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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58100890 [View]
File: 960 KB, 4000x2251, CCIP-Launches-on-Mainnet_V5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue with CCIP GA isn't just the delay itself... It's the communication with investors. The lack of transparency and dishonesty make the community feel betrayed and they loose trust. In any well-run company, it's an absolute STANDARD that in case of a delay, early notification occurs, ideally with clear reasons and communication regarding future plans. This is called TRANSPARENCY. No one would have had a real issue if clear and honest communication had been made.

It's absolutely ridiculous that Kemal initially announces CCIP for the end of 2023 with absolutely no further communication, only for a blog article to then announce CCIP for early 2024 again with no communication. And CLG tried to save the situation through manipulation. Manipulation is neither transparent nor honest; it does not build trust.

By the way, I still hold Chainlink, even a significant amount.

>> No.57977497 [View]
File: 960 KB, 4000x2251, mkultra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICO buyers got $0.15 to $50 merely from crypto being a casino. Anyone who bought this after 2020 has forgotten that, or thought fundamentals mattered.

Chainlink just went live with one of the biggest game developers in South Korea, they partnered with one of the biggest stablecoins on the planet, they're developing software with banks, and they have most of DeFi ready to plugin to their cross chain. Price is $30 under when it was just a token that did nothing. Do you get it now? Fundamentals don't matter, market cap doesn't matter, the token's use case doesn't matter. Staking does not matter. Off-chain compute does not matter. The risk management network does not matter. All that matters, is that this token has no casino shine, normies don't want it or need it to make more money, and staking pays out the same percentage as ETH while being capped. The sooner you understand all this, the sooner you realize you outsmarted yourself holding LINK.

>t. ICO buyer who left for shitcoins and never came back

>> No.57808412 [View]
File: 960 KB, 4000x2251, pieceof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sold for a smorgasbord of shitcoins and BTC, immediately see the old gains of crypto. Amazing what happens when Sergey isn't there to prevent you from making it. He is a vile, greedy, selfish motherfucker who stole my gains the past few years to be a virtue signaling, globohomo, fat piece of Kissinger Schmidt. Take the Chainlink blackpill, he probably hates this board and wants us off the boat. All good Serg, I'll make more gains without you, fatty fat fuck

>> No.57735526 [View]
File: 960 KB, 4000x2251, pieceof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate Sergey. I fucking hate Ari. I fucking hate Rory. I fucking hate Schmidt. I fucking hate Ellis. I fucking hate Balaji. I fucking hate Barrett. I fucking hate Thomas. I hate every last fucking cretin who was involved in this money laundering, money fucking incinerator. My stack has been dying vs ETH for 4 straight years now. I once had 3000 ETH in LINK, and now it's barely 120 ETH. FUCK Chainlink, FUCK the staking pool, and fuck that goddamn piece of shit CCIP vaporware they've failed at for 4 years now.

Good luck the rest of the way, marines. Even if you are the biggest retards on planet Earth.

>> No.57440932 [View]
File: 960 KB, 4000x2251, vaporw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remember the larp about "they have deadlines too". And the Arbitrum decentralized sequencer larp? That FedNow was Chainlink backed. That SWIFT Go involved Chainlink? That Chainlink was buying Lumen for edge routing and nodes? Remember the larp that Christine Moy was leaving JPMorgan to work for Chainlink? Remember when PayPal was going to announce they were using Chainlink CCIP to enable Paxos transfers? The Sergey Gold Man Sachs larp? Remember the larp that Chainlink nodes would run ETH code and be de facto complete stack nodes? Remember when Eric Schmidt was going to change Chainlink's trajectory? Hey remember the larp that staking would secure CCIP and people would get BUILD rewards and be worth millions of dollars? Remember Arbitrum was going to run off Chainlink completely? Remember China's BSN was going to run automated cities off Chainlink? Remember when Microsoft showed up to SmartCon and everyone thought announcements were coming? Do you remember the Baseline larp where Coca Cola would run their bottling lines on chain with Link?

Look at their twitter. Seething hate. Ridicule. Sarcasm. They have lost everyone's respect. Now Sergey is annoyed with social media because *gasp* it's a tool where people communicate their thoughts and feelings to you and your company.

>> No.57417099 [View]
File: 960 KB, 4000x2251, vaporw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the larp about "they have deadlines too". And the Arbitrum decentralized sequencer larp? That FedNow was Chainlink backed. That SWIFT Go involved Chainlink? That Chainlink was buying Lumen for edge routing and nodes? Remember the larp that Christine Moy was leaving JPMorgan to work for Chainlink? Remember when PayPal was going to announce they were using Chainlink CCIP to enable Paxos transfers? The Sergey Gold Man Sachs larp? Remember the larp that Chainlink nodes would run ETH code and be de facto complete stack nodes? Remember when Eric Schmidt was going to change Chainlink's trajectory? Hey remember the larp that staking would secure CCIP and people would get BUILD rewards and be worth millions of dollars?

Remember when LINK was $25 in January 2021 and now it's barely worth $14? Remember when Sergey started employing hundreds of advocates to make you think things were going well?

>> No.57388220 [View]
File: 960 KB, 4000x2251, vaporw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sergey in Dec 2021
In the coming year, we'll see the launch of CCIP and staking

>Sergey in January of 2023:
We appreciate your patience and understanding and look forward to releasing CCIP in 2023 in a state that meets the functional and security demands of the growing cross-chain economy.

>January 23 2024
>CCIP: Not available for 99.99999% of users

I have never seen a single person delay, stall, and ignore as much as Sergey Nazarov. Genuinely one of the most annoying humans I've ever come across (I work in the space and want to release our CCIP product). He has gone back on his word so many times, and at this point resembles the boy who cried wolf. Trust me, the entire industry hates him. Even people who used to love the guy. He ignores self imposed deadlines and launch dates like he has a time machine. A professional gaslighter.

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