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>> No.51099972 [View]
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>APE shares outstanding and market cap...

>> No.50929959 [View]
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You can't fight the crowd. It doesn't matter how objectively smart you are; if everyone decides to treat you as dumb, you will find all avenues for capitalizing on your intelligence closed. That's because you're competing with people who have the "trust" of (or kompromat on) many other people. Meanwhile, you yourself are working alone, because your perceived lack of intelligence makes you seem untrustworthy or not worth attempting to manipulate (which gives you an opening to manipulate back). In fact, this is thought to be one of the structural reasons black professionals fail to succeed: their much smaller networks and the unwillingness of superiors to mentor or sponsor them leaves them open to attack from better-supported (and often less-skilled) white rivals.

You'll also note that much American policy has been undertaken with the express or implicit goal of breaking up black families, and connections within black communities - usually offloading the risk of white bullshit onto them. Consider: highways, connecting far-out white suburbs to city centers, that cut through and destroyed thriving black neighborhoods; consider, also, the crack/cocaine epidemic, used to fund CIA operations, ostensibly to promote national security. The examples are many. Negrophobia, as with negrophilia, is a collective delusion. It warps and restricts perception, with the aim of taming not a people, but the cognitive dissonance driven by the presence of the negro in an ostensibly white society, and the knowledge that he is not there by mistake, but rather was "invited" by methods of, shall we say, radical persuasion, in order to fulfill the role of an exploitable class in that same, and nominally "free", society. The understanding that blacks are human beings making perfectly rational decisions, given the circumstances, is one that would tear you and the world you live in apart. So you try very, very hard not to understand.

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