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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10008640 No.10008640 [Reply] [Original]

> why the price is dropping more than expected?

who is fault

> dpos broke?
> community involvement ?
> DAn shit code?
> some thing else?

> pajeets please stay away

>> No.10008668
File: 63 KB, 620x348, 98B65889-EBF4-45A3-9B19-97D343F9614E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helo sir, u look like u need some help taking poo in loo. Lucky for u batmanjeet is here to save u

Pls use moni to buy 50 cheap android device. Next muster up ur courage and install Brave. U must now pay my frend saurabh to develop auto watching script. Install to android device and watch 1 5 minute video. Collect payment! 0.006$ per video, almost 1.50$ an hour, 300$ weekly, 1200$ monthly

Pls Take my calling card sir. If u need me shine that batmanjeet signal i will immediately poo in the street and come save u sir

>> No.10008708

fuck off pajeet.

calling only real EOS investors. not shillers

>> No.10008781

capital flow anon. did you not see that 200,000 ETH transfer from EOS wallet to bitfinex?
The entire pump was not organic. Now it's naturally retracing to free market value.

>> No.10009033

if your investing in EOS a centralized shitcoin and overhyped SQL server... seriously just kill yourself

>> No.10009064


I guess it makes times like this easier knowing I'M staked so can't sell even if I wanted to. I would probably be shitting my pants otherwise. Now I can just watch my money disappear in peace.

>> No.10009078

look out the window. the Titanic hit and iceberg and got shot by topedoes... the entire market is crashing

>> No.10009100


sucks to be you. i feel bad for people who bought this garbage at 20 a piece

>> No.10009452

the honest truth is that EOS buyers are not seasoned crypto traders, they have the weakest hands out of every cult-like coin following. bitcoiners have the strongest hands (arguably too strong), followed by ETH holders, followed by regular shitcoiners, then comes the tron/EOS fags in last place. one sniff of panic and they try to sell everything but realize they can't due to the scam launch/unstaking process, so only the smart ones who left coins on the exchanges are selling.

>> No.10009599

One fact:
Dan Larimer and Bitfinex control eos.

Dan has >10% of all tokens.
Bitfinex already voted in 3BPs they control using their eos deposits.
Together they can vote in anything.
That's it, that's your 'decentralization'. It's worth maybe few millions as a peculiar paas.

>> No.10010013

No. Fuck that. They deserve it. EOS exemplifies what's wrong with crypto right now and that's why we are crashing. All these pathetic shitcoins must die. ETH will rise from BTCs ashes after it's ripped to sheds.

>> No.10010591

They use Twitter and don't even use digital signatures to randomly freeze assets ... worse than the USD top kek memecoin

>> No.10010805
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I don't know why it's actually dropping, probably the bear market in general, but if anything deserves to drop in price it's this piece of shit.

I'm not sure how you can call it a fucking blockchain if there's a central authority that can control the entire network and freeze it on a whim.

>> No.10010862

This. Censoring accounts is shitty and can only happen in a centralized system. It's somewhat distributed, but not decentralized. Using AWS for applications is miles better.

>> No.10010904

The main reason is: idiots paid billions for vaporware promises. With no real life value, even $1 million is overpriced.

>> No.10010912
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Exchange's Open Society and representative democracy as a pragmatic way to solve scaling issues. It's only the price what's changing, it's not worth nothing and at some point it will be a good opportunity to get in again, maybe now is the best moment in a while.

Think about this guy
What's his role? How much does his vote matters? How hard is it to control decisions when X% of possible voters are apathetic about it? I don't think hiccups on release have had much to do with it, if anything showing the power on the network of the real big players but they used that power this time for good. When they have that much implicit power it's not that simple to believe that they'll always choose the best thing for you. Basically, before deciding to become a bagholder you should internally be the most critical and the first one that understands why others wouldn't want to join. Because if we only look at the upside then we should all in dogecoin.

>> No.10010974

dpos is trash and the blockchain is way way too centralized.