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>> No.54569420 [View]
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>> No.54426908 [View]
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As foretold by the Dead Sea Scrolls

>> No.54341669 [View]
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I know exactly what you mean. Reposting some common medications and my own experiences with them in the off-chance you're open to considering meds. As always, please see a doctor first and try to get a referral to a psychiatrist:
>Trintellix (vortioxetine)
Pro: Basically eliminates depression.
Con: May give you some of the worst nightmares of your life. Doesn't for most people, but I guess I wasn't most people.
>Effexor (venlafaxine)
Pro: Cuts the intensity of depressive thoughts and anxiety, reduces intensity of suicidal impulses, helps you last longer during sex (a lot longer).
Con: A lot, but they fade once you've been on it for a few months. Disrupted sleep, cold sweats at night, vertigo, elevated blood pressure, elevated ocular pressure, halos around bright lights and white-on-black text, and brain zaps. Do not do what I did and try to quit it cold turkey, you will feel as if you're having brain epilepsy for a month. Your emotions may become blunted. You will feel an indescribable 'emptiness' that only others on venlafaxine will understand. Orgasms become challenging, reduced sex-drive. Dry mouth and sleepiness (I never got these 2).
>Wellbutrin (bupropion)
Pros: Massively increase sex-drive, pairs well with venlafaxine but will worsen sleep further. Will help you keep your emotions while on venlafaxine. Reduces feelings of emptiness, further reduces depression.
Cons: You will know very quickly when you miss a dose, your brain-zaps will inform you.
>Buspar (buspirone)
Pros: Heightened mental sharpness, lifts brain fog, improves emotional responses, spot-treatment of extremely acute anxiety. If taken with a small amount of melatonin, promotes neuron growth in a mechanism not fully understood yet.
Cons: Must avoid eating grapefruit or grapefruit juice ;_;
*If you have THC on buspirone, you may be able to view your current life, mood, thoughts, and situations more objectively from a removed perspective (like looking at yourself from outside of yourself)

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