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>> No.54689828 [View]
File: 56 KB, 500x515, 03013.00+Chapel+01+Wallx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i view Ripple's collusion with the psychopaths who run the world as a necessary evil. it has to do with a transition i made over the last few years, not the dick-chopping kind but a movement away from wanting to overthrow the current political system through conventional political and economic means (reform, activism, etc) to something more akin to alchemical transmutation
>inb4 that's cope
it very well could be, just me rationalizing as a result of finally coming to terms with the fact that any revolution will inherently become co-opted and/or become the authority it sought to replace, and so any kind of legacy form of activism is doomed from the start

but i genuinely do think that by virtue of working with The Powers That Be at the very highest levels (IMF, World Bank, BIS, UN, Gates Foundation, all the biggest banks, corporations, governments, etc) Ripple is uniquely poised to shift the world system in ways that might appear subtle now but might have relatively huge effects downstream.

I think the feature that nobody talks about, rippling, might be a good example of this, but just the ability to transfer money instantly for pennies is probably the most obvious one.

Yes, this technology enables unprecedented levels of surveillance and control, and yes it will be used that way. But it also enables the emergence of an entirely different and new social-economic-cultural order.

The bad guys have a head start, and they have all the power and money (for now). But, we stand at a very significant inflection point in history where a lot of established systems are beginning to collapse. "Coincidentally," right at this moment, a technological toolset emerges that has the potential to help an entirely new type of society emerge

personally i think the technocratic totalitarian smart city dystopian hell will get rolled out, and it'll probably use Ripple tech, sure. but the solarpunk decentralized neo-feudal eutopia network can use XRPL tech too.

>> No.54444434 [View]
File: 56 KB, 500x515, 03013.00+Chapel+01+Wallx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey that's the chick that walked into the Singapore G20 conference a few years back with the Ripple CEO, the smooth guy, Ganglehouse or whatever. At that thing where he sat by the Swiss and Singaporean bankers on the panel and they talked about using digital assets for cheap fast trustless cross border payments, real time gross settlement and fx swaps

wait wasn't that the same chick who was at the IMF or whatever? the same IMF whose head lawyer for digital assets was ALSO on stage with the SAME DUDE? Brad Gargleshack? dude that is such a crazy video, they can barely keep a straight face when they are talking about the IMF custodying crypto assets. it's only a minute long, worth a watch

WAIT WAIT WAIT ECB bank head dominatrix lady is talking abotu how...they're like crashing the system or something? and like, they're going to replace it with all these digital currencies they've been making? but like theyre going to need a cheap fast scalable neutral bridge asset that has been thoroughly tested in partnership with the worlds biggest banks and central banks

do you guys know if anythign like that exists? maybe? because man oh man if that happens and all of the sudden like a hundred trillion bucks are put into that CBDC system because idk, there's a liquidity crunch caused by a "cyber pandemic" affecting payment platforms and they need a solution right away to this totally organic crisis

that asset would probably be worth a whole lot, really fast. like in an instant. the flip of a switch. wouldn't that just be wild?

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