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10032543 No.10032543 [Reply] [Original]

I keep reading these posts where guys have 6 figures of LINK, and I’m gettin worried. Is 20k enough? I’m a poorfag who fell for the college meme

>> No.10032586

you won't make it, but you'll make a shit ton of money

people have been pretty clear on this since the ICO - you need at least 100k to make it.

just keep trading your way up or adding more fiat, whichever is easiest for you. i was a 20k LINKlet once, and now i'm at 75k. well, worth 75k that is, currently holding 50k.

as i get closer i'm becoming a lot more conservative in my trades - my target is 100k by the end of 2018

>> No.10032609

what is "making it?" In fiat value?

>> No.10032616

What price are you expecting within 2-3 years?

>> No.10032677

this guy is retarded
trade ur link and you will get btfo
mainnet is sooner then you think

>> No.10032697

i consider making it to be achieving a net worth of 1 million dollars.

my personal prediction for LINK is $5-10 ATH, and then stabilizing somewhere in the $3-5 range.

>> No.10032698
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Report in sir !

>> No.10032703

which is when exactly? Everybody and their mother is expecting Sept

>> No.10032704

Im humble

what would 10k be in fiat?

>> No.10032714

>trade ur link and you will get btfo
this. is you can afford it, buy now ffs. if not, just buy when you have money available. but dont try and day-trade your stack up. it never works, or atleast rarely works.

>> No.10032722

when 1000?

>> No.10032725

i'm a retard for x3ing my LINK stack? what?
everyone in crypto accepts the level of risk that they're comfortable with. moving in and out of LINK and into other stuff is how you get more of it, plain and simple.

like i said now that mainnet is much closer i prefer to stay majority in LINK (holding 50k, worth 75k)

>> No.10032727

10k Satoshi eoy

>> No.10032730

Might as well go to a psychic for fortune telling anons. At least you’ll get a kick.

>> No.10032743

At $10, 100k stack is $ 1 mil if you time it exactly. If you're a burger, then be prepared to get taxed at least 1/3 to almost 1/2 if you try to cash out. If you don't, at $5, it's only half mil again.

>> No.10032756

its going to 1000

>> No.10032766

You guys are so deluded, holy fuck, sorry for the newfags falling for this shit

>> No.10032774

Have 10k. I want an apartment.

>> No.10032805

honestly if all the speculation ends up being correct it will blow way past $1000. Who really knows with crypto (I don't think btc will stay king forever). I'm not gonna sell for at least 4 years but I'm a linklet.

>> No.10032809

Chainlink will likely be used by SWIFT in ways people only dream that Ripple will be. If Chainlink by being used SWIFT in reality reaches the same marketcap Ripple did based around those 'dreams' LINK would be $250 a piece, and SWIFT is only a small fraction of what Chainlink will be used for.

>> No.10032837

>then be prepared to get taxed at least 1/3 to almost 1/2 if you try to cash out.

long term capital gains rate in US is 15%, desu.


>> No.10032840

Lmao everyone remember this faggot when he sells his link at $3-$5, when link is over $1k a token let’s all donate him some rope

>> No.10032870

There's a federal rate and an individual state rate. The highest state rate is like 20%

>> No.10032885

if i sell 100k LINK at $10 a piece, trust me i think i'm gonna be ok lol

i'm not a greedy motherfucker like most of you guys, i just want to live comfortably, work a job that i enjoy, and put the rest of my funds in more safe investments

>> No.10032889

its 1000eoy so 20k investment now gets you 20million.. not sure if thats enough to live off but close

>> No.10032897
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>> No.10032914
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pink ID says all i need.
shoo shoo
Never sell boys, no matter what price you got in at before this, you are holding some disruptive future changing stuff

>> No.10032935

So if our linkie gets to $10 or higher within a year, you're telling me you wouldn't sell? short term cap gain taxed at income tax bracket.... either way big gamble

>> No.10032947

link is gonna be 1k in 5+ years so you won't be fuck off rich but still rich

>> No.10032951

When it’s $1000 a piece and you have none trust me you will kill yourself and I hope you do for doubting Sergey you normie piece of shit

>> No.10032966

>muh “more safe” investments
LMAO keep handing over your money to the kikes I know they love suckers

>> No.10032969

>Future multi millionaire
>Wants to live in an apartment

>> No.10032983

if the fundamentals change and i start seeing some real partners and use cases coming into effect, maybe i'll adjust my price predictions. until then my long term target is $10

best of luck to you anon

>> No.10032998

>There's a federal rate and an individual state rate. The highest state rate is like 20%

Yes you are right. My bad. Looks like worst is California, which is ~13% (California does not have a separate rate for capital gains -- so this is just their top rate for income)

So, yes, it is up closer to 1/3. Still don't see how it gets to 50% but 1/3 still sucks.

>> No.10033001

Profit take alone the way. Secure your principal plus some gravy, ride the rest to moon/longer term.

>> No.10033018


muh "oracle" adoption
muh $1k eoy

Jesus imagine being this deluded

>> No.10033019

I don't know if you guys are honestly being serious anymore or not. It's not going to moon, it's never going to moon. Have you seen the charts lately?
>muh when mainnet is out
>muh when x happens

It's not going to happen. It will never be worth anything. You dumb idiots, goddamnit

>> No.10033024

Why $10??? It either works or it doesn't. If it doesn't then it's worth 0. If it does then $10 will be a stepping stone.

>> No.10033027

10k is enough OP its all relative. Those with more links will sell at lower price while you will sell it for more.

>> No.10033072

thanks anon. This is helpful chart. Actually kind of surprised to see that the spread is narrower than I would have guessed. Highest rate is 33% but lowest rate is 25%. yes yes, that 8% difference is a lot of money if you are cashing out a lot, but not sure it's worth it to move to another state over. Maybe I'll change my tune when my 25K link is worth 25 Milll eoy, though....

>> No.10033097

I live in CA myself so I've done the research. I believe you'd have to claim residency after living somewhere for a year, unfortunately.

>> No.10033108

It's not going to happen for link. Other teams are working on their own oracle. It's too fucking late.

>> No.10033110

Nah. Can you imagine pulling your principle and 'gravy' out of BTC at 10 bucks? That is some shit gravy.

>> No.10033120

Meant for

>> No.10033135

>Unable to present valid reasons for concern with the project
Stay poor you filthy no linker

>> No.10033160

If Link has real customers lined up at mainnet it's not going to matter what the overall market sentiment is. People are going to start getting paid in LINK.

1 Billion LINK tokens is really not that many considering what they're trying to do. They could have billions of transactions per day.

>> No.10033176


if you were here in October you'd know that edging is a cornerstone of the SmartContract.com company. There is no hype, only energy spent towards working on the product. In fact edging was what Sergey focused on for his Philosophy degree. This explains why partnerships are being kept secret and the suddenness of the inevitable singularity. When the singularity happens, be sure to open the Citizen app if you live in the SF bay area and look for an incident titled "office building flooded with semen" as Sergey et al will no longer be able to contain themselves. Sergey will blow the biggest load though as he's expressed a greater propensity of a hard on for decentralization. In fact in his interviews the first word Sergey says to candidates is "decentralization." No sentences or words around it. He looks intensely at their crotch, and if the candidate doesn't get wet or hard in 30 seconds the candidate is rejected.
With this information the reasoning is clear: a significant partnership has been secured, and the smartcontract team has been vigorously doing laundry or buying new underwear. This isn't sustainable however because the massive volume of pre cum will ruin the dry cleaning machines. It's only a matter of time until the laundromats find out whats going on. Hence it is a race against ejaculation, and a rigorous mental battle to keep their enthusiasm in check.

>> No.10033195

I can see a world where link takes off. But knowing Biz was right...that’s the strange part.

Link $176 EOY2019

>> No.10033198

Breaks down into 18 decimals. So there's quite a shitload of LINK to go around... but a lot of it will be staked in nodes, meaning circulating supply will be low.

>> No.10033217

name ONE TIME the 4chan hivemind has been wrong about anything. it has never happened.
link $1000 eoy

>> No.10033240

So many good coins man. Fucking hard

>> No.10033243

>more safe investments
You are backwards Anon. Currently Chainlink is one of the riskiest investments to be held. If the network fails it is going straight to $0, on the other hand if it works it will be among the safest investments.

>> No.10033267


>> No.10033272

1k link is unironically going to be enough to buy you a bigmac in 2023

>> No.10033296

Don't worry, our time will come when we can finally watch all the linkies commit collective suicide.

>> No.10033333

1k is fucking meme you deluded faggots.

See you at 10 cents.

>> No.10033354


>> No.10033357


>> No.10033362

Didn't that 25-30x?

>> No.10033366

what have you done

>> No.10033389

Yeah /biz/ was convinced it would be the gaming currency though. Which it wasn't, also


>> No.10033426
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>> No.10033447
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>> No.10033475

this shit is at .2 right now.

>> No.10033500
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That 30 year old boomer who posts common knowledge infographs and thinks (WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!1) while sipping Monster.

>> No.10033506

It’s a meme? So meme magic will take place. I’ll see you at 10¢, and buy a fuckload while it’s there.

>> No.10033537

Yeah, well /biz/ was completly wrong on this. And it had it's pumps and many bought way too high, because it would be used in games. It's never mooning again -> dead shitcoin, one of many. There are hundreds of dead shitcoins. I don't know why you guys think LINK will be any different. 90%+ just dies.Other examples: XVG

>> No.10033544

We still have 10000000 saying that Link will go to $1000 Eoy. So perhaps down to 0.10 then up to $1000.

The bigger number wins I think.

>> No.10033556

It was $100

>> No.10033561

This is going to 0 or 100, there's no middle ground with this project

>> No.10033564

did digi have connections like link does with factom?

>> No.10033569
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Thank you for confirming you are a just and generous God.

>> No.10033615

Wait, Link has a partnership again? Time to harass them.

>> No.10033617

I don't know about factom. But DGB had some decent connection, read about it:

It would've been integrated in minecraft etc.

Read about deluded redditors: https://www.reddit.com/r/Digibyte/comments/6fbnsg/dgb_daily_discussion_june_5_2017/

>> No.10033634

A million dollars isn't shit. You couldn't live on a million dollars without having to work for the rest of your life if you were already 60 years old.

>> No.10033638

jesus fucking christ i feel stupid. This looks like every fcking link thread.

>> No.10033648
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only have 1k link, if LINK stays at this price or goes lower i can manage to get to 5k-7k. my goal is 10k though. I see LINK hitting $10-20 by 2019 eoy.

>> No.10033710

I bought """"the dip"""" at .45. Sold at .35. Glad I did. Link is nothing but a meme for fags who want muh oracle nonsense and $1k to come to fruition. It's pathetic actually.

Thankfully, I'm a decent trader who made it all back by shorting the onions bean market in May

>> No.10033740

I'm sorry anon, but well it still doubled a couple times in price

>> No.10033764

i already have my cash tied up. I cant do shit now. Im going to seel at the peak. Def not holding for 1000EOY

>> No.10033779
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ya im in the 10k boat i hate the people with 50k -100k link who keep baiting people like me and saying even they dont have enough

shut up

youre fucking fine

>> No.10033881

Yep that reads like a link thread...

>> No.10033906


>> No.10033914
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>> No.10033948

Mostly larping fudders. Its never enough. Chance is higher that they will sell at 10 use while you sell it for 1000

>> No.10033968

44444 will beat him fren.

>> No.10034023
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Quints of memetic divination.

>> No.10034089

which one u mothers put a sell wall of 170K at 3019 sat right now?

>> No.10034159
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delet this

>> No.10034161

Thats a good sign

>> No.10034165

I’ve never seen kek FUD so blatantly before. LINK is some serious fucking shit if he’s trying this hard to keep newfags from buying. If anything, this confirms $1000.

Remember that >>7777777 never had a year on it. It could be this year but much more likely a future year

Praise kek!

>> No.10034181

Top Kek at all you lowball fudders, if they accomplish %10 of what they set out to it will easily be 1000. The vast majority of Link will be controlled by node operators like BTC is with mining pools but almost all tokens will eventually be consolidated by node operators and locked away to be staked.

The more adoption the higher price the token. The more the network the more money is going to nodes. If there is a low supply of nodes and high use of the networks the returns will be huge, people will fomo in and the token will rise in price. The market will find an equilibrium at a certain % of return. More adoption = higher link price

>> No.10034216
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This is it boys !
Shit is going down !

>> No.10034251

1k eoy is impossible if that’s what you’re suggesting. But in the future it will be worth at least several hundred.

>> No.10034256
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prophet assblaster (peace upon his name) said that 10k are enough to make

>> No.10034297

Get a load of this beaner! Of course walls offend him.

>> No.10034322

50 to 60 with a drop then as mainstream use and adoption kicks in it goes to $100 to $150. Could go higher after that..

>> No.10034374

if you need 100k to make it then why did you only need to invest like 100$ into bitcoin to make it back in the days

why do you need 20,000$+ invested all of a sudden

you must believe in chainlink less than you do in bitcoin

>> No.10034387

Unironically upping my stack to 30k today. I'm done with crypto except for LINK.

>> No.10034426

>50 to 60 with a drop then as mainstream use and adoption kicks in it goes to $100 to $150. Could go higher after that..
that would be a dream. selling 10% of my stack at 50-60 means i could get a pretty nice pad in downtown toronto and finish up school

>> No.10034427

I just increased my stack to 25K on this dip. I have a bunch of other coins that I bought. Don't think I'm going to sell them -- at least till October because muh long term capital gains.

But for now I'm just focused on increasing link stack. Not doing anything with the rest (other than getting my ark payouts from dpos).

>> No.10034437
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>Wmd ID

Holy fuck

>> No.10034439

You don't, you'll just have to wait longer than those with 100k+ which is nothing, because people with that much will sell early and be no better off down the road. Best thing to do with Link is stake it as soon as possible, and let your stack build. Keep it staked until it hits $1000, then start selling portions of returns as needed while never touching your main stack

>> No.10034452

who all in link unironically

>> No.10034463

Me and still dumping paychecks in

>> No.10034473

Guys please stop buying LINK. It made sense last year, but it's becoming increasingly obvious that it's a retarded idea that will never take off. No one needs a third party oracle, stop being greater fools

>> No.10034480

me. let's get it.

>> No.10034496

same here

>> No.10034508

sell 10-20% of your stack if doing so can significantly change your life instantly. hold/stake the rest.

>> No.10034511

Good point, just sold all my linkeys. Guess I'll buy some Boomer coin.

>> No.10034524

I am, DCA is about $0.81 because I'm an idiot.

>> No.10034545

moon or die baby

>> No.10034563
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>> No.10034572
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>You don't

well why did this fucking faggot 2nd poster in this thread said "

>> No.10034592

I will return to update in the future. For now stay deluded.

>> No.10034593
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A million dollars is enough for me to quit my wagecuckery and pursue career paths I would've considered too risky to be involved otherwise

>> No.10034596


Absolutely based. Link about to lose $0.18 and won't ever be back there.

>> No.10034628
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your numbers cant win against the 7's

>> No.10034686

>holding 50k, worth 75k
why are anons giving this lunch money kid the time of day?

fuck you shrimp ass faggot, humble yourself

>> No.10034708

I have 100k and don't think we making it. I've been watching the contract events and hardly any use...every once in a while someone chainlink's eth to USD price lol

>> No.10034731

Yea, testnet data has been absolute garbage. Nothing even remotely noteworthy.

>> No.10034742
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>> No.10034758


>> No.10034763

>why did someone on 4chan say something stupid

>> No.10034771

This is reality. You cannot show one event from the testnet that arouses a shred of confidence when compared against the hypothetical partnerships that have been mentioned.

>> No.10034842

10k = a house next to costco and a neet life
anything above that = rich or filthy rich

>> No.10035125

Honestly why hasn't this shit died. Literally everything else has. Last shitcoin fucking standing. I guess I gotta find out if it's because it's not shit or just hasn't mooned or maybe a little of both?

>> No.10035134
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Talking about Digibyte dgb. pic from Johns Island investment group letter. Minecraft partnership

>> No.10035136

Link will never die

>> No.10035159

>Minecraft partnership
good times

>> No.10035207

Nobody cares about neo or raiblocks anymore and there were threads all the time about those

>> No.10035228
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>> No.10035243

>Nobody cares about neo
>He is ignoring the 10 threads per day on Neo
you must be new

>there were threads all the time about raiblocks
for about a week yes there were, anon. Then they got hacked and now noone likes them anymore.

>> No.10035252


We did it reddit!
Link < $0.18

>> No.10035398

I have over 50 K linkies.
You don't have enough.
100k is the goal

>> No.10035425

If your weren‘t a lazy virgin you would have lerned how to trade and would have way more Link by now.

>> No.10035431

Very interesting research has been shared on Chainlink

>> No.10035453

>you must be new
>We did it reddit!

4chan invaded with bots imitating 4chan now?

>> No.10035625

checked and kek'd

The Chainlink psyop truly is a cancer.

>> No.10035631

Dont coins like VEN and IOTA have plans to integrate their own oracles? Why do we need LINK? I hold 20k but I'm getting nervous, anons.

>> No.10035670

locked and loaded to buy at $.10

>> No.10035769

Nigga today is the best time to buy LINK, not six months ago. Now it's on sale 1/6 of the price

>> No.10035808
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