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10057934 No.10057934 [Reply] [Original]

You're 5'8 with an IQ of 100. Every inch you add you lose 7 IQ points. Every inch you lose you add 10 IQ points. What do you do?

>> No.10057944


>> No.10057948

Nothing because I’m comfortable in my own skin

>> No.10057951

become 0'1, take over the world. ez pz

>> No.10057954

lose 67 inches and play 26D chess with the world

>> No.10057959

you're 5'8 w/ an iq of 100?

>> No.10057962

5'5 130 IQ.

Move to Southeastern Asian country or South America and become a succesful politician/businessman. Best path for maximum money, roasties, and hapiness.

>> No.10057975

Become a 4ft genius that bio engineers a way to increase growth in humans after they hit adulthood so that I can grow myself back to 6ft 2in

>> No.10057977

Add 100 inches, subtract 93 inches.
Now I'm 6'3 and have an IQ of 330

>> No.10057990

fucking hackers

>> No.10058006
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but haven't you just added 7 inces in the end

>> No.10058018


He's saying that Op's question assumes you are insecure

>> No.10058028

4'0 280 IQ and I will be making so much money women will beg me to fuck them

>> No.10058041

I become 3'0 with an IQ of 420.

>> No.10058045


>> No.10058056

be 2 inches tall

>> No.10058060

ok retard

>> No.10058093

Well since I'm already a manlet and I'd have to become clinically retarded to have a decent height I'd become a 1 foot tall hypergenius and becomic a comic book level evil genius.

>> No.10058100

I'm 6"2 and 127 as measured by a psychologist, you're over optimistic. You need drive, not just raw processing power

Learning the language would suck

>> No.10058107

BONUS. You're a 30 yr old boomer with a 4 inch dick. Every dick inch you add you add 15 yrs, every inch you lose you lose 10 yrs.

>> No.10058111


>> No.10058121

The bonus question is combined with the original question

>> No.10058160

20" newborn with a 1" dick and a 580 IQ then

>> No.10058167

become 105yr old w/ 10 inch dick and bang all the 18yr old tinder sluts

>> No.10058185

as a newborn w/ no knowledge ur iq would b wasted and the state would prob seize you before you could use ur intelligence for ur own good

>> No.10058253

>the state would probably seize you
Unlikely to be detected for a while, its not like they give IQ tests to toddlers
>ur iq would be wasted
If the state actually were to seize a hypergenius child and take them from their parents it wouldn't be wasted as they'd be sure to make use of them and they'd try to keep them happy because loyal people do better work.

Though you don't exactly see governments taking child prodigies in most first world countries so this seems pretty paranoid to me.

>> No.10058483

High IQ and tall enough to marry an Asian qt. Rent some Aryan wombs to fix the height genes and dominate the world with my IQ.

>> No.10058587

IQ is a detriment not a good thing idiots. The higher your IQ the less happy you'll be in life

>> No.10058641

>thinking that you won’t be an autistic fuck with a high iq
kek I’ll take my 6’4 CHAD stature with a nigger iq. Will still have more money than everyone ITT. Chad’s succeed, autistes do not.

>> No.10058654
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4'5" (same height as dinklage/tyrion lannister) and easily the smartest person in the world

>> No.10058668

Lose an inch, add an inch, lose an inch, add an inch.... infinitely. Become infinite dick and intellect.

>> No.10058709
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Nah uh, I cycle between extreme happiness with reckless abandon and being bedridden by depression for years.


>> No.10058725

5' with 180 IQ
Be gay asf bottom

>> No.10058739

I’m 6’1 with an IQ of 135 kek

>> No.10058801

200 iq
Transition into a loli

>> No.10058815

I wish I was at least 5'8

>> No.10059727
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>> No.10059829

>be a midget with 200iq that allows you to play the system and become one of the wealthiest people
>proceed to buy every model, playboy bunny and other top tier girls you can think off
Really no competition. Being a manlet is comfy anyway, being poor and dumb is not.

>> No.10059842

4 foot tall me here I come.

>> No.10059893

I've already experienced being tall and dumb so I'd like to try out tiny genius. Like, 4 foot 7.

>> No.10059906

This, OP's question is retarded

>> No.10059917
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>functionally retarded average height(6'0)
>Literal genius at 5'0/180iq

>> No.10059931

Get to 7 ft join the nba

>> No.10060298

Become 1 inch tall
Have iq of 780
Die by giantess roastie stepping on me with her stinky feet

>> No.10060340

I would to to 2’1 in a Hearth beat would make a formula to make me tall or do the chinese breaking leg terapi or HGH treatment

>> No.10060354

Remove my dick and enjoy nonexistence.

>> No.10060405

i would prefer to be shorter so i could more easily pass as a trap

>> No.10060506

Go to my normal height of 5'5 except smarter I guess. EZ win

>> No.10060522

4ft5 and hookers.

>> No.10060607

You'd have an IQ of -60

>> No.10060611

5'2" I guess with a 160 iq

>> No.10060617
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>Add 10,000 inches, subtract 10,000 inches, add 10,000 inches.
>Repeat x1000.
>Am now Galactus

>> No.10060659
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>> No.10060663

Ben Shapiro 5'4 140iq

>> No.10060691

Infant with 1 inch penis

>> No.10060692

Become 70 IQ gangbanging Chad, obviously

>> No.10060701
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0'1 with IQ of 670

>> No.10060985
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>1.5 mm
>IQ: UɴғᴀtHomᴀʙMe

>> No.10061046

i would unironically drop down to 4'6", shave my head and dye my skin green goblin green, and run for prime minister of canada

this is good too

thanks for this thread, OP

>> No.10061942


Ugh, nothing worse than those "good vibes" douches that itch to tell everyone how happy and confident they are.

>> No.10061953

Become a genius and start trapping

>> No.10062521

So you’re telling me i’ll be just fine?

>> No.10062664

You'd invent a way to make yourself taller.

>> No.10062675

>Though you don't exactly see governments taking child prodigies in most first world countries so this seems pretty paranoid to me.
Maybe we just don't know about it.

>> No.10062681

i ignore this question because im 6'2" and 140 IQ

>> No.10062705

>IQ is a detriment not a good thing idiots. The higher your IQ the less happy you'll be in life

I think the sweet spot is in the 115-130 range. Even 130 is pushing it. People get really maladjusted and unhappy from almost everyone around themselves being lesser in very important ways. By the time one reaches adulthood and its easier to seek out people more on one's own level, it's often too late.

>> No.10062727

>58 IQ turd believing he’s at 140

>> No.10062737

lose 2 inches
live a happy life thinking im smart

>> No.10062740

>Mfw peter dinklage did this

>> No.10062751

As a 5'6 120 iq manlet irl, I can assure you you're going to be miserable

>> No.10062857

i'm 5'7" with 135

>> No.10063175

Be chad
44 IQ

>> No.10063229

become an atom and split.

>> No.10063243

lose 4 inches

>> No.10063260

>You're 5'8 with an IQ of 100. Every inch you add you lose 7 IQ points. Every inch you lose you add 10 IQ points. What do you do?
I give up 4 inches to attain a Mensa-level IQ. Height is overrated, we're not cavemen anymore. Physical ability is secondary in modern times to intellectual capacity. Sure, roasties wouldn't be attracted to me, bit who the fuck cares about them.

>> No.10063262


Lose 6 inches and become a trap.

>> No.10063284


I'd take midget height, so under 5 feet, for genius level IQ. I could probably find some way to invent gene manipulation for better height in my offspring at that point, even if I don't get to be tall.

>> No.10063605

Will my width shrink/grow proportionally? I don't wanna be 1 inch tall and 40 inches wide like some weird blob.
Assuming it does, 5'8 is already comically small so I'll go 1 inch tall and tell people I was hit by a shrink ray. Heck, I'm that smart I could probably invent a growth ray

>> No.10064315

Actually lold

>> No.10064485

As if you wouldn't drop off 8inches and become the world's smartest man.
You'd reconcile your height with your supreme intelligence.

>> No.10064498

This isn't pokemon gen 1 anon

>> No.10064524

you'd be absolutely miserable

>> No.10064556

Intelligence is always the stat to max in every game, real life included.

>> No.10064767

Can I take an inch off for 7 iq points? If so confirmed for 4'6 198 IQ. Ignoring your rules. My diminutive size would make my IQ even more impressive. Gotta be a freak

>> No.10064794

80 iq is probably the best iq level for satisfaction

>> No.10065445

go down to 1in and come up with a new drug to make me 6ft4

>> No.10065464

i'm 6'6 with an iq of 143 lol. i'm a literal god but i'm too smart for my own good and have insane anxiety issues. what a waste

>> No.10065468

remain the same

>> No.10066297

I'm 5'11 with 153 iq though
it's almost tempting to trade that for 6'1 with 139 iq, but then again no thanks

>> No.10066340
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>mfw 6'1 120 IQ
Lmao genelets

>> No.10066420
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Say fuck that retarded shit and 100x on https://www.theaccountingblockchain.io/?aId=7543845-2892534

>> No.10066441

I become a tiny supervillain

>> No.10067377

Stay at 30 and just jelq and stretch, adding 1 inch in a year (I actually did this)

>> No.10067382

>tfw I’m literally 5’3” with 140 iq already and 7.5” dick

Feels good man.

>> No.10067402

Become 6'10" 14 IQ golden god

>> No.10067423

grow 8 inches and put on blackface and get sjws to pay for me.

>> No.10067455

5x50 +140 190 iq would only make me more autistic and sad i would make muh dick bigger

>> No.10067457

add ∞ inches and lose ∞ inches to gain 3×∞ IQ becoming literally God

>> No.10067527
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Nigga you fine with being 5'3"?

>> No.10067547

add like 4 feet and then lose 3 feet 1.5 inches.

>> No.10067661

>spend my days fucking gf and cooking then hitting beach

It’s awful! Send help! Kek back to r9k pal.

>> No.10067687

140 IQ 6'5 here. Can't imagine being being a brainlet or a manlet. Based genetics.

>> No.10067692

Fug. Must feel bad when you're standing next to a taller person tho. I'm 5'10 and I kinda wish I was taller. (IQ is 132 and dick size is also 7 inch+ btw)

>> No.10067763
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I’ve literally never experienced this, what’s it like being this insecure? Who did this to you? Lmao. It’s usually either a fucked up mom or gf who fucks guys up like this.

>> No.10067783

and how do you fix it?

>> No.10067835
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Never under any circumstances listen to what a female says, their sole purpose in life is to manipulate you and they can smell emotionally vulnerable guys like you a mile away.

>> No.10067863

I’m pretty fine mate

>> No.10068059

140iq would make you way to autistic for females unless living your life as a small person somehow shaped you into being less autistic to compensate looks being shorter actually got you a gf

>> No.10068081
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Roasties words coming out of an incels mouth, good boy.

>> No.10068092

I live to make israel proud masters

>> No.10068120
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Go all the way down to 0 and transcend the need for physical presence.

>> No.10068142

5'2 with 160iq. Ill start hrt.

>> No.10068154

But i'm a 5'9 manlet with a 125 iq.

>> No.10068216
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What if you go negative

>> No.10068258

I'd rather have a version where I the more IQ you lose the more you turn into a cute bimbo trap desu

>> No.10068290

Depends, if I drop under a certain height will I incur similar health problems that midgets have? If not, then I'm willing to go as low as 4 feet to have an astronomically high IQ, while still being tall enough to function in normal society without issues.

>> No.10068332

> be 4'8
> be the smartest person to ever live by a massive margin
> opie thinks I wouldn't get laid
> opie thinks I wouldn't spread my seed and create a new, hyper-intelligent species

>> No.10068436

Nah man. I'm actually not insecure about it at all. It just happens when you'd stand next to taller guys and feel like a manlet. I have a 6'1 friend who also experiences this lol. Also it's not that I feel like I'm short and hat it's a terrible thing. It's just that there doesn't seem tl be any side effect to gaining a few inches in height. Would be a cool thing, y'know

>> No.10068515
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>It's just that there doesn't seem tl be any side effect to gaining a few inches in height.


>Nah man. I'm actually not insecure about it at all.
>standing next to certain people makes me feel a certain way about myself, my friends feel this way too, so it must mean its normal and not that I commiserate with fellow insecure people

Oh, my sweet anon...

>> No.10068715

Languages are fun to learn brainlet

>> No.10068820

Sounds like bipolar disorder my dude. Have you ever been hospitalized for a manic episode?

>> No.10069108

i'm at 5'8 with an iq of 120~ and i'm perfectly fine with this
fuck lanklets, they can't be cute fuckbois anyway