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>> No.29971189 [View]
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Hello to all of my fellow DeFiat chads, and welcome to any newcomers!
Here is some spoonfeeding material for any anons who have not found this gem yet.
>Testnet was released a few days ago, with mainnet and AnyStake coming within 1-2 weeks.
>AnyStake will allow users to stake up to 16 different assets, such as LINK, AAVE, QNT, TRB, and many more.
>16 assests released is just the beggining as they will be releasing more the week after AnyStake launch.
> DeFiat's AnyStake platform allows users to stake ERC-20 tokens in governance chosen liquidity pools, allowing the ability of idle crypto to work for passively you. To stake, you will need DFT; this creates BUYING PRESSURE.
>Everyone loves staking returns on the most fundamentally sound cryptos; this creates HODLING PRESSURE
>As more and more individuals clamor to interact with the AnyStake platform, transaction volumes will increase, which in turn increases deflationary burn; this creates DEFLATIONARY PRESSURE.

Initial assests to be able to be staked on AnyStake launch - $WBTC, $USDC, $USDT, $UNI, $YFI, $LINK, $MKR, $CEL, $SNX, $AAVE, $CORE, $AMPL, $QNT, $LTO, $UOS, $TRB and many more.

Did I forget to mention that they will be reducing gas fees with staking on top of all of this?
Anons... everyone is just twidling their thumbs waiting for AnyStake, this shit is going to fly.
Market cap is only 2 million, literally some of the easiest money you can make if you have a tiny bit of patience.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Look up the github and DYOR.

Big things coming within the next few weeks. Stop chasing pumps and getting burnt. Sit on something solid for a few weeks and make wicked profits.

Medium - https://defiat.medium.com/

GitHub - https://github.com/defiat-crypto

Twitter - https://twitter.com/DefiatOfficial

>> No.29576711 [View]
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Feeling great this morning after the relock. Devs have already hinted at anystake being released at the latest next week. Hype train is building finally

>> No.29317065 [View]
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Hello to all of my Defiat chads I hope you are doing well!

Here is some spoonfeeding material for any anons who have not found this gem yet.

>Testnet was released a few days ago, with mainnet and AnyStake coming within 1-2 weeks.
>AnyStake will allow users to stake up to 16 different assests, such as LINK, AAVE, QNT, TRB, and many more.
>16 assests released is just the beggining as they will be releasing more the week after AnyStake launch.

Did I forget to mention that they will be reducing gas fees for staking on top of all of this?
Once AnyStake launches this thing is going to explode.
How my much more spoonfeeding do you need?

Medium - https://defiat.medium.com/

Github - https://github.com/defiat-crypto/defiat-frontend

Twitter - https://twitter.com/DefiatOfficial

>> No.29306056 [View]
File: 35 KB, 1070x641, Defiat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its obviously a scam, but buy in and watch the rug be pulled.
The only good project who is going to make money is Defiat.

Only a few more opportunities to buy the dip anon. Wednesday is the big day for AnyStake. A quick summary for those out of the loop.

1) DeFiat's AnyStake platform allows users to stake ERC-20 tokens in governance chosen liquidity pools, allowing the ability of idle crypto to work for passively you. To stake, you will need DFT; this creates BUYING PRESSURE.
2) Everyone loves staking returns on the most fundamentally sound cryptos; this creates HODLING PRESSURE
3) As more and more individuals clamor to interact with the AnyStake platform, transaction volumes will increase, which in turn increases deflationary burn; this creates DEFLATIONARY PRESSURE.


>> No.29304741 [View]
File: 35 KB, 1070x641, Anystake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a few more opportunities to buy the dip anon. Wednesday is the big day for AnyStake. A quick summary for those out of the loop.

1) DeFiat's AnyStake platform allows users to stake ERC-20 tokens in governance chosen liquidity pools, allowing the ability of idle crypto to work for passively you. To stake, you will need DFT; this creates BUYING PRESSURE.
2) Everyone loves staking returns on the most fundamentally sound cryptos; this creates HODLING PRESSURE
3) As more and more individuals clamor to interact with the AnyStake platform, transaction volumes will increase, which in turn increases deflationary burn; this creates DEFLATIONARY PRESSURE.


>> No.29185949 [View]
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I will start: DFT

<4m cap
<Amazing dev’s (see github for once in a lifetime quality code)
<Amazingly transparent community and dev’s

Huge new technique build from 0, DYOR on Anystake
JUP. Enough said> BSC

>> No.29133141 [View]
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DeFiat (DFT) is a fully-governed, deflationary ERC-20 token with a multi-tiered loyalty reward system. Every time DFT is transacted, an amount from the transaction is taken for fees and another amount is permanently burned; naturally reducing supply over time. Holders of DFT are granted proportional voting rights in network decisions, such as setting the burn and fee rates. DeFiat's Unified-Staking (UniStake) platform allows users to stake any ERC-20 token in the governance-chosen liquidity pools, making your money work for you. Users also gain loyalty points, in the form of DFTP, as they interact with the DeFiat ecosystem, resulting in lower fee and burn rates on DFT transactions.

Marketcap is still <5m
Liquidity is LOCKED
Devs confirmed they have 1m liquidity already locked up for anystake release

/defiat.medium /anystake-testnet-phase-1-a9354739dc4

We had a whale throw down a huge 47 eth buy that springboarded us over $20 again and now we're slowly moving up the floor once again. As always anons DYOR but feel free to join the TG and see what we're all about

>> No.29093432 [View]
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(Post 1/5)

I see you sitting there...frustrated. You either missed out on the 2017 run, or you caught the run but held through the duration of the great bear; you missed out on DeFi summer, or you participated in the most speculative projects and experienced rug pull after rug pull; fast forward to today, and you watch as you are currently missing out on gain train after gain train of this run...stop, breathe, listen...I am asking you to end the cycle of overly emotional investing and zoom out; get your psychology in check, and relax...

The key to successful investing is finding undervalued market opportunities in advance of the herd, all the while remaining objective and in control of your emotional state of being. If this works for Warren Buffett, it can work for you...if you let it, of course (it's always on you).

Today, I am covering DeFiat ($DFT): a fully governed, deflationary ERC-20 token that has been LEFT FOR DEAD. Taking a lookout the macro price history, it would seem the project has been nothing short of a dismal failure. Looking more closely, however, we can gain further context and make sense of things.

Launching at the tail end of DeFi summer, one can say DeFiat's timing release hurt its rise to greatness...all part of the game, unfortunately, as no project, team, or individual can time market cycles perfectly -- anyone telling you otherwise is a charlatan! I personally love these types of opportunities...you know, the ones where the underlying project has a REAL use case and trajectory, yet is damaged via overly emotional panic sellers and broader market downturns? Yup, those.

>> No.28865189 [View]
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(Post 1/5)

I see you sitting there...frustrated. You either missed out on the 2017 run, or you caught the run but held through the duration of the great bear; you missed out on DeFi summer, or you participated in the most speculative projects and experienced rug pull after rug pull; fast forward to today, and you watch as you are currently missing out on gain train after gain train of this run...stop, breathe, listen...I am asking you to end the cycle of overly emotional investing and zoom out; get your psychology in check, and relax...

The key to successful investing is finding undervalued market opportunities in advance of the herd, all the while remaining objective and in control of your emotional state of being. If this works for Warren Buffett, it can work for you...if you let it, of course (it's always on you).

Today, I am covering DeFiat ($DFT): a fully governed, deflationary ERC-20 token that has been LEFT FOR DEAD. Taking a lookout the macro price history, it would seem the project has been nothing short of a dismal failure. Looking more closely, however, we can gain further context and make sense of things.

Launching at the tail end of DeFi summer, one can say DeFiat's timing release hurt its rise to greatness...all part of the game, unfortunately, as no project, team, or individual can time market cycles perfectly -- anyone telling you otherwise is a charlatan! I personally love these types of opportunities...you know, the ones where the underlying project has a REAL use case and trajectory, yet is damaged via overly emotional panic sellers and broader market downturns? Yup, those.

>> No.28779330 [View]
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How does a decentralized community driven token sound?

Top tier road map that is innovative with private, decentralized staking that includes all tokens. Staking gives you DFT tokens regardless of your staked coin which further solidifies the loyalty to the project

We are a $3m mcap coin which is not even close to 1% of other similar projects


Locked liquidity

Anystake is HUGE
Anyone who holds the token is granted proportional ownership of the platform and has the right to vote accordingly within the governance of the platform. Holders can earn yield by staking the token in one of the pools offered through DeFiat Services.
Github: defiat-crypto/defiat-frontend

Telegram: defiat_crypto

Medium article: defiat.medium
The risk is that there are some big whales holding since it hit around $30 last fall. Steadily rose with other alts but there have been multiple 10+ eth buys the past 2 days. Keep an eye on this. Currently rising fast. Recently topped 3m cap and momentum is trending upwards right now as testnet release gets closer and closer. Big thing is stable around this big crash that wrecked everyone. Strap in anons

>> No.26249443 [View]
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DFT 350k mcap.
Anystake will allow you to stake (almost) any ERC20 token with native tokens. This means the end of needing LP tokens. This is a huge first mover. The release has been long-delayed which explains why the price is so ridiculously low right now at ~$1.50, after initially being driven to $30 on hype and speculation months ago. But with internal testing conducted last weekend and only one more testnet round to go, we're in "any day now" territory.

The only real red flag is anon devs, but they have a history of releases (2nd chance) and numerous updates, have been around for awhile including during wild price fluctuations, and are pushing code to github constantly. Liquidity is locked. If this was a rug they would be long gone by now.

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