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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.11164602 [View]
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>cool so i can hire a hypothetical group of thugs who are willing to try to kill innocent people who are probably armed and that likely live in a neighborhood of other armed people
yeah that private militia is gonna last a good long time
shit business ideas 101

>america is an armed society and it's one of the least polite societies out there
because it's a big homogenized multicultural melting pot of a bunch of people with wildly different principals and ideals who don't want a goddamn thing to do with one-another but don't have any capacity to disassociate
americans owned guns and respected one-another for a looooong time prior to the 1960s

>Ancaps really are the dumbest cunts out there. Even worse than communists.
lol, "fuck you" too
i get the feeling that you didn't even really read my post

>Even those corps have a clear hierarchy and structure, which is not what you advocate.
as long as they respect the liberties of others, corporations can have as clear of a hierarchy and structure as they want—nobody is forced to live under the laws of that corporation. if you want to opt out, you can opt out.

the things that your society is willing to spend money on is a reflection of the state of your society. if something currently isn't profitable but is objectively good, then someone will find a way to make it profitable. if work isn't worth enough to be done at a certain price, then people will offer more money for that work to be completed (or in the case of research, funding can be acquired), and the price of the goods that such work produces will go up—and if this is not possible, then this work might not be worth all that much.
if a business is expanding and there is truly no government influence involved, then that expansion is an accurate depiction of what that society most values. it's what they're voting for. instantaneous elections. if they find something that they don't like about that business, then they buy from a competitor.

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