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10065496 No.10065496[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>before meeting him, his gf/wife opened her legs for other men and let them inject semen inside of her
>he thinks he will make it

>> No.10065769

he thinks he will make it as a 29yo boomer

>> No.10065774

lmfao u guys really still running that incel delusion that a girl that's fucked other guys before can't stay loyal? must feel awful to be that insecure

>> No.10065785

NEET cope, sage go's in all fields. Just end it allready you are never gonna find someone to share your life with.

>> No.10065789
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So many kids on this forum have such low self-esteem. Kiddos, a non-virgin girl doesn't cheat because she didn't wait for marriage. The girl doesn't cheat because she's with an alpha. You low betas think the only girl that would stay with you is someone who is a virgin and doesn't know that you're awful in bed. Truth is, as long as you stay such incels, you're right. Good luck.

>> No.10065871

>le incel xdddd
back to soiddit newfags

>> No.10065884

>t. literal cuckold

>> No.10065901
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>> No.10065909

Feels weird to see someone marry some dumb chick you nutted in a couple years earlier

>> No.10065959
File: 990 KB, 960x540, chadnaldo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marrying women
>having long term commitment
>not just using her as a cock sleeve then dumping when you find someone better
never gonna make it

>> No.10066626

>he posts his male insecurities as 4chan green text

>> No.10066668

Whether she cheats or not, you're stuck with used goods the rest of your life. Imagine driving same used Honda Civic forever that 5 other guys already beat up and put dents in vs a brand new BMW that you and only you have ever taken on the road and maintained.

>> No.10066748

Have fun fucking that leathery blown out cunt while she fantasizes about the time she let Tyrone, Rakeem, and Dayquan run a train on her.

>> No.10066756
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Today at work a 35 y.o chick was talking about s names. I asked her what would my name have been. She said I would have been a chad. Feels good man.

>> No.10066762

90s names*

>> No.10066766

>having a penis this small
No wonder you are insecure

>> No.10066767

>i cant get laid but it's okay because those normies are not fucking virgins! haha! checkmate normies

>> No.10066786
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Mazel tov OP

>> No.10066789

>Tyrone, Rakeem, and Dayquan
Did they fuck your crush in high school, anon?

>> No.10066792

t. toasty roasty

>He enjoys fucking a pile of roast beef soaked in 12 other guys' semen

>> No.10066845

Who cares. Fuck a girl that's cute an be done with it. Marriage is risky no matter what and the concept only survived due to religios nutjobs.
A girl would be retarded to swear loyalty to any of you fuckwits anyway. And you dont wanna procreate with the mentally challanged do you?

>> No.10066858


Ironically red pilled ad because everyone unilaterally would rather own an unused car.

>> No.10066876

I really really really like this song:
Also this one:

>> No.10066882

The difference is that you actually need a car.

>> No.10066898

Why is there so much pathetic incel shit on the board lately. Fuck off with that shit. U already have sad corners of the internet to cry in. Go back there.

>> No.10066911

The car analogy doesn't work for me. I drive used cars with good gas mileage because I'm cheap and don't want debt.

>> No.10066922

The amount of people that are unhappy or will regret their decisions in this thread is hilarious.
You boys leave all the Chad fucking to me. I will brush you aside as my clan follows me in tow, tall and strong.

>> No.10066956

the chance of her not cheating decreases steadily the more previous sexual partners she has had.

This has been well researched.

Sexual infidelity in a national survey of American women: Differences in prevalence and correlates as a function of method of assessment. MA Whisman, DK Snyder, Journal of Family Psychology,Vol. 21, No. 2, 147–154.

Sexual Exclusivity among Dating, Cohabiting, and Married Women, Renata Forste and Koray Tanfer, Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 58, No. 1 (Feb., 1996), pp. 33-47

Sexual Infidelity among Married and Cohabiting Americans. Author(s): Judith Treas and Deirdre Giesen, Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 62, No. 1 (Feb., 2000), pp. 48-60.
Premarital Sex, Premarital Cohabitation, and the Risk of Subsequent. Marital Dissolution Among Women
Kahn and London. Joan R. Kahn, Kathryn A. London, 'Premarital Sex and the Risk of Divorce', Journal of Marriage and the Family 53 (1991): 845-855.
Harmful Effects of Early Sexual Activity and Multiple Sexual Partners Among Women
Cherkas et al. (2004). Genetic Influences on Female Infidelity and Number of Sexual Partners in Humans: A Linkage and Association Study on the Role of the Vasopressin Receptor Gene (AVPR1A). Twin Research, 7, 649–658.
Infidelity in Committed Relationships II: A Substantive Review. AJ Blow, K Hartnett, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. April 2005, Vol. 31, No. 2, 217-233.

every single study done on female fidelity and finds that the more previous sexual partners a woman has , the higher the probability of her cheating. Also the higher the number of premarital sexual partners, the higher the probability of her marriage ending in divorce.

>> No.10066977

Oddly enough it's the same way with men.

Harsh reality? There aren't enough virgins for every man. The vast majority of you will either not get married or end up with a non-virgin. That choice is up to the individual, but the part that is hilarious to me is the level of projection from people on this board. Why do you care?

>> No.10067085


>> No.10067102

Yea, that sounds like a wonderful world to live in. It also means males are forced to be virgins by proxy.

>> No.10067157

If I can live without it so can Chad

>> No.10067161

Enjoy your ban absolute virgin nigger faggots
If i cant trade eth for sharpie poopers you cant post this pussy shit

>> No.10067170

Sorry you don't get any, I enjoy it and would rather not have the state interfere in my sex life any more than they already do.

>> No.10067187

you're right but it is still valid to consider a virgin to be more desirable than a non-virgin, other things being equal.
And it's rational to try and get a virgin to some degree.
And it's a no-brainer to avoid sluts as long term partners.

My current gf has had 3 previous sexual partners , none of whom she had sexual activity with more than once, and I have pretty good reason to believe that she is telling the truth , so I'm pretty satisfied on that front. She'll have a much less desensitised pair-bonding behaviour than sluts who have fucked 10+ guys.

>> No.10067198

Meanwhile, OP aka bubs the virtuous virgin is busy fapping to anime in his parents basement or alone in his 1 bedroom apartment

>> No.10067203

Its not tho u fucking muslim nigger virgins are un experienced and boring eat shit nigger

>> No.10067229

This is actually a rational view though, there are absolutely shades of grey in this. Saying "any woman who isn't a virgin is a slut" isn't true. In addition, we completely ignore oral sex when referring to virginity.

Personally, virginity wasn't a priority for me. It was finding someone I enjoyed being around and can spend the rest of my life with.

This is a dumb attitude towards it. A virgin is inexperienced and may not know much. But it's your job as a partner to guide her and teach. And it's just like anything else in life as she experiences something new. If you aren't terrible at it, she'll enjoy it.

>> No.10067288
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not OP but it hurts

>> No.10067354

>he thinks he's an intellectual
>clings to outdated morals invented by ancient sheep herders

>> No.10067371


>> No.10067391 [DELETED] 
File: 430 KB, 739x653, 1477798836444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even waste your time arguing with that unsophisticated pleb

>> No.10067421
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Don't even waste your time arguing with that unsophisticated pleb

>> No.10067431

>3 one night stands
>not a whore

Your gf's pair bonding is more fucked up than a woman who has fucked a man numerous times while being in a serious relationship with him.

>> No.10067437

While comparing a woman to an object is quite appropriate, they are not the same.

>> No.10067441

The ammount of projection in this thread is staggering
Stay insecure virgins

>> No.10067516

> his gf/wife is a virgin and has no idea how to sexually satisfy a man
> thinks he is going to make it

>> No.10067551

>Dick is rocket science with quantum physics sprinkled on top
When u kiss ur gee eff/ waif you kiss me seed on her mutilated lips with barnacle thoughts stuck in her mind MY BOY.

>> No.10067552

This board consists mainly of autistic virgi neets.

They never communicate with a girl, let a alone fuck one.+ considering most of them are fat fucks, who won't even see their dicks because of their enormous man tits, of course they are insecure.

>> No.10067559
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>> No.10067592
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The amount of basedboys in this thread is amazing.

I guess it's true when they say that evil appears when you speak of it...

>> No.10067601

We're already on plebbit, though.

>> No.10067627
File: 115 KB, 955x1024, 40625529-299E-409B-A321-9E1B46217915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he unrionically thinks it’s a good thing his current gf has had multiple sexual partners because that makes her more “experienced”.