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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.16666420 [View]
File: 6 KB, 125x125, SS_Token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have upgraded the SS Token contract. The new ticker symbol is $$, the token now has 2 decimal places.
The holders of the old SS Token got their new ones allready sent from me!

The Reichsmark (RM) is here!
Trade the RM on https://uniswap.exchange/swap with the SS Token:

Reichsmark contract address:

(new) SS Token contract address:

Input those addresses into the corresponding token dropdown menues to buy/sell.

Post SS Token memes with your eth address to get free 10000 Reichsmark.
As always, use mixer/exchanges without kyc, and VPN/TorBrowser whenever possbile – commies are watching!
Donate to this address any eth amount or any tokens to support this project: 0xF553A10C7318C8636080509D42d758a95bbe18d9

Danke und Sieg Heil, Kameraden! \o

>> No.16651957 [View]
File: 6 KB, 125x125, SS_Token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time is here.
No longer will we surrender. No longer will we let us being pushed down more and more. No longer will we tolerate free speech and rights taken away from us.
This is a push for a fourth reich, a reich in the internet, based on blockchain, uncensorable, untraceable, to safe the nationalsocialistic idea.
The SS Token will be used for governance in this new reich. One token equals one vote!
Only 1488 SS Token will ever exist.
No degenerate ICO or other cashgrabs are performed - Scammers will be gassed! You can trade this token freely on the Uniswap dex.
For better anonymity use newly created eth-adresses and use tornado.cash or exchanges without kyc to mix your eth. Also use VPNs.
No website is needed, we will communicate and govern over boards, forums and the blockchain. Every nationalsocialistic thinking and supporting individual on this planet can join our network. No matter what race!

What to come:
- Reichsmark, the currency to pay in the fourth reich
- Governance contracts, where the SS Token will be used for voting
- Voting can be used to allocate Reichsmark out of the Reichsmarkbeutel to local projects, e.g. printing flyer, sticker, donations to right wing parties, creation of flags etc.
- Reichsmark will be traded on uniswap, just like the SS Token, to convert to eth. This eth can be mixed and cashed out to fund these projects. Market Makers will get uniswap fees.
- in the far future, an own blockchain, the Barbarossa Blockkette will arise, with proof of stake, build in anonymity and governance. After the Tokenswap, the SS Token will be staked to earn Reichsmark.

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