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>> No.54391158 [View]
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I recommend actually looking into a scientific journal of sociological and demographic research and finding a study that proves with certainty that Russian demographics will collapse (whatever the fuck that means) in the future. I can guarantee you that you won't find anything, because it's all non scientific bullshit conjured up by journalist to keep retards like you thinking the mess that the US started is winnable in any way, which it isn't.

Second I recommend you stop being such a bluepilled retard calling anyone who disagrees with your opinion Ivan or whatever, if this is what being raised in the west gave you, the ability to disregard any critical opinion that contradicts yours, then I feel truly sorry for you. You don't have to be Russian to use your fucking brain nor am I nor any other anon who rightfully calls you and idiot for having the most basic, pseudointellectual, washington post reader opinion you could possibly have.

>your youth, the most precious resource you had left
you're telling me the country with the most ressources on earth has only their youth left as a ressource? Kek. Guess all of the Russians that died in Ukraine were also only healthy 18-30 year old men, and a country with ~145m inhabitants is now out of men to procreate. Keeek

> One with the sole aim of satisfying your decrepitly batshit dictators ego
Your IQ is sub 100. If you think it's because of Putin's ego he invaded you must be extremely stupid, unaware of anything that happened between Russia and the West in the last 20 years or just retarded.

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