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>> No.50535812 [View]
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Imagine, imagine waging, back breaking labor for minimum wage, subservience to authoritative bureaucracy and office sociopathy, modern day slavery, submitting oneself to daily ritual humiliation and conditioning, waking oneself up via blaring alarm and force feeding oneself, fueling oneself with caffeine, anti depressants and mindless consuming to cope, countless repetitive hours in back and forth polluted transportation in a tiny box on wheels, chasing status hoping to impress your conformist neighbors and indifferent roasties, endless mind games and back stabbing competition, like a hamster stuck in a wheel, all while your entire lifestyle remains beholden to credit, bled dry and taxed to death at any opportunity, uncertain long term prospects and dim promises of old age retirement in a shifting degenerate society without tribal unity and solidarity, a subverted society with upside down moral values and no spirituality, that perverts your family and erodes your community via the circus of mass media controlled by a small clique of rootless oligarchs and their useful idiots minions, constant surveillance and no privacy anywhere all in the name of Freedom, absurd inequalities everywhere all in the name of Equality, your eyes glued to a computer screen or a smartphone and your brain addicted to the meaningless dopamine rushes of consuming irrelevant digital data, slowly kills your souls and numbs your mind, all in the name of short term profit and cosmopolitan greed, not living, barely existing, just surviving, a way of life so far removed from how nature intended humans to behave, over saturated fats poisoning your heart and plastics in the water destroying your body, objectively worse standards than a middle age peasants, just imagine

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