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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.29775978 [View]
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As someone who worked doing menial labour for years as I worked my way through engineering I have to say I really miss the days where I could do some shitty repetitive task but have my thoughts to myself. I could listen to music all day, I was getting exercise, I had a nice tan and visible abs, and I could think about whatever I wanted while I worked; I didn't have to dedicate my mind to my job because there was nothing more complicated than "hit thing with hammer".

I didn't think about work after I got home, because it would just be the same thing the next day: "hit thing with hammer". I didn't get phone calls on my days off, I didn't dread going into work knowing that someone fucked something up.

STEM is a meme: you're trading physical slavery for mind slavery.

>> No.28963109 [View]
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what no one understands about this project is that they're taking their fucking time to get it right. they're thinking of the problems that they can/will have in creating a decentralized financial system; they're not just throwing this together.

few, very very few software systems have ever been designed like this. the financial sector currently runs on COBOL, an ancient, fuckified language from days passed. writing COBOL is a pain, patching COBOL is a pain, anything to do with the fucking language is an absolute fucking nightmare. people learn COBOL for 1 reason and 1 reason alone: money. the banking system is so dependant on their huge COBOL backend that they constantly need poor souls to work on the atrocity that is the centralized banking system. 99% of the worlds software systems are like this: patched together fuckjobs that just barely get the job done, require a shitload of work to keep operational.

ever wonder why wire-transfers take forever? COBOL
ever wonder why your bank needs to do regular fucking maintenance where it becomes completely unusable for a few hours every week? COBOL
why don't things show up right away? COBOL
and on and on and fucking on

on the other hand, there are a few pieces of software that are designed to be so jewel like they never need maintenance. they just fucking work. these systems do exist and were typically written by teams of severe autists in the mid 70s, and they tend to prop up some of the most important pieces of our digital infrastructure. this is what cardano wants to do; to become jewel-like in the field of finance; whether or not it takes off, who's to say? if it fails and flutters out, it's just another failed project. but if it somehow gains enough traction it will become the new standard of digital finance. it's a long shot, but not having at least a little bit of ADA is just fucking stupid considering the potential for it to become the new standard of finance.

>> No.26812673 [View]
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This is it isn't it? The death knell of fiat.
People everywhere seem to be realizing that the market is just a big fucking joke, and that it's all just shuffling shit around. When the fed can just print money out to save shithead hedgies, when the hedgies can call their favors in to stop people from buying, when the media slanders entire groups of people just for playing the game that's being played against them for years? This shit is approaching critical mass. People talking about a silver squeeze now too?

It's fucking insane, it seems that fiat served it's purpose. I see only crypto and physical assets as the future. The crypto market is still small compared to how fuck huge it's going to get in the next 10 years; individual corporations are all going to be launching their own coins as more and more wealth and buying power shifts away from fiat.

It seems like we're taking part in a revolution now, but in reality we're just reining in the future of bullshit like the McCoin, BKoin, Wal-Mart-Coin etc etc. People will only trust decentralized shit and stuff they can physically touch, corporations will see this and jump into the crypto sphere with the most hutzpah you can imagine. It seems like this is a big fuck you to globohomo but I honestly can see these last few days going down in the history books as the beginning of the end not just for America, but for centralized banking, together with a massive decrease in power from national governments, and the true rise of an all powerful corporate hegemony.

>Transaction declined
>It seems like you either don't have enough gas in your wallet, or you lack enough McCoin© to complete the transaction; 0.00000001 BTC was charged as a penalty to your account for attempt to verify a failed transaction.
>Your order for 2 McDoubles has been cancelled. Have a nice day!

is this really the future you guys want?

>> No.18763505 [View]
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