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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.53731550 [View]
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we havent had a right wing government for an eternity
brexit hasn't happened yet, they made that stupid deal with the EU and we're tied in until 2025 or w/e, they are just copy and pasting EU rules anyway, holding secret meetings to betray it now too
corrupt and lazy fucking bastards, they need cut a lot of laws away so we can actually have some competition producing things and provide tons of new jobs and opportunities
the politicians are scapegoating brexit atm for the travesties caused by lockdowns such as the the rape of the tourism sector and the current printing and donating to ukraine, which we shouldn't even be involved in whatsoever
we have a huge amount of natural resources here, coal, iron etc. we should be producing cars and ships and everything like we used to, we handed it all off to germany when we joined the EU
the pound has been raped since 1973 against the dollar since we joined the EU, nobody ever talks about that
the nhs is a massive waste of money and should be privatised completely, zero free shit, the relief on the tax payers will be unbelievable
we are lead by complete idiots with zero clue on how to change anything, ironically need nigel or someone like that to come in as a dictator and just wipe the floor with the current two blue and red parties which are effectively the same shit, far left and even further left
now they are raising taxes so kiss any growth and foreign and local investment goodbye for the short term.

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