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>> No.53028691 [View]
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Gary Gensler had had enough. As the Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission, he had spent years trying to regulate and bring order to the chaotic world of cryptocurrency. But no matter how hard he tried, it seemed like the Ethereum network was always one step ahead, operating in the shadows and flouting the rules that applied to everyone else.

Gensler was determined to put an end to this once and for all. He summoned his team of regulators and set out to investigate the Ethereum network, determined to uncover its secrets and expose its wrongdoing.

What they found was shocking. The Ethereum network was not just operating outside of the law, but it was actively engaging in fraudulent and deceptive practices that were hurting innocent investors.

Gensler was incensed. He knew that he had to take action, and he vowed to do everything in his power to bring the Ethereum network to justice.

He launched a full-scale investigation, using all of the resources at his disposal to track down and expose the perpetrators behind the Ethereum network. It was a long and difficult process, but Gensler was relentless in his pursuit of justice.

Finally, after months of hard work, Gensler and his team were able to uncover the full extent of the Ethereum network's wrongdoing. They brought charges against the individuals behind the network, and in the end, justice was served.

The Ethereum network was dismantled, and the perpetrators were brought to justice. Gensler was hailed as a hero, and the people of the cryptocurrency world breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that their markets were now safer and more transparent thanks to Gensler's tireless efforts.

>> No.53027793 [DELETED]  [View]
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Ethereum, the once highly hyped and overvalued blockchain platform, has finally come to an end. Despite its initial promise to revolutionize the world of cryptocurrency and smart contracts, Ethereum ultimately failed to live up to the hype and expectations placed upon it.

Born in 2015, Ethereum was created by the young programmer Vitalik Buterin, who marketed it as a superior alternative to the dominant blockchain platform, Bitcoin. However, Ethereum's complex and resource-intensive design, combined with its vulnerability to scalability issues and hacking attacks, resulted in its inability to achieve mainstream adoption.

In its lifetime, Ethereum saw the rise and fall of numerous projects and startups that were built upon its flawed foundation. It also attracted a large following of naive and misguided investors who were swept up in the hype and ended up losing significant amounts of money.

Ethereum will be remembered as a cautionary tale of how not to design and promote a blockchain platform. Its passing marks the end of an era of overhyped and underwhelming blockchain projects that promised to change the world, but ultimately fell short. Good riddance, Ethereum.

>> No.52986510 [View]
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A baseball card is not a security because it does not represent an ownership interest or promise of investment return, as required by the definition of a security in federal securities laws. It is simply a collectible valued for its rarity or sentimental value.

Cryptocurrency is considered a security if it meets the definition of an "investment contract" as outlined in the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934. An investment contract is an agreement in which a person invests money in a common enterprise with the expectation of profits solely from the efforts of the promoter or third party. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has consistently applied this definition to determine whether a cryptocurrency is a security and has stated that it will consider various factors, such as how the cryptocurrency is marketed and sold and the expectation of profits, in making this determination. Therefore, if a cryptocurrency meets the definition of an investment contract, it will be considered a security and subject to regulation as such.

>> No.52970203 [View]
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>> No.52958106 [View]
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ETH is a security

>> No.52819308 [View]
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You would have to be such a gullible moron to be buying ETH right now. Securities regulations are right around the corner. Ethereum is getting absolutely destroyed and there is nothing you can do about it

>> No.52818584 [View]
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You would have to be such an idiot to be buying ETH right now. Securities regulations are right around the corner and Ethereum is getting fucked

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