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10001630 No.10001630 [Reply] [Original]

>I get to start with all the property
>I get to own all the property
you don't get to start with any money and as soon as you roll the dice and you land on one of my property
you go bankrupt and then I tell you
>hah, I won because I'm better than you. You're just jealous and bitter and insecure. I won because I have skill
How would you like that? Because that's what's going on in this world.

Or how would you like it if I challenged you to a game of chess but I get to start with a bunch of queens. I get to do all these illegal moves and you don't
>you lost because you weren't trying hard enough
That wouldn't be very nice and it wouldn't be very accurate either but that's what's going on in this world.
This unfair world filled with these white trash people, it pretends to be fair; It's not fucking fair. There's nothing even remotely fair about this fucking place. There's nothing fair about what's going on.

Life is an unfair version of Monopoly or an unfair version of chess. There's just no strategy you can do to win. It's completely rigged against you and then
>it's your fault
>It's all your fault
If we lived in a true "meritocracy" all positions in society would be determined by test scores that anyone could take at any time.

Capitalism is unfair

>> No.10001736

it is, but it's the collective progress that makes a system better than the other, not individual progress.

capitalism makes society, collectively stronger than communism. people will do and achieve more, collectively.

communism looks excellent on paper, but doesn't work in practice. people actually work more if they get to decide the fate of the fruit of their work (even if not spending it, but specifying WHO gets to spend it), then if government officials get to decide it.

fairness is good and desirable. 100% capitalism can't work, but a significant level of injustice seems to be inevitable currently. maybe there'll be a system where it won't be needed and still makes progress faster.

>> No.10001755

that is, because stronger societies eventually dominate over weaker ones in one way or another. so a system that makes everyone happy but causes no collective progress will eventually lose to one that has a stronger outcome.

>> No.10001854

>that is, because stronger societies eventually dominate over weaker ones
yea, onIy if they are weII estabIished before hand and take advantage over the newer. the oIder have advantrage simpIy because capitaIism is corrupt & unfair

>> No.10001927
File: 28 KB, 640x435, 1528461784026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git gud pajeet. My parents worked hard so I can just kick back, relax and sit on my trust fund money that basically multiplies itself. I'll probably get a part-time job at a big firm so I don't get bored but who knows lol

>> No.10002416
File: 135 KB, 340x278, 1529689030872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah there's definetely ways to make it. You gotta be unfair as well. Life's a fucking ponzi so just find some fair people and be unfair to them.

>> No.10002449
File: 160 KB, 889x960, commiesarenthuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is not a game. Life is not fair.
OP is a teenager. Op is a faggot.

>> No.10002450

Based reasonable poster

>> No.10002558

What made you ever think life would be fair to begin with? Were you given last place trophies as a kid?? I've been told life's not fair ever since I can remember and feel I'm coming up in life rather well. Bad things can and do happen to good people. Man up and move on

>> No.10002576

Or woman up

>> No.10002580


>> No.10002594

It is. Pretty hard one tho.

>> No.10002626

Wow. you really sound like a loser who blames everyone else for the shit life you gave yourself.

>> No.10002652

You know, if there is one thing that I have learned, it is that we must obey the rules of the game. We can pick the game. But we cannot change the rules

>> No.10002671

obey the rules and you get ruled

>> No.10002716
File: 164 KB, 933x687, liberty 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10002724

god anyone who is into asian chicks like that is really just a closet kiddy fucker

>> No.10002726
File: 36 KB, 832x781, Liberal victim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the pic you should have used when making your victim impact statement

>> No.10002907
File: 40 KB, 882x882, lil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you get that truck
>parents got it for me when I was 17
how do have such cool clothes
>parents take me to the mall
how can you afford college
>parents pay
how did you get that job
>my dad hooked me up

>lol ha how are you unemployed. What you don't wan't to give in to the dignity killing machine and work at safeway till you can afford all the things that were given to me before I graduated highschool lololololol bro your a loser NEET
I just made 600k in crypto from a 10k investment
>BRO your like lucky af ha, you need to get a real job like your mom that works at walmart tho.
I think I'll work for myself, my goal is a million. If I work smart I can do it.
>I just got a 1.3 million dollar property from my uncle, I'm just gonna sell it.

{ treats me as an unequal }

>> No.10002926

you clearly don‘t understand that quote, brainlet.

>> No.10002948

Take it to /leftypol/ faggot.

>> No.10002949

>he thinks the free market has ever existed anywhere

>> No.10002958

>has no idea what a free market even is and thinks the world owes her just for simply existing.

>> No.10002971

I want to RQ out of this game.

>> No.10003005
File: 111 KB, 1200x794, 57bb58dd86b8a.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

changing the rules is the essence of winning, it makes you the RULER. There is no good or bad only winning. If I had managed to kill all the other men on this planet, leaving all the women to myself. Your GF, MOM, SISTER would think I was hot AF despite having ending your faggot life.

>> No.10003052

>changing the rules is the essence of winning
wrong, because you can't change the rules. if that would be the case you could simply sell your BTC right now for 50k, but you can't because certain rules which are set in stone prevent this.
rest of your post is dumb shit sounding like it comes out of the mind of a nigger. smarten up or die poor playing monopoly.

>> No.10003089

I'm Aryan, and making bitcoin illegal (countries have done this) is changing the rules you little faggot

>> No.10003111

you can't make BTC illegal. impossible to stop it.
>countries have done this
only poorfag retard countrys that nobody gives a shit about

>> No.10003138

You can't do anything about it, but you are in it. so play the game stop being a fucking faggot and try to win regardless. stressing over things you cannot control shows how much of a fucking faggot you are.

>> No.10003378

what if i told you all those thing you want so bad are utterly worthless. you can either work you entire life trying to obtain them, only to be disappointed when you do. or you can just decide to enjoy your life now and if you end up poor and alone, well at least you had a good time

or just keep following the herd, surely everyone around you looks super happy and suicide rates arent consistently going up. just be a good little sheep, what could go wrong

>> No.10003469

>If we lived in a true "meritocracy" all positions in society would be determined by test scores that anyone could take at any time
He fell for the do well in school and you'll do well in life meme.

>> No.10003504
File: 171 KB, 705x493, IMG_1322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all started because the democrats wanted to keep you enslaved. Abe wanted to free all slaves and ship them back to their own continent. Bang.

>> No.10003955

Fascism is the real red pill especially for white people, facism is the cure

>> No.10004034

Except that life is a not a zero sum game, your gigantic faggot, and me and Warren can both win.
Also, we are FAR from tapping the whole Earths potential.

>> No.10004035

Truth. Thats why I'm in crypto so I can be there at the foundation of the new financial order

>> No.10004102

>he thinks communism = strong govt
>he thinks there is any govt in communism
you are confusing soviet-style socialism with communism

>> No.10004144

>hungry people need freedom, not food
tell that to the malnourished people in africa who can't even think properly because of the lack of food, they surely need some so-called freedom, imposed by bombings (done by welfare queens, nonetheless) and puppet dictatorships

>> No.10004180

Fuck off, parasite.
Those people are only alive because their parents got pampered by fucking "humanitarian" aid, and never had to rethink their ways.
Once the markets open, life gets better for the majority, but it is only natural that some useless scum dies in the process, that is called a market correction.

>> No.10004308

>>Fuck off, parasite.
parasites are the ones sucking the blood of other people. in this case, the US people as a whole are the ones stealing natural resources and exploiting the lives of millions of people in the world...

>"humanitarian" aid
hahahHAHAHAHA, he thinks "humanitarian aid" is real... go see how much of that "help" ($$$) went to the hands of the puppets governments imposed by the US and Europe, how many "aid" programs are attemps to destabilize governments and to divide nations, to do experiments on people, etc.
hell, even those dictators can't trust their masters. see what happened to Saddam, Gaddafi, Noriega and other friends of the US/Europe.
western powers are truly scum, so much, no one even trusts or gives a shit about their representatives.

>> No.10004680

>6 hot babes as a thumbnail
>aggressive post title "How would you like it if..."
>"I get", "I get"

This is how threads survive

>> No.10004704
