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>> No.52393734 [View]
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Nice digits. I don't say this to dampen your spirit, but as someone who has spent a lot of time around rich mens wives, I can assure you that no one is more miserable.
You see you're going to find yourself in a bind in this is why....

A woman knows she is beautiful (especially one who can command the attention of rich men), therefore she knows she wants to be with a man who knows his power.

In a woman's mind they think that men are just animals that want to fuck everything for 24 hours a day.

Many women aren't as pissed off when men cheat on them as much as when men are cheated on, because in a strange way it reaffirms to them that you are desired by other women. The last thing a woman wants to be with is a man who is not attractive to other women.

You can't cheat on these women however, as they will use this as grounds for divorce and rape you.

Women want to fell primarily, they are addicted to drama, that's why they fall for the bad boys, it doesn't matter if what they feel is positive or negative, they just want to 'feel'.

Nothing bores a woman more who can be provided everything materially but not emotionally.

Ultimately what she thinks in her min after she's been able to lock you down, is 'why would a man who is of such high value, who only cares for having sex 24 hours a day with many different women want to be locked down with only 1 woman? Unless of course he is not high value?'

You're in a lose, lose situation from the start. The moment you commit to her, she's already devalued you. You always have to be superior to her for her to be attracted to you, and the moment you commit to her is the moment she believes you to both be equal.

Think about all of the female written fantasies about relationships... Mr big of sex & the city, Mr Darcy, Heathcliffe, Dorian Gray, all of those men are soul focused on their own mission/world and they drop in and out every now and then to have a brief whirlwind romance, and they're gone again.

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