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10092122 No.10092122 [Reply] [Original]

net neutrality, still a dream or a reality?

will my data be secure or they sell it but 'm poor?

can I run some nodes from home and not serve the ISP kingdom??.

how will my e-biz behave if I will convert to SKeY ?

wish to just plug&play and my diy to be ok.

>> No.10092130
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fuck sky, APOLLO is building the new internet.
and you can get 1800 of them for free, just by joining their telegram.


you're welcome.

>> No.10092154
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>He thinks this scam dumpster fire has a future.

>> No.10092158

Holy shit you retards actually think "Crypto" is going to be "the next internet"

Oh fuck this board is full of retards, shills, and retards.

>> No.10092164

don't you want free coins dude? i'm delivering you free money.

again, the link is


>> No.10092165

wutt? todayz reality is that they sell ure data and u remain poor while ISP kingdom iz gettin bigger by minute. thatz that. don't know what biz u run but update it to the newest shit cause u get an advantage before ure competitor, at least from is point of view.

nice rhymes

>> No.10092178

>The newest scam needs paid shills they don't have to pay
>Idea: Give away free coins so it builds small coalition of boomer retards to shill on the interwebs for you.

I should make a crypto

>> No.10092219


You have no idea what you are talking about. Bragging around and having no brains.

You must be paid with stinky shitcoins for this stupid fudding otherwise I can't explain your lack of imagination and passion

>> No.10092258


i've seen projects like this before. it will take no prisoners. regarding isp, sky approach is more like "i use you until i replace u"

>> No.10092280

Got an email for a skyminer. Not sure if I should get it. Is this the real deal? Everyone around me will use the Internet for free and I get paid? What’s the catch, besides being the new Internet baron for these free loaders

>> No.10092326

There is no net neutrality. That being said using the skyminer will give you a powerful high speed connection , not to mention. Bring you some $$

>> No.10092400

if this is not a real deal I dont know what is
U can get it now, incentives are pretty ok and the whol deal is not time or energy consuming
U should be ok

>> No.10092411

Net neutrality is not dead, and it still can be a reality.

Now it is political, and the law on net neutrality is looming. Skycoins creates an alternative internet, providing a peer to peer network circumventing ISPs delivering control back to the user. Now let's see what is gonna happen with this law. I know it was a protest this week

>> No.10092422

i already know the answer wanted u to get the offer

i'll get rid of all that's old and I'm gonna bath in gold

only after i succeed to care&grow my skyseed

>> No.10092427


where was it? any worth mentioning effects afterwards?

>> No.10092433

Now is all about the new internet, rather than net neutrality. Waiting for it to revolutionize the world and people realise how much can change the perspective over the interneg. I am pro freedom of internet >skywire is a solution, but I am waiting for more

>> No.10092513

This is the most Pajeet thread I've seen in a while.

>> No.10092522

>freedom of internet >P2P network>> no throttling, blocking, censorship >>>fast, private, encrypted, secure>>>> community consensus

no more words are necessary this shows everything

>> No.10092527

is it possible to get rid of ISP for good? like fuck ISP, and preapproved websites, ISP bans and other shits??
Hooooow? I am waiting for the new internet for decades, sick of bs controlled internet

>> No.10092528


If you are pro freedom on net then you must be pro skywire miner because right now is the ONLY viable solution.

Transparency, lack of censorship, decentralisation, safety, they are all met

>> No.10092532

Try Skywire.
mesh network with nodes in diverse locations, all connected transmitting internet traffic creating the spider web effect. mesh networks operate differently than traditional centralized network. using Skywire as a network you will have a better alternative for access and control of the internet. And this is just the beginning of a new era.

>> No.10092593

I am pro skywire until something else comes out. btw did I understood right that skywire will act as a VPN until the antennas start shipping? will skywire have other functions?

>> No.10092618


diy now or wait for something better. On Reddit skycoin devs claim they will make new skyminers
$30 the cost of a single node miner for instance

>> No.10092669
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Cool,wai to see those new skyminers
Ofc I do want something better thats the purpose of tech. I like DIY and the idea that I contribute

>> No.10092696


joking aside, yesss

isp will be out in 10 years, like out, out almost forgotten

until then nodes can be run over isp, like an extra layer

running nodes, u dont even have to pay for the net

sky pays u for giving net and running nodes, right now just for running it

>> No.10092705

When will be the next round of testnet whitelisting? I wanna try it and go for a DIY miner but I am afraid I will not be able to do it properly

>> No.10092712

Keep in mind that the skyw network is 1 level abstracted from the internet, being def by a relationship between nodes and by the ability for inf to move between them, not by any particular transport medium between nodes. The antennas provide ability to move inf but still can use other funct of skyw

>> No.10092715

Is Skycoin even a legit thing? I always kind of assumed it was a bullshit way for the people behind the Crypto to make yet another scammy coin with a solution that "pays" people in a coin with no value.

Mesh Internet projects never take off because nobody can figure out how to make hicks who live in the spaces between cities adopt the tech so even under ideal situations you'd just have a city wide local internet that's cut off from the greater worldwide network and I doubt farmer bill cares about getting his hands on that coin.

>> No.10092730


if u afraid then don't do it

this project is fearful

if sky devs were afraid of the market or the haters they wouldn't have got here

whitelisting doesn't have an end

Wait for their call

>> No.10092743

It really says something when I honestly cannot tell if you're trolling or just somewhat retarded. This fucking website, man.

>> No.10092772

Why wouldn`t be legit? behind the crypto are so many coins and if you take a look around you will realize is not a scam at all. the presence of mesh net is everywhere, dev teams are working on it, prototypes are out, conferences, etc. tech is developing, wait for it

>> No.10092785

Having no fucking clue why only some get whitelisted when I worked so fucking hard to put all that shit together. Am I ever going to be whitelisted or wtf???!

>> No.10092791

>Why wouldn`t be legit?

Because most Crypto projects aren't legit?

Ok yeah so I read this stuff but then if I try to find examples of Skycoin's network out in the wild or if anyone is actually using the existing network for anything I come up with nothing.

Sometimes I feel like i'm the one guy who isn't in on the joke. Like maybe Skycoin is just one giant meme and people say they're using it and it's great but it's all bullshit.

Mesh Internet projects i'm 100 percent down for but the second you threw crypto in there my bullshit alarm goes off.

>> No.10092838

Tell me again how would you build a new decentralized internet without incentivising people financially to do so?
Whatever else you think is the next internet is centralized and prone to censorship.

>> No.10092848

It started testnet this June, how would anyone use the network yet

>> No.10092866

all diy are getting whitlisted douchebag. nobody wants an overcrowd to crash the system. wait your turn this one is mine

>> No.10092870
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So what you're telling me is people are getting hyped up for a meshnet project that does not exist.

Yeah ok

>> No.10092934


it's all based on logic. switch on your brain because is soooo simple! obviously in such cases interprocess communication needs to get updated so it will be able tosustain everyone. there are almost 6 k ! nodes registrated. imagine all of those getting in at once

>> No.10092944

The VPN network works and you can use it for free (I use it for US Netflix)
The antenna project will come in the future. Of course people hype about stuff that's not ready yet. If it's ready, it's too late to buy. But having already over 5000 nodes online, skycoin is already a success without any antennas.

>> No.10092970

yeah, that is how people can motivated but the coin must have a good value too. for a month already it's around $6, only the hope for a better future value can work as an incentive tool, otherwise they will have to come up with another incentive plan. the idea itself is quite good, I would go for the decentralized meshnet without expecting the rewards just because I find it cool and well designed, but few are like me and few have the saame interests as I do. they also directed the attention on that rewarding scheme just to compete with btc&eth

>> No.10092977

$100 end of year

>> No.10092992


yo, havin their antenna is just a matter of preference. any antenna can be used for the same purpose

>> No.10093034

Volunteer meshnets have been attempted in the past but failed.
Incentivising random people to run a node is the main reason why cryptos are successful.

>> No.10093038

wewlad is a stupid cunt btw

>> No.10093329

the antennas provide the ability to move information without having to use Tier 3 ISP owned infrastructure and will make it easier for more people to participate in the network, but they are not required for the core functionality of Skywire to work

>> No.10093402

the anntenas are just for the speed and performance, not mandatory, not untill meshnet is more widespread and you will choose it because you want let's say the best quality for those 50km range u want to cover

>> No.10094063

people use the VPN right now