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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.28640896 [View]
File: 3.99 MB, 650x650, d2gocjl-31ac04f6-ed36-40be-9ead-c04e198104cf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how good your opsec is. It's like using Tor: you can't just launch the Tor browser and assume "OmG LiTeRaLlY No OnE cAn FiGuRe OuT iT's Me!!", you have to account for
>where are you connecting to the internet from?
>what operating system are you using?
>are you using your own computer or a public one?
>are you in a locked room? a house with other family members or roommates? in a public place with surveillance cameras?
>is there anyone else who can access this computer?
>if there is, is there any way they can find out you were using TOR? did you download anything that they could possibly find in a file manager?
>if you downloaded a file that could contain a trojan that sends your real IP out, do you have any safeguards in place (i.e. disconnecting from the internet before opening the file, setting up a firewall, etc)?
>did you verify the PGP hash from the Tor Project before you downloaded the browser?
>is the software up to date?
>did you verify the security settings?
>when creating sock puppet accounts on websites, are you using personal identifying information? (think usernames you've used on other websites outside of TOR, did you use your personal email, did you post your real location, etc)
>are you mixing up linguistics/dialects between sock puppet accounts?

I could go on and on. But if anyone wants to completely hide their transactions for crimes in minecraft, they need good opsec. Tor can protect you but only if you use it right, and Monero can protect you only if you use it right. Some food for thought: there are some OG minecraft crime lords that can still use Bitcoin today because their opsec is so fucking good.

>> No.23956514 [View]
File: 3.99 MB, 650x650, laughing_man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneed big guy what did he mean by this my wife's son Law of Attraction virgin checkd manlet coomer *schlop* they do it for free how will ever recover Terry Davis sauce brap
>you now remember ____ was __ years ago
vidya no singles policy into the trash it goes pic related unironiclly Jesus Christ Favreau it's just a grilled cheese tripfag What's his endgame What do they eat
>be me
shitbox burgers imagine the smell THICCC squat plug original MBTI normalfag why yes I Natalia Poklonskaya Team Peep milkers a q p I'm trans btw penis inspection day roll

>> No.779712 [View]
File: 3.99 MB, 650x650, Laughing_Man_Logo_GIF_by_Sushiman0001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.560032 [View]
File: 3.99 MB, 650x650, Laughing_Man_Logo_GIF_by_Sushiman0001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Google "IB API"

If you're really willing to work hard, you should be able to take it from there.

>> No.553203 [View]
File: 3.99 MB, 650x650, Laughing_Man_Logo_GIF_by_Sushiman0001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Establish a company overseas. In Jamaica, for example. In some cases you'll need a foreigner to split ownership of the company (on paper) so that it isn't majority owned by an American. This isn't a problem if you're the only signer on the bank accounts. Overseas companies can have American bank accounts just as easily as domestic ones.

If that 150k is already in your name then your best bet is to "invest it" into your overseas company by having it issue stocks which you'll then buy from yourself. You'll need to work your ass off with paperwork to make this legit, but it will defer whatever taxes you already owe.

Once you've got it offshore, you can hire yourself as a consultant for this overseas company and pay yourself 20k/year (the maximum amount not required to pay federal income tax). This is your legit rent and grocery money. Use a company credit card for your other expenses like "Business Meals, Equipment, Entertainment, Office Furniture, etc." and if you use discipline you'll be well within the law.

When you've run out of your overseas money, you can just dissolve your shelter company and write off your "loss" on those bonds you bought from yourself.

You'll want to sit down with specialist attorneys so verify all this still works. The rules change every few years.

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