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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.55179199 [View]
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Checked. I dumped all my bat at 32 cents for rlc at about 1.20.
Seems like a natural place for bat holders to migrate (mid market cap, not so risky that it could rug pull, potential x100-1000 in a bull utility works *like we thought bat would do. And link already did) We really want a utility token to work. Bat seemed like best bet 2017-2018. But holy fuck do they hate their token.
Fuck bat
Fuck eich
Fuck brave

>> No.54266478 [View]
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I dumped my 500k. Feels good after 5 years. Ask yourself what the team could do to pump the price. And the likely hood of that happening. Might as well throw a dart at any of the top 200 and you'll have better gains.

Anyways. Fuck bat. Fuck eich. Fuck brave talk. Fuck brave VPN. Fuck selfserve. Fuck vbat. Fuck brave dildo search. Fuck these scamming lying fucks

Did you see on the community call someone typed if they addresses the reddit thread with all the questions about bat. Luke said he did on last weeks call. The call the was never recorded. Fucking liars

>> No.53889934 [View]
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Can someone give a qrd of the community call? Did they really not say shit again? I fucking hate this coin so much and I'm only holding 200k

>> No.53517968 [View]
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Yep. This fucking coin makes me rage so much
I've invested in shit that mooned. And shit that rugged hard and stole all the money. Bat makes me 100x seeth more. Because how long they drug it out. How they can't do anything. And they keep lying. And now it appears they have gone completely silent. Also there is zero online hype community. Which is not good. Every fucking other coins has active telegrams and discord. Not bat. They got hacked on telegram and never fucking bothered to make a new one.
>but we emailed telegram!
Tell your fat fuck boss to pull a string and get it back. Or better yet make a new one

The discord is even sadder. No one says anything. And the community calls are dogshit

Oops! They forgot to release the "state of bat" last week. Oopsy.

Like you my friend I have more bat than these faggot can even dream off. Already sold half. Was planning to see the road map last week and decide to dump the rest or not. But I'm dumping no matter what. Fuck this coin. Fuck brave. Fuck then being pussies. Fuck me for believing in them. From hells heart I press the sell button. Missed 2 bullruns.

Ah well feels good to let it out

God I hate you bat apologists. Bat will go to 1 or 2 dollars next bullrun. Again. I will be there to laugh when it's 25 cents in 2027
>but it's only been 10 years! They need to buidl

>> No.53247698 [View]
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Fucking spring 2019. They announced selfserve in 2 weeks Q1 2019. These incompetent assholes. Slowly selling my position to better utility tokens.

Remember right after Christmas few weeks ago? When everyone was asking the brave/bat wtf was going on. On every platform. And no one responded to anything except
>something something I'm a smug cocksuck. Save these remarks for the community call
>responds only to Dildoman a 1 line retarded response to cut the fud

There were hugely community supported, well thought out questions. They just ignored

>> No.53230028 [View]
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Worst coin ever. Remember 3 weeks ago when dozens of people on every social platform asked the bat team why they were destroying their own coin. and they never answered anything. Nothing.

A snarky 1 line reply here or there from Luke and one form eich.

These fucking retards are actually going to jail. When bat goes to zero the bagholders will throw them to the SEC wolves. Funnily.. if they would have done anything with BAT we would all have their back if the faggot SEC ever tried anything

>> No.53025812 [View]
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Self-serve was promised as few days from release almost 5 years ago

Themis 2 weeks away for 2 years. Now abandoned.

"Pay with bat! 2023 our top priority!"
But you have to kyc. And no one wants to buy a bat hat

And for fucks sake. Fucking change the name of the fucking gay ass token. Holy fuck. You fucking retards

>brave attention token

For fuckssake. I put so much money into this thing. Seemed like the 150 iq play. I'm just a midwid.

Bat has less utility than 5 fucking years ago.

Agreed. Slowly converting my bat to RLC. Should have all in-ed 6 months ago

>> No.52954789 [View]
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First bat weekly call I've been on. Are they always this bad? Some guy sharing his screen saying how they are going to have customizable theme colors. And implement things Google does.

So you're going to usurp Google. By implementing things they already have? Fuck this shit

This is retarded

>> No.52740879 [View]
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Sounds like my goals. Farm with a well, solar, 2 of every farm animal like a redneck Noah, I think I'll import a virgin waifu from SEA
But how much money do you need for this?
>5-40 acres(depends where you are)
>self sufficient house
>money for property taxes for years
Probably 5-10 million. 1 golden bull. Or 2 normal bulls away...

Funny the things everyone had 150 years ago and were given away by the government (homestead act) are impossible now (Virgin wife, diversified farm, few acres)

Oh and I fucking hate how retarded farming is now. Basedbeans and corn. 2 most unhealthy crops. Raping land for short term gains with fertilizer. Animal confinements are disgustingly inhumane.

Anyways. Fuck eich. 5 years holding this shitcoin. Dca every month. And in the red. I would be different if Dildo Eich actually hyped his coin. Or released.. oh I don't know. ANYTHING to add utility.
Every batties going to dump if it ever pumps. I fucking will. I hate this Stockholm syndrome token
>tfw 1 million bat

>> No.52338385 [View]
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>instead of working on utility for bat. Let's find another shitcoin chain to mint nfts on
My bat bags are so heavy bros

>> No.51496436 [View]
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>tfw 800k bag holder
>q1 2018 self serve is coming out! 2 weeks!
Ok they missed the deadline
>2019 deep into bear. Time to accumulate
No news. No marketing
>2020 I hope they come out with something. Anything
No news. No marketing. Lose apple devices without even a fight
>2021 fuck now is the time to say ANYTHING positive. We are missing the bullrun.
No news. Nothing. Bat has less utility then ever. Brave talk pay in usd
>2022 for the fucking love of fuck do anything
Brenden covid posting. No fucking road map or direction. No news. Shitty brave vpn, pay in usd of course. Less regions supported than ever. Less utility then ever. Endless "soons".
>30 cents nothingpersonalkid.jpg
>Almost 2023. Xrp worth 5 cents more than bat
I hope there is news. I'm dumping my stack at first pump. 5 years of holding. So much opportunity cost. I have only myself to blame

>> No.51279859 [View]
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This. We fucking had years of brutal crab at 18-25 cents. Then finally it broke out. Now we are back at the start. And you know if btc drops to 15k we are at 25 cents again. Haha there is nothing holding this coin up. No one wants it. The team did fuck all in the bullrun. And somehow doing less now.

>> No.51196900 [View]
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Been memeing and dreaming for 4 years. Every deadline missed. No real marketing. Retarded shit like brave VPN and talk.
No self serve.

All they have to do is make the coin have ANY utility. And a reason for someone to want to use brave to get bat or buy bat to use for a reason. Let me name a few reasons that would maybe lead to bat growing off the top of my head
>targeted ads
>pay ethots in bat so your fat ugly gf doesn't read your credit card bill and find out you're a simp
>brave search ads keywords that you buy in bat
>local businesses targeting with bat
>easier tipping. That isn't anonymous. "Thanks for the x months of support" type shit youtubers love
>actually buy something with bat ffs. They don't even have the merch store you can use bat lol. Make a pluggin for websites that let people use there bat for anything the website wants
>more exchanges for cashout
>swap bat at anytime for any coin with the fucking built in wallet
> browser referral program (25 bat once your friend is a daily user for a month)
Oh and I don't know..
>FUCKING RENAME THE FUCKING COIN. BRAVE COIN. BRAVE ATTENTION TOKEN. LION COIN. BRAVE TOKEN. FUCKING ANYTHING. People have no fucking clue what basic attention token even fucking means
And eich needs to stop acting like an Incel
>tfw watch my portfolio go from 800k to 150k and while dog coins and retards moon
Eternal bat bag holder

>> No.50943082 [View]
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