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>> No.51358555 [View]
File: 1.29 MB, 1421x1080, Virtual Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's literally a scam dude
Uh duh. You have to be an actual retard to believe in this shit
>the rules are entirely made up bullshit and it's all a joke to take your money
This is the thing that upsets me the most. Its one thing to give people physical cards like pokemon/yugioh/magic the gathering and say "ok here are the rules, use your imagination" or pull a hearthstone. But no physical cards, "use your imagination" and no indie game that integrates the cards is where I drew the line.
>next time pay attention and you wont get scammed retard, that's precisely the kind of shit you should care about
Ive only ever given that jew money for a 20 dollar t shirt back in 2015. Id buy crack before Id buy an NFT

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