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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57140732 [View]
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> 58% of my portfolio is stocks, and I've been quite happy with that over the years.
> 32% is the equity in the house.
You're going to lose all that (The Great Taking). The only thing you'll get to keep is your metals. Your paper gains will be just that. But you won't be alone! Most people will be just like you, except they won't have any metals at all.

>> No.55941685 [View]
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>IT: Ibm, Microsoft, Apple, silicon valley
It's all botnet tier crap for CIA niggers to spy on the rest of the world. We're better off with our own systems based on ARM and Linux/BSD.
Just endless LGBT nigger propaganda.
>Cars, Aviation, Tesla, Starlink etc
We build our own cars and aircraft, even satellites. Don't need yours.
>Oil and gas
We can get that easily from Russia and the middle-east.
Yeah we got loads of those too, don't need yours.
Ultimately you don't provide much value to the rest of the world. And you take much more than you give. Your biggest export by far has been death and destruction, and subversion of various types.

>> No.55336436 [View]
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>There will be no resistance
Oh but there will be and in fact there already is. Florida already passed an anti-CBDC bill, and Texas is working towards its own independent currency that includes gold and silver coins. Then there's the african countries they've been trying to run CBDC on and nobody is going for it.

>> No.55125193 [View]
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>I could cash in all my wealth right now and have the biggest stack on the board.
Do or do not. There is no try.

>> No.52513693 [View]
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You need to watch the Catherine Austin Fitts interviews on planetlockdownfilm.com, my dude. They've been planning the end of the USD reserve currency and its replacement for a very long time. CBDC is their replacement, and that's all they've got. Either they push it hard enough and they survive, or they fail and we win. But they won't give up easily, and might even start up WW3 if they're losing. At the very least I expect a lot of hungry and poor people next year, because lack of fertilizer due to sanctions the banksters put in place. They probably will try to couple the CBDC with UBI, and try to make the poison go down easier that way.

>> No.52475581 [View]
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When the current phase of subversion is over, the useful idiots will be lined up against the wall.

>> No.52313709 [View]
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I heard there's supply problems with LMU 20F coins, but I don't stack them because the premiums were always higher than 1 oz krugs.

>the global financial system is going to implode, but give the exponential nature of debts, interest, and money creation, it is a fact that this will happen in our lifetimes and possibly even within the next few years.
The dollar reserve currency is failing. It basically already failed and is on life support since 2008, and a total zombie since 2019. They plan to replace it with a CBDC slavery system. Then they won't care about the other stuff like balance sheets, debts, bonds, etc. That's why they're destroying all the economy, creating supply problems for fuel, fertilizer, food, etc. That's the kind of leverage they need to make the population bend to their will and submit to the CBDC slavery system.
The banks are also buying gold, but it doesn't mean it's to back a sound currency with it. Gold is for international trade.

>> No.51376993 [View]
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If it's not physical metal, then it's fake paper gold, no different from fiat currency. And I suppose that's what most people will buy, because of your reasons (not wanting to bother with the small gold premium) or the fact that their money is locked in their 401k and they don't want to deal with massive IRS tax penalties for early withdrawal. In effect, the majority of the population has their wealth (if you want to call it that, but it's just numbers in an account really) locked away so they can't be a threat to the banks. If a significant portion of the population said the hell with it and just put all their savings, or even a fraction of it like 25%, into silver and gold, then the banks would be in big trouble. For starters, there isn't even enough silver and gold to begin with, and a bunch of people would find themselves holding a worthless bag of fiat.

>> No.51365421 [View]
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The BRICS are not gonna collect, they're gonna dump the dollar and euro and cut you off from all the basic materials you need, like oil, gas, fertilizer, rare earth minerals, and so on. If you want any of that stuff, you'll have to pay with real money (gold). If you don't want to pay real money, you'll have to fight them for those resources, but who is left in the west that's willing to die for the bankers, just so that they can turn around and use those very resources to enslave you more?

>> No.51287353 [View]
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The goal here isn't humiliation, it's conflict. They want the populations in the west to be very angry at their governments, and direct all their anger towards them. The banksters are using them as scapegoats so that the blame for the inevitable financial crisis doesn't get pinned onto the banking cartel itself, because that would surely destroy it. So the western puppet leaders are roleplaying as the bad guys, and there will be some hand-picked good guys that show up at some point to offer the already planned solutions to their manufactured problems once things become really miserable (like maybe for example this winter, when people are freezing, or next year when they're starving).

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