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>> No.50555424 [View]
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Boomers acted like that because for them, there WAS always more. Millennials are the traumatized children of divorced parents who have been generationally bogged every single time stocks or crypto or employment level twitched since 2005. "Enough money" is a line that's a lot more visible from underneath.

On a longer timescale what I think we're looking at is the reemergence of a long term leisure class that doesn't see any particular value in blowing generational wealth on business or risky investments of any kind. The West's cultural output has been in decline for a century or more outside of Jew-infested publishing cabals (which led to the rise of anime and thus 4chan) precisely because everything has to show positive ROI every single quarter and nobody is allowed to sit back and contemplate.

This applies to art production hobbies, but it's not JUST art production. Things like philosophy or mathematics or undirected pure scientific research have been withering on the vine because you're either in the corporate world with investors to please, government with political whims to obey, or academia with its publish-or-perish mandates.

My plans post MOASS are to dedicate myself to the life of an independent gentleman scholar in the style of the 1800s, and perhaps writing a novel or three. I encourage others to take the same path. Economics is important, but it is not everything, and I think the real gift of the MOASS to the 21st century will be rediscovering some of that everything else.

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