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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.10393456 [View]
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There is a popular misconception floating around /biz/ where people think that denial only happens around the peak.


Denial only BEGINS around peak. It finally ends during capitulation.

>> No.8833393 [View]
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>> No.8700387 [View]
File: 76 KB, 1024x686, bubble-phases-1024x686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you think BTC is truly worth today?
This is how much market will pay for it.. where normies will justify the price and moon potential.
With no other coins with true utility function, how much is BTC worth? #relative

To me BTC is worth around 2-4k .. yes I also see myself buying portions of a BTC when it's at 100k. But right now dollars do more for me than BTC .. but 2-4k BTC would be nice as a long term hold.

>> No.7089525 [View]
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How do I know for a certainty that crypto is a bursting bubble?
Because I always join things when it's already too late ... and I started trading crypto in 2018.

You can't win this argument. Either you have to call me a genius for joining on time (I'm just an average normie) or you have to admit I'm right and everything is about to go to shit.

>> No.6085440 [View]
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I have travelled back in time from the year 2020 where Bitcoin Core has already reached a staggering $900. We still have pajeets claiming that "it will never crash, stop posting your bubble memechart" and that "we will return to normal any moment now".

>> No.5639569 [View]
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Is this the final bubble of trading history?

Will there ever be another bubble or will this one cause the normies to finally learn and trade differently next time?

>> No.5547652 [View]
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It's almost cartoonish how accurately BTC is following this line.

>> No.3210339 [View]
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Bitcoin will control the banks. We will control the Bitcoin.

Look at the price. That's despite the transaction times. You know the graph they post of a bubble? If we don't fuck this up we can enter INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR PHASE.

If we fuck off to Chinacoin we can enjoy the next phase: Denial.

>> No.2752462 [View]
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Literally a textbook speculative bubble, learn from your mistakes folks.

>> No.1773718 [View]
File: 76 KB, 1024x686, 1484663525105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.Never chase. If you have to ask, it's too late.

2. Buy when everyone elses is selling, and sell when everyone else is buying. I make the majority of my money from overnight holds. NOBODY, including me and all of the meme prophits, here has the capital required to invest OR daytrade properly.

2. Never buy in the middle of the day if you don't have daytrades. Whenever you make a risky play you ALWAYS need a way out.

4. This is the big one. CUT YOUR LOSSES AND DO IT QUICKLY. Never get caught holding a bag. There will always be nore opportunities. It fucks with your decision making and logic. Google "Sunk Cost Fallacy."

5.Do your own DD, however little or much. Never go in COMPLETELY blind.

6. Be patient in your temperament, but fast in your decision making.


Pic related. Ultimately, the only thing that drives all markets is human emotion. Notging else. I Don't like the term "bubble". All markets are technically a bubble. I prefer the term "market cycles." Learn how they work. Learn how to read the hope and fear when you look at a graph. Not just the movement and price associated with a stock, and above all. Master YOUR OWN emotions.

>> No.1771309 [View]
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Anon. Don't get caught holding the bag. We're currently in the mania phase and you've bought into the delusion of the new paradigm.

>> No.1764800 [View]
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Market cycles, anon.

>> No.1764530 [View]
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>News reports saying this rallies supposed to last 13 years.

We're at the peak of the mania phase.

>> No.1749931 [View]
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Your attitude puts you in the "return to normal" phase.

>> No.1743541 [View]
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>> No.1743520 [View]
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>> No.1741426 [View]
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Now we have 3 tripfags. Mass culling immanent.

>> No.1738756 [View]
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Just a friendly reminder, bitcucks.

Next phase: Fear

>> No.1726851 [View]
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You're in the "fear" stage of this chart. You can see what comes next. The trend is now down and the price is not going to slingshot up. Don't buy in until you can see the trend is heading up for at least a month.

>> No.1725155 [View]
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For the last few days I've been sharing this chart to try and explain to coiners they were in a classic Bull Trap.
I tell them what legendary billionaire investor Jim Rogers told me, that in all his life, anytime he saw something shoot up it always had a 50% retracement.
Why don't coiners listen???
What is wrong with them???

>> No.1723155 [View]
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I have enough free elective slots (slots that can be literally whatever class I want to fufill its requirement with) to get a minor in pretty much whatever I want, so I want to pick something that will be either supplemental to my current education (finance major that will work up to finance masters with scholarships) like economics or give me a hobby/skill to continually educate myself/become proficient in my spare time like coding

I'm at a big university so it likely has most monors you can think of

>> No.1722676 [View]
File: 76 KB, 1024x686, bubble-phases-1024x686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some years ago I bought gold at $600 then watched it rise to almost $2000. Whilst feeling pretty smug I went to a lecture by Jim Rogers who said that in all his years investing, anytime an asset had risen as fast and hard as that it had always suffered a 50% fibonacci retracement. He said he would only buy when it fell closer to $1000.
Oh how I laughed...
And how right he was.
I learned my lesson and the coiners are going to learn theirs.
Take some time to study this "anatomy of a bubble chart" then look at what gold did over the last ten years. Look at what bitcoin did in 2013, then look at what bitcoin is doing today and think of Jim Rogers advice about 50% retracements.

>> No.1714915 [View]
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This is a classic BULL TRAP... learn this pattern and trust it.

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