gym

>> No.10106830

>You should strive to be a successful hunter
lmfao, imagine being this deluded
t. vegan for 4 years, feeling better than ever

>> No.10106831

Or you could eat meat and build muscle instead of literally starving yourself haha

>> No.10106833

How were the last 10 days. I'm curious, never got the nerve to go that far.

>> No.10106838

Go vegan and die.

You are literally withering away.

>> No.10106853

You do a mixture of both. 5 days good eating, weekends fast. Very easy
You feel like you got fresh start. Going a month is a big milestone and you'll feel great that you made it. You wont need sleep as much, your breath eases off the stank smell and even though you're hungry, you can control it better than in the first 2 weeks.

>> No.10106854

It's brutal. They try to pull you down. We very much have a system of alpha-beta too. If alpha female is a bitch, the entire office will have that horrible attitude. If alpha is not a bitch, or if by some chance the office doesn't have bitchy women that do the alpha-beta thing, then the office will be a pleasant place to work.

What have your observations been so far?

>> No.10106856

>terrible advice, this is literally the most autistic response anyone can give to bullying.

not him but 90% of any responses to a shitty situation like OPs is going to be about how you say it. most people say retarded shit all the time but because they don't lose their spaghetti its fine and the conversation continues without a loss of meaning or respect.

op i feel you. i am terrible with confrontations and even simple things make me stumble when it comes to being assertive with people. it's probably a habit though, it's good to push yourself. you did well and can learn from it.

>> No.10106872

that's hilarious, thanks anon

>> No.10106877

Enjoy your malnutrition and phytotoxins.

>> No.10106891

Yourboi pussy will turn into a real pussy if you keep doing that whole vegan thing

>> No.10106895

I eat meat my dude I just eat only once a day

IF is healthy

>> No.10106903

>IF is healthy
No it isn't. It's just a trendy quick fix for weight loss.

>> No.10106924

Jesus fasted. Are you trying to Jesus was wrong? Need I remind you that this puerto Rican tamale rolling board is Christian

>> No.10106926

The looks between women who hate each other are interesting also a lot of backtalking and other subtle games I as a man quite don't understand.

>> No.10106933

intermittent fasting is the natural and optimal way for a human being to consume food

being in a constant proces of digestion=retardation, death

I sleep 4 hours a day, work two jobs, workout, men are afraid of me and women are wet whenever I go. inb4 kek

>> No.10106935

>literally stating the opposite of what world health organisation states
wow anon, you're so smart, thanks for your opinion

>> No.10106939

Here's the optimal way for humans to eat:

>Question: am I hungry?
>Yes, eat meat
>Else, repeat question.

That's it. It LITERALLY is that simple

>> No.10106945


>> No.10106955

You're on 4chan faggot why do you think anyone cares about Jewish bureaucratic organizations?

Why don't you tell me about the history of the funding of diet science and advice over the course of the 20th century?

Protip, like everything else in the 20th century, people were paid off to spread bullshit.

>> No.10106964

yeah this lmao

>caring what some (((global))) (((organisation))) recomends for health

>> No.10107082

Getting yourself outcast by all of your coworkers is not alpha,
but it is still fucking funny

>> No.10107083

probably because when you get insulted you feel ashamed or flustered, you take shit too personally. You probably have self-confidence issues. You need to get over that sorta shit so you don't feel a pang of rage if someone calls you an ugly faggot. Once you get over the knee-jerk emotional response you can more calmy thing of witty things to say.

When it comes to witty comebacks, especially at work, less is usually more. Finding something subtle (but not so subtle that they won't understand) can be more devestating than going full autismo on them, because not only will you be insulting them subtly, but they'll feel like you're either smarter than them, or they'll think you believe you're smarter than them, or they'll think you're implying they're stupid, and this is 100x worse if you can get someone nearby to giggle at your comment.

Basically just get over your own insecurities and calmly come up with subtle insults. Occasionally you'll fall short, it's okay when that happens too where you just say "hah hah whatever dude" and basically let them have that one. Don't always have to one-up everyone (although you should try the majority of the time)

>> No.10107173

You're at work not to make friends but to earn a paycheck. Yes, it's important to have small talk once in a while and not be a complete autist but the "you need friends at work" is a complete meme. Office and corporate environment is a monotonous drone. I don't want that shit in my life. At least before the industrial revolution, people engaged in physical work and had camraderie (you need to since physical tasks DEMAND teamwork) but paperwork? Sitting in your ass all day in front of your computer screen waiting for your shift to end and being so bored out of your mind that office gossip and shit testing other people is what passes off for connecting people in the office? Fuck that bro.

>> No.10107203

>when's the last time you touched a woman

*reach out and touch his arm*

"just now"


>> No.10108132

thanks joe rogan

>> No.10108235

Probably got a body like vitalik

>> No.10108608


>> No.10108838

this, it's like replying to every argument with retard wojaks

>> No.10109019

>Getting life and social situation advice from autists on a Japanese cartoon website

>> No.10109355

0.5/10 shittiest larp of the year

>> No.10110331

I actually have said no before, she ignores it and "asks" me to help anyways. There were cases where I was busy with important things and she still had me help her. Annoying as fuck.

>> No.10110368

The same day she got mad at me I got 2 references just in case. One being a woman I report to who seems to help me out in getting my supervisor to do things my way. If I had enough vacation hours I may just go straight to HR near the end of the day, put my 2 weeks in once I'm ready, and use all my vacation time so I don't have to show up.

>> No.10110373

This is correct. Combined the two are unstoppable.

>> No.10110429

you should never take any advice from "anonymous" ppl.
nothing good can ever come from it.

>u live. u learn.

>> No.10110483

thanks for thank advice, anonymous peep

>> No.10110557
File: 80 KB, 657x539, brainlett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking lol, thinking you are chad based off what you eat, literally some magic worshipping nigger out to get science

>> No.10110686

You can just ignore their taunts, you touchy nimwit. If they do other things beyond that, like messing with your work, then it's beyond verbal abuse.

>> No.10110760

Whether teamwork is required depends on the job. If you're working on a project with other people, teamwork is definitely required.

>> No.10111035

Watch Dr. Strangelove and you will understand, it's a great movie actually.

>> No.10111049

Whenever a coworker insults me I just stare at them for several seconds then look away and pretend they don't exist for the rest of the week. Unnecessary chatter has been reduced as a result.

>> No.10111186

t. vegan cancer patient body

>> No.10111227

>hurr I shouldn't stand up for myself gaiz. Words don't hurt trust me
I'd bet you are one of those wimps who won't even stand up for himself whenever someone talks trash against him. You'd probably be talking about being on the "high ground" and all that jazz while everyone else makes fun of you becuase of how much of a docile fuck and pushover you are.

>> No.10111270

You can have teamwork without camraderie. The thing is there is just something about physical activity that make people bond. As for paperwork, yeah goodluck forming deep friendships when talking about the weather or some other mundane shit. No wonder people are depressed nowadays. All that shit and monotony that you have to go through every single day without purpose or sense of direction.

>> No.10111331

>t. beta
Don't trust this guy, not firing back with an insult but done in a subtle way just encourages them more. Never ever allow someone to walk over you. The moment you fail their shittests, the more people will see that you are a pushover that deserves no respect whatsoever.

>> No.10111421

This is either a massive autist or a cutthroat corporate sociopath. Good lord.

>> No.10111451

>it's odd though, that not giving them attention makes them angry instead being attracted to you
is it though?

>> No.10111527


>> No.10111634


>> No.10111644

you need to strike first
go to hr and say you’re being harassed and work in a hostile environment and will contact a lawyer if it doesn’t get resolved fast

>> No.10111696

that guy should've had a laughing face every time he saw his coworkers like ;DDD

>> No.10111710
File: 8 KB, 221x250, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking im vegan

lol, there are beta virgin and alpha chad meat eaters, and beta virgin and alpha chad vegans. thinking value as a person has anything to do with diet is a sign of autism and on the same level of black magic worshipping niggers in africa

>> No.10111810

do a sjw and sue them

>> No.10111869

Where did I say not to stand up for yourself or anything about higher ground? There's no need to let them bait you into responding. You're only a pushover if you let yourself be. My point was to respond only if their behavior starts going beyond verbal, nothing about being docile.

Friendships and camraderie vary by workplace.

>> No.10112861


>> No.10113196

>thinks verbal dominance has no weight
Fool, that's how it starts. People do their shit tests, then if they see you don't fight back verbally or comeback with witty renarks then they escalate and escalate and before you know it you are at the bottom of the totempole. You then wonder why people pass their jobs off onto you, if you refuse then they try to find faults and then when problens arise you will then be the perfect scapegoat that everybody will pilr up on while they get away scott free from their responsibilities. You are clearly a sheltered faggot if you think it's best just to ignore verbal shittests.

>> No.10113996
File: 80 KB, 1236x1320, Pink Wojak Coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you cruel bastards! On /biz/!?

OP, if you're reading this, definitely do NOT mimic their voices in a retarded manner. You will literally look and sound like a retard and they WILL laugh in your face knowing that you thought long and hard to come back with something and this was the best you could do.
The advice isn't necessarily bad for the average socialite but given how autistic you'd sound I could just see you fucking it up.

Want my advice? Move jobs. Take this as a learning experience and it should make you better at dealing with bullies in the future. When you get to a new spot, no one is going to be out to get you because you haven't done anything wrong (unless you're very ugly - people will find a reason). If some Brad comes in early with a dig (which is probably friendly in all honestly) just come back at him with a friendly dig, not with malice but show him you can handle the bants. Idk if he asks "hey dude is that a blouse? Looks like a woman's shirt" then you just say "ah man what the hell? You into that stuff?" and perhaps follow up jokingly with "state a ya" when he defends himself.
This is an example by the way, don't try to learn this shit off.

>> No.10114333


>> No.10114415


>normies make fun of the incel
>everyone laughs
>incel flips it around
>everyone gets mad

Why do normgroids behave this way? Is everything a oneway street of abuse for them?