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>> No.11162452 [View]
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>the fact is any kind of real change requires leadership and a mass of followers.
except private corporations literally make everything
like, everything
even the branches of the corporatocracy today—google, mondelez, apple, general motors, nestle, pepsico, ford—make all the shit
individuals still innovate, but they're barely able to do business as a result of regulation

you can believe all you want that a leader and their followers make things happen—doesn't change the fact that all they typically make happen if they're applying positive pressure on others in society and not acting on voluntarism is they cause destruction and disorder, pushing people (especially the most productive, if a leader and their supporters are enforcing economic or health policy) in directions that they weren't meant to go in.

>>implying that, in an ancap state, since governing authorities cannot necessarily be publicly-funded and federal, they also cannot be privatized and local
>>"an armed society is a polite society" 101
also there is such a thing as freedom of association and disassociation
if you want to be a part of an enclave within an ancap society and they're willing to accept you, you can do it
these enclaves could admit whatever kind of people that they wanted, and enforce their own sets of rules and regulations that both you and they come to an agreement on, prior to you being permitted the freedom to come and go from there

lol, this

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