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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.54585931 [View]
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I don't know, Satan, but I would really like to rest my head on her lap while she strokes my head as I sob quietly after she's finished beating me within an inch of my life with an aluminum baseball bat

>> No.54389281 [View]
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If you were born 800 years ago you would die at the ripe age of 30 from a preventable disease

>> No.54352449 [View]
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I will never stop trying to save you. I will always ignore your malice as it is a symptom of your diseased mind.

>> No.54335567 [View]
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You absolutely need to get in touch with a psychiatrist, the sooner you do the less chance of killing yourself and actually managing to become happy.
If you'd like to look up some common medications, some decent ones are:
>Trintellix (vortioxetine)
Pro: Basically eliminates depression.
Con: May give you some of the worst nightmares of your life. Doesn't for most people, but I guess I wasn't most people.
>Effexor (venlafaxine)
Pro: Cuts the intensity of depressive thoughts and anxiety, reduces intensity of suicidal impulses, helps you last longer during sex (a lot longer).
Con: A lot, but they fade once you've been on it for a few months. Disrupted sleep, cold sweats at night, vertigo, elevated blood pressure, elevated ocular pressure, halos around bright lights and white-on-black text, and brain zaps. Do not do what I did and try to quit it cold turkey, you will feel as if you're having brain epilepsy for a month. Your emotions may become blunted. You will feel an indescribable 'emptiness' that only others on venlafaxine will understand. Orgasms become challenging, reduced sex-drive. Dry mouth and sleepiness (I never got these 2).
>Wellbutrin (bupropion)
Pros: Massively increase sex-drive, pairs well with venlafaxine but will worsen sleep further. Will help you keep your emotions while on venlafaxine. Reduces feelings of emptiness, further reduces depression.
Cons: You will know very quickly when you miss a dose, your brain-zaps will inform you.
>Buspar (buspirone)
Pros: Heightened mental sharpness, lifts brain fog, improves emotional responses, spot-treatment of extremely acute anxiety. If taken with a small amount of melatonin, promotes neuron growth in a mechanism not fully understood yet.
Cons: Must avoid eating grapefruit or grapefruit juice ;_;
* If you have THC on it, you may be able to view your current life, mood, thoughts, and situations more objectively from a removed perspective (like looking at yourself from outside of yourself)

>> No.54312997 [View]
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The war with China means the US doesn't trust their enemy with their industrial capacity. The Fed wants to slash wages so they can bring back factory capacity without having to pay a decent wage — or just shove them into Mexico again.

>> No.54245975 [View]
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Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor about schizophrenia, it runs in my family too and I have to keep an eye on it.
As for Powell, thanks telling the time, I was having trouble finding out. Things will go up in the 1 year term regardless of what's announced, so don't do anything impulsive or hasty

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