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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.23023181 [View]
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>> No.22452264 [View]
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it is a stable chain, ETH 2.0 is not, other chains are not stable, meaning if the price of ETH or other Coin/Token goes up, your fees go up. Dai is stable at 1 dollar

>> No.22157036 [View]
File: 1.34 MB, 1324x822, SirsExpress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you move off the smelly pajeet infested ETH mainnet and onto the comfy xDai express? Plenty of projects are already doing so. Gnosis, Powerpool and other projects are already moving off mainnet to xDai.

>> No.22142338 [View]
File: 1.34 MB, 1324x822, SirsExpress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck off of mainnet and start using layer 2 sidechains.

>> No.22125070 [View]
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You sold, thank you

xDai STAKE is the future


>> No.22109379 [View]
File: 1.34 MB, 1324x822, SirsExpress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirs, please continue to ride Ethereum Mainnet. Don't you want to pay high premiums to smell Ranjeet's BO and Pranjeesh's breath? Do NOT ride xDai express sirs. Do the needful.

>> No.22077831 [View]
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Invest in layer 2's you fucking retards. xDai chads will make it. Not sure if it will be the next YAM, or the TX fees, but you pajeet uniswap defi scam coin faggots will lose everything.

The mainnet is clogged because of Indian scammers. Just take a look at the search volume for Ethereum in India. I'm getting off mainnet, and riding the xDai express.

>> No.22073389 [View]
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Layer 2 will experience the next pump. All layer 2 solutions are being looked into now, and there is only one solution that is truly ready and easy to migrate all your smart contracts to at the moment: xDai STAKE. Why are you pajeet faggots still buying the latest defi scam coins? You don't make any money anyways. Multiple DAOs are already switching to xDai. Aragon, 1Hive, Powerpool, you are literally retarded if you don't own a stack of STAKE at this point.

Nobody wants to ride on the slow ETH mainnet with you filthy fucking pajeets.

>> No.22025741 [View]
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$1000 EOY

There is no reason this crypto should be priced below OMG at this point. This is not that OMG is overvalued, xDai is extremely undervalued. Every /biz/ bro should be into this now, and put a large portion of his stack here. Stop getting rugged in Mumbai for a few weeks and ride the xDai express.

Tweet by Splunk, $30 billion dollar company that they collaberated with:

Tweet by Amazon Web Services Marketplace, they tweeted a post about using Blockscout/xDai:

You can also see some of their validators here are big, MAKERDAO, Anyblock Analytics, some others:
This doesn't even mention all the evidence that they will likely win the reddit competition and all the tweets by Vitalik recently.

>> No.22010069 [View]
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Who else here is glad xDai has made a bridge away from ETH so we can escape filthy pajeets clogging up mainnet?

>> No.22001295 [View]
File: 1.34 MB, 1324x822, SirsExpress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum mainnet:
>loaded with pajeets trying to do uniswap scams
>expensive as fuck
>takes a long time

xDai stake:
>faster block times
>not congested
>lower fees
>higher TPS

Why aren't you on the xDai express?

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