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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, 4dayworkweekSquareLogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10022176 No.10022176 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10022184

10 hour days or no? I would do a 4 day/10 hour per happily.

>> No.10022196

It will never happen - it's a control thing

These evil fucks get a kick out of having complete and total control over your life. I've literally been told this by CEOs

>> No.10022199

I wish... too bad it's impossible for my job. I think most people would rather do this than the standards 8x5

>> No.10022203

mr shekelstein would never let it happen....just be a good little goy and have your fun on saturday and sunday.

>> No.10022223
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why not have 0hr workday

>> No.10022232
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Not a meme. It is possible.

>> No.10022236

Thats what I'm on currently. Especially with alts dead af. Basically just waiting for the entire market to capitulate at once, similar to the end of the bull run in January.

>> No.10022245


Friday/Saturday/Sunday are unironically the worst days of the week. Normies everywhere.
It's a lot more fun to party during "work" days.

>> No.10022277
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>> No.10022453

Oh please God let this happen. I can't do 8-5 M-F much longer.

>> No.10022458

I work 4 days a week from home. they pay me for 10 hours a day but it only takes me 5 hours to do the work they pay me for. I love life.

>> No.10022474

I work Thursday thru Sunday, 5am-330pm. Off mon tue wed. I like it.

>> No.10022485

I used to work 30h/ week, 10h/ day Fri/Sat/Sun. Working fewer days than I had off was the best thing ever.

>> No.10022547
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>walked out of a 7 year NEET career and into a 9 hour a day 5 day a week job with a 2 hour commute

Theres a point when suicide becomes a comforting thought

>> No.10022548

4x 10s is pretty sweet.
But a lot of companies won't allow it because 5x 8s is actually more efficient.

>> No.10022558
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Just do part time work, 30 hour weeks
So much time to yourself to do whatever the fuck

>> No.10022566

My rich uncle told me the same thing. It opened my eyes and showed me a side of how it is when you make it

>> No.10022591
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tfw 4-mintue work week.

>> No.10022609

I wonder how much Jefe Bezos makes in 4minutes?

>> No.10022621
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I don't know, not much more than me? His money is all in stock ownership.

>> No.10022647

What job?

>> No.10022696

Having Wednesday off instead of Friday is better. Tuesday becomes another Friday. Going back on Monday after 3 days off feels worse then going back after 2 days.

t. 4 day work weeklet

>> No.10022705
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if you niggers want this, it's totally possible—all you have to do is vote in favor of free enterprise (specifically, supposedly "extreme" things that used to be standard such as no minimum wage), vote in favor of strong borders and strict immigration laws, and vote in favor of low-as-fuck taxes. we've got a vast variety of cryptos now, which will help with free enterprise massively. companies can't grow or even function unless their workers are willing to work—and this is to say, in a free market that enables businesses to operate how they want to operate, if a business isn't suiting the needs of its workers, then the workers can dump their boss' ass and either go work for someone else, or start their own business with their own experience in a free land where they can do anything they want, as long as it isn't hurting anyone else.
we got trump in—fuck, i'd be surprised if there was anything we COULDN'T do at this point. maybe eventually, we can get everyone who doesn't like liberty and free markets to stop trying to command everyone to stop doing what they want to do, and to finally at long last pack up their shit and leave.

>> No.10022759

You know I can't tell you that.

>> No.10022779

I did it for 7 months in a refinery. It was fucking amazing. I was so much more down to deal with the shittiness of work due to the long weekend. You get over monday, then it's hump day then thursday and boom you're already stoked for friday. It was awesome.

>> No.10022802
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All I got...

>> No.10023232

I used to do 12s working at an injection molding plant. 3-on-4-off, then 4-on-3-off, alternating weeks. The 48H week was a bitch, but the 8H OT was nice. 84H work, 92H pay. Shame the pay was such shit. There is a reason only Mexicans worked there. The damn WalMart was hiring for $3/hr higher.

>> No.10023258

Best schedule I had was m,w,f

12 hours each day for 36 total

>> No.10023267

Yes, but the difference is at Walmart you have to deal with loud obnoxious smelly anger customers there to spend their welfare/social security checks. Clearly working in a controlled environment closed off from the public is a better deal no matter the pay difference.

>> No.10023277

This, except for Sunday and as a bouncer in clubs and bars.

>> No.10023283

Get into a medical field and work 12 hour days 3 days a week which is legally full time so you get benefits

>> No.10023306

wow you absolutely love sucking corporate cock dont you

>> No.10023315

I work 8 hours but it takes me like 3 to actually do the daily workload kek.

>> No.10023575

you're the one who's sneaking in the corporate cock, dude
if you think that walmart or mcdonalds or amazon stands to gain from there being no minimum wage and less regulation, you don't understand that all of these big companies are big because they've got their "it's who you know" connections in the bag (to the point where some of the key people at these major corporations have also worked at high-ranking positions in government offices), and entrepreneurs and start-ups with a fixation on producing the best and the most in-demand clearly *do not* have these connections, but are subject to all of the rules—i.e., having to pay workers more money than they actually stand to make in a year of work, or having to follow some safety or legal guidelines that cost money to deal with, and cost an arm and a leg to amend a violation of. the corporatocracy just gets worse and worse as people are subject to heavier and heavier rules and regulations, because in a society that already has preexisting extremely tight red tape, the big guys can deal with it, but the little guys simply cannot, and so they all wind up broke and miserable, and they usually demand more of the very same thing that bankrupted them and killed their dreams in the first place. thus, the boomer economy, where nobody but the elite corporations with ties to all the politicians and all the money to fund their political movements thrive, and any real innovation from someone who isn't a part of the elite circle is delivered a bullet to the head, and if their ideas are useful to the system they're repurposed and if they're harmful they're shelved. boomer economy. keep on thinking that anyone who wants a free market is the one who is sucking corporate cock rather than the pro-communist bernie supporters who think that the very concept of a meritocracy is a joke, though.

>> No.10024623

very nice explanation

>> No.10024637

I have had a 4 day work week for 5+ years. It would be better if I had consecutive days off, but I’d rather have 3 than 2 and I totally milk it (get paid 40+, there between 28-32, when there do about 10 hours a week of actual “work”.

>> No.10024753

Took on extra responsibilities at work and negotiated having every Friday off. 32 hour week and same pay and it's as good as it sounds fellow wage cucks.

Job is actual IT project work but only do 1 hour a day of productive work.

>> No.10024757

Sounds like a decent set up, depending on what you do/did, the majority of consumer money spent is on the weekends

Keeps you free to day trade in the week, for a little extra, too

>> No.10024773

I work a 4 day week.

35 hr too.

>> No.10024817
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I do four 9s fri-sun off.

All it did is make me want to be a god-tier category 3 neet.

>> No.10024824

I don't know about you, but the prospect of a four-day week scares me. I already have a hard enough time getting my regular weekly work done over five days. And it's always so tempting to glance at my work email -- just a couple more notes to jot down.

>> No.10024913

Norwayfag here.
At my job we have 17 days off in a 5 weeks period, which means I only work 3,6 days a week on average. Keep in mind that 6 of those days are 12 hour shifts.

>> No.10025555


I have this - Mon-Thurs 10-6. It is way more humane imo - work life balance is far simpler. Unfortunately it's hurting my career progressions/ambitions because I can't fathom going back to 5 days a week.

>> No.10025931

Dude people already do such little actual work the last thing we need is to take more time away. If people actually worked for 6-7 out of the 8 hours they were supposed to, we could do a 3 or 4 day work week and still have increased productivity but at least in America time is wasted like nobody's business. To be clear a lot of this isn't employees fault, but inefficient management and ownership.

>> No.10026075

Not only is this possible but it's an absolute must to live a balanced life. Let's be honest, it's not 3 days of fun. It's one day of recuperation and errands. One day of working your side hustle, doing home improvement, self improvement, etc. and one day of fun / family obligations. 4 days work / 3 days fun you're still a wagecuck slob headed nowhere. Life is work fuckers, get used to it.

>> No.10026494
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>This place would be alright without all the fucking customers.
Absolutely, customer service is one of the most demeaning things you can do. I used to work in a bicycle shop, and the weirdo customers were a pain in the ass, while wrenching on high end mountain and road bikes was pure bliss.

>> No.10026663

anyone else /nursing/ here? 3 twelves on, 4 days off. genuine work life balance

>> No.10026729
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>> No.10026740
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im sick of being a poor neet but i dont have the balls to apply and get rejected

>> No.10026958


I'm even open to 3 12 hour days with 4 days off. I know nurses and other emergency services typically operate on similar calendars.

>> No.10026987
File: 15 KB, 310x326, IMG_0338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims he wants to "make it"
>thinks he should have to work 4 days per week before actually accomplishing something in life to actually make it for himself

Claims he wants to make it

>> No.10027017


I prefer 3 12 hour days. 12 hour shifts sound like shit but 4 days of freedom is really nice.

>> No.10027106

6 hours/day. 1st week 3 days. 2nd week 4 days, which is on avarage 73.5 hours of work per week.

>> No.10027534

>T. I sold my children for guns and oil

>> No.10027609

12 hour shifts are fucking garbage, I cant' believe people willingly do that shit

>> No.10027704

Fuck when I did kitchens, it was 6 day week (Tue off) split shift, 9am to 3pm, then 6pm till 1:30am... And in peak season. I was packing 120hr weeks.

I worked kitchen 2-3yrs, winter was more like 30hr weeks... But its not like that at all now, my life did not continue down that path... Thankfully!

>> No.10028080

i do 10-12 hours 4 days on

i wouldnt ever go back to 9-5 x 5. living to work is a slaves mentality, you work to live.

>> No.10028133
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I work in R&D and the work is pretty easy if you're not a brainlet. 5 8 hour days a week isn't that bad if you can shitpost/watch youtube videos/listen to music while you work since its an objective based job. Must be hell for retailcucks to work that much though.

>> No.10028186

3 day work week here. Feels good man

>> No.10028247


>> No.10028280

What is a Wofunrk, fren?

>> No.10028346

everyone slacks of on friday, so this will happen on thrusday instead and even less work will get done as much as i would love this i dont see it being viable unless there was universal income or some shit as the robots have taken all the jobs

>> No.10028544
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>> No.10029645

selling your children is straight-up child abuse. human beings should not be bought or sold, as it is a clear violation of their right to liberty. children, much moreso than anyone else, require the guidance and provisions that their parents may provide them, should they be reasonably expected to find a means of developing as civilized human beings.
if you or anyone else tries to go ahead and make the argument that there being no minimum wage in a society with very little in the way of regulation would somehow bankrupt people and lead them to starve, or would lead to people producing only the lowest grade of goods as cheap as possible in order to get ahead, then in order to believe so, one must not have much faith in western civilization; the west isn't like china, where you can serve up vintage chicken fried in gutter oil to people and make a living, because people over here have—heaven keep me faithful—standards and morals, and wonderful things such as local government and ordinary citizens with guns to keep people free from situations in a free market where someone's bullying all the competition out of town and turning it into "big unwanted corporation producing crap and keeping slaves: the society". on that note, making a case for abject slavery is both morally bankrupt and highly economically implausible in the mechanized society of today; human slaves are like less efficient machines that you have to feed and either put an effort into breaking mentally, or keeping sufficiently happy so that they're not totally broken. the logic is just insane. the only reason you'd want to keep slaves is if you, yourself, got a kick out of being dominant over the utterly poor and helpless, keeping them under tight wraps—and mindless self-gratification at someone else's great expense, of course, is not how you run a successful business that has to suit the demands of its customers while respecting everyone's right to liberty—it's how you run a corporatocracy.

>> No.10029721

Also this
being the absolute goy , I felt Im not improving myself
Then I fell for the find a job with purpose meme
Never again
Now on comfy 14 days on / 14 days off watching regular wagecucks beg shekelstein for 2 weeks off once a year TOP KEK

>> No.10029742

i did a 4 day workweek on 30 hours. Even that was a bit of a pain.

>> No.10030422

For all you young fags out there

UK had a 3 day working week introduced as law in the 70's. Middle East fcked the worlds oil supply and the miners and trade unions rebeled against inflation that eroded their wages.

The country came to a stop. Could be introduced again but there is no incentive.

Moral of the story, join a union and don't let future thatcher bury you in the ground

>> No.10030470

this isn't about you part time slobs who are not bothered to work a 5 day week. it's shifting an entire society, any other discussion is a waste of time.

>> No.10031346

you can do this at various $~12/hr wagie jobs that are casual.

>> No.10031623

>selling your children
I only sell other peoples children.. Next.

>> No.10031656

I work a 30 hour work week, but I'd only do it at my own business, which is what I do. If I work 40 hours one week I work 20 the next week, if something needs doing outside the hours I choose to be on duty, I shrug and deal with it on my 'monday' which can be whenever. If I end up forcing myself to work some extra because I see a money opportunity, I pull it out of some other week.