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10000300 No.10000300 [Reply] [Original]

You mean to say the entire bull run was printed out of thin air? We will never ser something like this again?

>> No.10000303


>> No.10000603

It probably won't grow 1000% within 2 months again.

>> No.10000634

no. the times article was bullshit, and that academic looks like a fraud. his convictions should be reopened
tether is literally copping to 100% reserves. which is crazy. they are only market making
tether is a better bet than your bank. the only difference is it isn't FDIC insured. and the systemic risk of course

>> No.10000657

Si, Tether credible

>> No.10000846

snownigger spotted
Go back to feeding refugees Ola

>> No.10000886

Not exactly, but tether did cash out a lot of btc into cash with no intention of ever putting it back into the market. It bled the market dry.

>> No.10001128
File: 269 KB, 1155x773, team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest team of crooks

>> No.10001147

deluded tether cuck

>> No.10001160

>cash out a lot of btc into cash with no intention of ever putting it back into the market
how would that be possible, they burned the private keys in exchange of some bribe money? you are making zero sense.

>> No.10001257

> deluded tether cuck
that 30 year old boomer who holds tether, waiting for the moon

>> No.10001271 [DELETED] 

For me the big issue isn't longterm though, my dreamgirl streams on Twitch and she's not a donation whore by any means, but sometimes she misses streams to take extra shifts at her job and sometimes jokes "anyone out there feel like paying my rent for the next few months?" She only has 30-50 viewers and those comments are meant completely in jest, but it's always been my dream to be able to say "sure!" and she gets the donation notification and reads "agreeablebit has just tipped 10 thousand dollars?!" "oh my god I wasn't being serious, oh please you didn't have to.." and just breaks down crying as I tell her don't worry about it, it's not a lot of money to me but I know how much this can help you, you should be doing this a career and if this helps you devote yourself full time it's money well spent.

And I don't become pushy or feel demanding of her time after that, but I do try to initiate some conversations over skype, and our sense of humor just clicks and she notices the guitar in the background and asks if I play and I brush it off, and she's all "oh please, serenade me!" and does the joking puppy dog eyes thing and I sigh all right, and pick it up and while I could play super advanced classical guitar concertos that would be trying to hard, and I instead do a silly laid back improvised classic disney medley with fun jazz elements, and she ends up singing along, and I adjust my playing to compliment her voice and own phrasing with the subtle subtext that I would be as responsive to her as a lover..... and we end up agreeing to meet and well...a gentleman never...

But that will never fucking happen if this fucking bear market never ends, what the fucking hell?!!!??!?!?

>> No.10001282

> how would that be possible, they burned the private keys in exchange of some bribe money? you are making zero sense.
you have no idea how tether works
why even open your mouth

>> No.10001307

i would never touch tether. it's worse than fiat.
it was about bitcoin not tether nigga learn to read!

>> No.10001332

>it was about bitcoin not tether nigga learn to read!
literally does not understand that printed tethers sell for btc
jesus christ

>> No.10001409

nigga that is not what we were talking about when you chimped into it.

>tether did cash out a lot of btc into cash with no intention of ever putting it back into the market.
i was asking HIM how the hell could they have removed btc from the market by cashing out of it. that's all the rest is just in your head.

>> No.10001464

tether needs to hold fiat so they turn the btc they get into fiat
this means they dump a million dollars worth of btc every time they dispense a million dollars worth of tethers
you're welcome

>> No.10001486
File: 32 KB, 400x568, matrix_alien_pepe_growing_wojaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of something you are very good at or have extensive knowledge about. Could be a hobby, a job, some skill, anything. Then imagine some shit head reporter with almost no knowledge of the same topic that you are proficient in has a week two write an article for the mainstream media to explain it to their normie readers. Have you ever been in this situation? I have. They fuck it up every single time. This is no different with Tether, and the retarded articles the MSM are writing about it. Don't trust a fucking thing they say, they have no clue what they are talking about.

>> No.10001527

but that is not at all what he said why are you even trying to throw smokescreen?

>> No.10001590

not one of these people has an honest face, phil potter the slimiest one just left bitfinex

>> No.10001610

they got the proverbial jew face if that's what you mean.

>> No.10001658


ok guy. dyor

>> No.10001686

lol, i see. you think he means they removed the btc from the market. he means they aren't putting the cash back into the market.

>> No.10001700

nigga why the fuck are you even talking to me?
that guy literally said they removed btc from the market by selling it. that's literally impossible if you sell it you put it on the market. i was waiting for an explanation from him, not your retarded ass talking random shit.

>> No.10002103

He has no idea what he is talking about
Just looking for a scandal to talk about.
Never going to make it

>> No.10002184

>he means they aren't putting the cash back into the market
oh yeah that's totally different basically an exit scam. i have nothing against that theory. plausible as fuck. but he could just have said thether is only backed by empty promises more accurate.

>> No.10002204

afaik nobody got any tether for free, so no.

>> No.10002951

$5k to $50k.

>> No.10003023

Ok if this tether thing got you worried, what about the fact the the entire monetary system is run on the same scam?

>> No.10003745
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It's a bit more complicated and even more insidious than one would think.
If one follows the history of their exchange tether wallet one can see that it has not held equal amounts of tether to what their users have held on the exchange. It has gone as low 1.8m tether.

What this means is that the tether that people have/had on bitfinex wasn't even real tokens on the omnilayer, and what they used the tether their minted for was solely to pump it on other exchanges that used tether at the same time. On their own exchange, they pumped it with "imaginary tether", that is, imaginary fake USD IOUs. They also initiated longs and shorts vs their users during pumps and dumps of BTC with these credit but non-existent tether tokens in order to reduce the tether balance of their margin trading customers so their buys of BTC with fake tether didn't cause a massive increase of fake tether on bitfinex, which would lead to all sorts of problems like higher rate of tether token withdrawals to other exchanges by users (they'd have to mint more tether for that) and higher buy pressure within the exchange for various crypto due to "richer" users.

Essentially, through all of this, they spent likely more than 4 times the tether they minted every time they did, and got a lot of it back, but a lot of it was fake (since it was inside bitfinex) and enabled them to cancel it out while still stacking BTC rewards.

The inflow of tether from other exchanges to bitfinex, combined with their market manipulation and margin trading against their own customers also allowed them to alleviate the internal exchange problem of too much fake tether.

>> No.10004036

yeah but that money paid for them is all blown on coke whores and teslas.