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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.15891497 [View]
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>stop fapping thinking it will magically get me laid
>literally nothing changes
>still nothing changed

There is no magic solution son.
You can't achieve things simply through inaction (which is what nofap is).

>> No.14026908 [View]
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>65% mutts in charge of education


>> No.10991511 [View]
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It's cringe. Probably written by the same supreme gentleman who made those shitty comics .

Regardless, 90% of Anns in the world graduated HS with no concept of what the real world is like. Because HS doesn't actually teach you that and their parents were too fucking dumb and lazy to show them. So this is what Ann does:

>gets a degree because that's what everyone does
>has no idea what to study
>Engineering/law/medicine shoehorns you into a profession and she's not sure she wants to do that for the rest of her life
>chooses some vague humanities shit like "social philology" instead
>thinks it will 'keep their options open'
>actually leaves her with NO options
>cant get a job
>has to do minimum wage sales/copywriter gigs
>10 years after graduation, still paying off those student loans

>> No.10827243 [View]
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Then they get assigned to a special project that requires plenty of 1-on-1s with the manager.

It's fucking sad how 50+ year old executives drool over mildly attractive young women at work.

>> No.10352769 [View]
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>get in before its too late

>> No.10014066 [View]
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>As this is a blue board I can't give you a direct link unfortunately

You mean like this?


>> No.5734991 [View]
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A woman invented you.

>> No.4367026 [View]
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Which is why commodity trading is a thing.

>> No.3386246 [View]
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Reminder that someone lost $800 so you could make $800.

Enjoy your blood money.

>> No.2044375 [View]
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It's just a bitcoin clone.

Why would anyone buy it in the first place when bitcoin exists?

Seriously, what goes through your head when you waste money on shit like this?

>> No.2011530 [View]
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more like

>Guy films himself in Lambo dealership for 17 minutes

>> No.1773991 [View]
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What's the alternative?

>be honest upfront
>don't get hired
>the dipshit who lied the best gets hired

>> No.1461150 [View]
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Wow anon, you outperformed 99.999% of all other traders.

We must be extremely lucky to run into you on /biz/. Share some advanced trading tips pls.

>> No.1422090 [View]
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>idiots actually discussing the Amazon marketplace like it matters

The marketplace accounts for like 10% of the total revenue. The rest is all AWS.

Meanwhile AWS is raking in $ a year and still growing at 70% annually.

>> No.1363184 [View]
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>rent for 3 hours
>take 500 pictures and videos
>post over the next 2 years

Gotta give it to him though, he sure knows how to hustle simpletons.

>> No.1344958 [View]
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What was the concept?

I have an iq of 155 according to various respectable online sources and I still have no fucking idea what exactly the DAO did was supposed to be doing.

Thankfully I was smart enough to stay out of shit I don't understand unlike all the retards who fell for it.

>> No.1239852 [View]
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>implying anyone works 80+ hours a week

People who brag about this shit are just lazy retards. They feel like they work so much because of how little they actually get done.

First boss was like this.
- If someone called him, he would spend 45 minutes on a conversation that could have been over in 5.
- Would take 30 minutes explaining his grand vision for the company to me on a daily basis
- Would spend 2-3 hours on linkedin a day
- Would take on stingy clients even though we had enough work
- Constant networking events and meetings that were a waste of time
- Would spend 1-2 hours a day on personal shit like getting his car fixed or going to get a haircut

Then he would come home and sit down to do actual work until midnight to meet various deadlines.

You could say he worked 80+ hours a week.

But to be fair he only spent 20-30 hours doing actual work. The other 50 were a mix of interruptions, pointless networking and commute.

It's not an uncommon pattern for these idiots. They sit down to do work that should take an hour and end up spending 4 hours reading blog posts on how to increase productivity.

>> No.1187852 [View]
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If this was a legitimately good investment opportunity, nobody would tell you, because they'd buy up as much as possible while the price was still low.

So ask yourself why you are so fortunate to have anonymous strangers share this unique opportunity with you.

>> No.1156814 [View]
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You should educate yourself before you waste time and money on stupid shit.

>> No.987399 [View]
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What does this word mean?

>> No.931942 [View]
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Almost 2nd year associate here

Let me tell you what being a lawyer is like

You sit in front of a screen all day and do boring shit that sucks.

Today I spent most of my day typing out 5 letters and scouring through our archive because a case file has gone missing.

>I also have a knack for picking at people and finding things out, as well as arguing, it's like a drug for me.

This job is mostly kissing ass, constructing documents and if you are any good; selling.

Ironic because I went into law instead of IT as I wanted to work with people, but most days I hardly talk to anyone except my responsible partner when he comes to give me more work.

At least I got into a small office with just 4 lawyers, so I get to work on different types of cases. My classmate who got in at the biggest national firm here is doing nothing but real estate correcting lease agreements all day long.

Right now I'm just looking at exit options because I have not seen a single person in this business live a happy fulfilling life. Wish I'd gone into nerd shit instead. Or sales - at least I would've been making money for the past 6 years instead of picking up a massive debt.

>> No.929358 [View]
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Why don't they just buy lessons through skype?

>> No.915017 [View]
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>55% of angel investors lose money on their investment
>/biz/ why are you not investing into startups?

>55% lose money
>why are you not investing

>lose money
>why not

Idk you tell me bro

>> No.759626 [View]
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What country is the squatter registered in?

In some legal systems you can file for compulsory acquisition against domain squatters if you have a justified reason for wanting the domain.


We are here to create value.

Domain squatting is a zero-sum scheme where the squatter creates nothing.

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