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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.16277999 [View]
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In Chinese he speaks almost entirely in idiom.
He's an overblown motivational speaker who got lucky due to CCP preferential treatment for a while, under the Jiang Zemin and Shanghai clique regime. Something which has now ended.
Fuck off if you don't know anything about China.

>> No.7948623 [View]
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/biz/, I'm here to give you the reality check you need.

The crypto market is vastly, unsustainably inflated right now. No I'm not some buttcoin reject or salty nocoiner, and I do believe blockchain as a technology has a bright future, but it's time to get real. I'm just gonna muse about some numbers.

Coinmarketcap currently lists around 1500 different coins and tokens. Let's be generous here: Easily 90% of these are completely worthless. As I said, this is being generous.

Go on Cryptopia or any shitcoin peddling exchange of your choice. Pick almost any coin. Odds are it's completely useless, a coin which will never be adopted, is simply a me-too cashgrab or a take on an already existing and relevant coin which doesn't do things meaningfully different or better enough to exist. Almost all these coins have purely speculative value: 99% of buyers only get them because they expect an increase in value, not because of the use case. I hate this boomer favorite comparison but seriously, these coins are Beanie Babies.

The realistic value of all these coins is flat 0. Nothing, nada. They don't have a niche outside of speculation.

So only 10% of all coins, or 150, have any value. The current total marketcap of crypto is $420 billion. If we average it out, this means each useful coin has a market cap of $2.8 billion. With a b. Does this seem realistic to you? How many even have a testnet out, let alone a mainnet or a fully implemented product?

There's little to nothing other than hope. Hope that somehow these insanely inflated marketcaps will be justified. But for how many? Literally every single coin would have to be a rousing success and be used enthusiastically to justify even the current overall marketcap. Does that sound even remotely realistic to you?

It's time to wake up. Even under current circumstances, let alone in December, crypto is vastly inflated. Invest accordingly and don't come crying when your low mcap moonshot shitcoin goes tits up this year.

>> No.7938752 [View]
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I studied psychology.
Then I got a job in psychology.
Now I make a whackload of money running my own practice.
I laugh at how many stupid fucks study psych and then whine about how they can't get jobs. Mental health services are in demand the world over. But you have to actually put effort in. Something many people aren't willing to do.

>> No.7852581 [View]
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>I'm not a native English speaker though, I'm Italian.
Nigger, nobody cares in Southeast Asia. Especially not in Vietnam or Cambodia.

And trust me, you'll find way bigger losers there than you. People who have tried everything and failed. People who have never won but only ever lost.

Vietnam and Cambodia especially have become the trash dumps of the West, complete fuckup human refuse goes there to live like kings compared to most locals.

Are you simply a fucking loser who will never get his shit together? Then Vietnam is for you.

Are you class A human garbage who plays in the Fuck up big leagues (criminal record, drug problem, arrest warrant, debilitating psychological problems, criminal sex perversions etc)? Off to Cambodia you go.

Are you white Italian from the north? You should find a job teaching English in 2 weeks tops.

Are you a Southener with MOORED.COM genes? Gonna take 3-4 weeks and expect fewer and shittier choices, you'll have to take what you can get.

No certificate needed for shittier ones. You'll have to lie and say you're from an Anglo country. Not to the guy finding you clients, to your clients themselves. Dont worry they can't tell the difference even if you sound like Super Mario. I've met people who are barely intelligible in English and taught English there. Gooks don't care, they're just happy some foreigners (preferably white) care about their shitheap country.

Be quick though, a lot of losers are catching on that they can just do this, and a lot of locals are catching on that their countries are becoming human trash dumps for the West.

If you fail at this legitimately consider suicide.

>> No.7694401 [View]
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Be straight with me here anon, when you say get girls, what do you mean?
Do you want a relationship?
Or sex?

>> No.4948804 [View]
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Stick with it boys.
We're gonna make it.

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