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>> No.57688226 [View]
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>woke up at 9 am today
>did chores, did work
>currently trying to figure out what to do, since I'm in a new division at work
>about to go for my lunch time walk
>not eating anything today because I binged massively on junk food yesterday and the previous few days

My job feels really meaningless but at least I don't have to go in to the office.

I really want to give up junk food. But I hope I can want to want to give up junk food after work.

>> No.57637342 [View]
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>still working from home
>think my entire division has simply ignored the call to go back to the office a few months ago
>usual routine is to do chores until 10 am, sit in a pointless meeting, go for a one hour lunchtime walk,
>manager works on a separate team and has no idea what I do but seems happy with my work
>have almost never been to the office and live far away, saving lots on rent
>no Sunday scaries
>no having lunch alone in an office filled with normies
>no awkwardness of turning down after work socialising or the Christmas party
>no commute
>no waking up early for commute

Let's hope this continues. The comfiness of wfh is incredible. Everything could melt down and I'd still be insulated from everything.

>> No.57435559 [View]
File: 73 KB, 600x618, 1_A-Pp5-TThqS0j3baWKCeug (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friday afternoon
>stopped doing work at noon
>did chores from around 4 pm then binged on junk food and wasted rest of the day
>woke up on Saturday morning
>went for a walk outside while listening to podcasts
>went to a dentist appointment
>looked around a library
>drank coffee in car and read a book
>did chores at home, read rest of the book, applied for a few jobs
>went to gym in evening
>Sunday morning
>woke up at 10.30 am, watched tennis
>drove to a hilly place and walked around there
>drove aimlessly around, realising I don't have the motivation to do anything
>now at home and about to eat
>plan to read or browse internet or play vidya until late evening, after which I'll go to the gym

I don't have the Sunday scaries, which is good. The upcoming week seems like a very low work week, although I'll have to sit in many meetings.

I got a job interview invite for a cool job that pays the same but would require me to go to the office and move to London, so I'd save £1600 less per month. And my current job is very low effort. I'm in a gilded cage

>> No.57299061 [View]
File: 73 KB, 600x618, 1_A-Pp5-TThqS0j3baWKCeug (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woken up at 8:59 am by alarm
>turned on work laptop
>know this will probably be a low pressure week, apart from a meeting today and on Wednesday
>finished sitting in a few pointless Monday morning meetings
>have literally nothing to do today so I went walking to the store to buy a few things
>now waiting for a suitable time to go for my 1 hour walk

I can safely do close to zero work today, based on how much work I have.

It's really cold this week. I wish I lived in California. The comfiness of being warm while it's cold outside is overrated. I can't wait for summer.

I wasted my weekend and didn't appreciate it while I had it. But at least I have gone to the gym consistently recently.

I don't think this laziness can last. I've been living in the golden age for the past year. I've never done less while being paid more.

>> No.56952939 [View]
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>today and yesterday has been pointless meetings all day
>did nothing except browse internet on phone, half listen, and send a few emails

I am fucking deep in the bureaucracy mines. My division is so fucking bureaucratic. It takes months of discussion and 10+ people to do things that one person could do.

My job is so pointless. It's not really possible to do my job to a high standard when the company's tools are in the stone age and everything is so slow.

I wouldn't quite call myself a cog. More like something jammed in the machine.

>> No.56910559 [View]
File: 73 KB, 600x618, 1_A-Pp5-TThqS0j3baWKCeug (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>Friday at noon
>that personal life worry I had massively lowered on Thursday
>a worry about a piece of work I had went away on Wednesday
>only one more meeting today and it won't require much though
>about to go for a 2 hour lunch break
>will play vidya and go to gym in evening

I'm actually considering leaving for another job, which will require me to move cities, start paying rent, and while being paid the same. My current job is really fucking unfulfilling and boring but the new job has a risk of being that as well. But there's a risk my current job might make me go back to the office.

>> No.56581726 [View]
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>woke up too early today
>browsed internet in bed
>turn on work laptop at 9 am
>do some daily chores
>now browsing internet until first meeting of the day at 10 pm

I'm counting down the days to the Christmas holidays.

The amount of free time after work is kino. I go through multiple cycles of contemplating life in one evening.

>> No.56165061 [View]
File: 73 KB, 600x618, 1_A-Pp5-TThqS0j3baWKCeug (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>6'2" hairy chested and bearded late 20s male
>work at large progressive corporation
>post a picture of me in the large general purpose social Slack channel
>shirtless and smiling, with only upper chest and above in frame
>naked when I took the picture but they can't tell
>post it with caption "I'm pregnant with my Xth child!!!"
>get tens of happy reaction emojis and congratulations
>post it every few months
>X is somewhere around 12 at this point

Who unencumbered-by-shame here?

>> No.55937534 [View]
File: 73 KB, 600x618, 1_A-Pp5-TThqS0j3baWKCeug (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woke up at 8.15 am (still had over 8 hours of sleep become I slept early last night due to tiredness)
>turn on laptop at 9 am
>shit and shave on company time
>sit in a boring status update meeting, answer one email
>waste time on internet
>have my final important meeting of the week and it goes fine
>after closing the Zoom call my nervous energy is all gone and I stomp around the house while loudly saying "cringe" repeatedly
>now about to have lunch, followed by a few meetings where I have to talk but which are low stakes, then watching anime until 5 pm

I went walking after work yesterday, drank coffee in my car, then did cardio at the gym, then was too tired to do much else.

>> No.55897978 [View]
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>woke up at 8am after watching tennis until late last night and binging on junk food
>had a shit, browsed internet in bed, tried to sleep more
>started work at 9 am
>turned on laptop, went to shave and have another shit
>sat through a few status meetings and have nothing else all day except a huge call with lots of people where I'll be in the anonymous crowd, plus some minor brainless work

I'm planning to go for a long walk at lunch time before watching anime towards the end of the work day. Then I'll go for another walk after work, probably drink coffee in my car, then do cardio at the gym.

>> No.55873837 [View]
File: 73 KB, 600x618, 1_A-Pp5-TThqS0j3baWKCeug (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woke up at 8 am
>tired but not able to go back to sleep
>alarm beeps at 8:58 am
>turn on work laptop
>send a few emails and sit in a few pointless meetings
>have my last meeting of the week and everything goes well
>set up my to do list for Monday; more than enough time to do everything, even after asking for and getting more work
>plan to go for a walk right now, then have lunch, then watch anime or play vidya or read until 5 pm

I have nothing to do on the weekend apart from enjoy myself. I'm laughing at how easy my life is.

>> No.55808256 [View]
File: 73 KB, 600x618, 1_A-Pp5-TThqS0j3baWKCeug (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to gym last night
>felt pressure all week because I had a presentation to give on Friday morning
>woke up this morning at 8 am after 6 hours of sleep
>browse internet in bed instead of sleeping more
>start work at 9 am
>sit in a few pointless meetings and then do my presentation
>things go surprisingly well and overall good
>go for a walk outside for almost an hour during lunch
>drive to store to buy cola
>have lunch
>sit with my feet up and drink pepsi Max and browse internet
>done no work since noon
>pressure has all gone
>next week will be low pressure
>enjoying the weekend early

Why did I ever doubt Tuxedo Pepe and start caring? Everything turned out great this week!

>> No.55677224 [View]
File: 73 KB, 600x618, 1_A-Pp5-TThqS0j3baWKCeug (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woke up at 8 am today
>browsed internet until 9 am, after which I turned on my work laptop
>sat in a few pointless meetings
>now browsing internet on phone
>plan to do work today but currently trying to gain energy to do it

I recently went through this experience of waiting a few weeks for potentially awful news (much worse for someone else). I worried a lot. And then yesterday, when I found out the news, it turned out to all be a misunderstanding with nothing to be worried about. The worry was immediately swept away but with nothing replacing it.

I am marginalised at work and have little to do. The job I applied for is not this job and I'm slightly worried I may be blamed for this, even though it would be unfair.

Yesterday I went driving and then walking during the middle of the sunny work day. I went walking in the evening as well and drank coffee in my car while reading a book.

>> No.55381960 [View]
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>woke up at 7.30 am
>browsed internet on phone instead of sleeping more before work
>tried to sleep for final 30 minutes but couldn't
>alarm went off at 8:55 am
>felt tired as shit
>sit in some meetings
>realised I couldn't do any more work after 2 pm
>had lunch, browsed internet
>watched tennis on phone in bed
>will have an evening nap soon

My job is really pointless. I think both my job and my career has been a zero interest rate phenomenon.

I went for a walk over 2 hours long after work yesterday. Summer is kino.

>> No.55340310 [View]
File: 73 KB, 600x618, 1_A-Pp5-TThqS0j3baWKCeug (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are the ultimate examples of NEET videos, works of art, or any other formats?

>> No.54874790 [View]
File: 73 KB, 600x618, AE5C563C-F855-45ED-9E1E-56913D2CB162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically I don’t understand how poorfags cope. I’m sitting on the deck on a beautiful day on my lakefront property, it just feels so fucking good not being poor.

I’m not trolling or being ironic, I would be suicidal 24/7 if I was still poor. I don’t know how poorfags do it, I don't understand how they can look themselves in the mirror knowing they WORRY about how much the register is going to read at the grocery store when they literally do something as basic as buy food to feed themselves. It must be a degrading and humiliating experience.

I just keep watching my home equity skyrocket, I watch my investment accounts moon, it’s like welfare for rich people, I literally don’t have to lift a finger and the amount of wealth I have goes up. It feels so fucking good not being broke.

>> No.54784871 [View]
File: 73 KB, 600x618, 48377CBE-FB25-409E-94A7-A55EB64554AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you’ve got 3 million

>> No.54742107 [View]
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>barely any work this week
>binged on junk food multiple times in past few days while skipping gym but confident that won't happen now
>in a new team filled with temporary consultants and contractors and we've all been dumped on a work area and there's not enough work for this week

How often do you sit in your comfy wfh set up and randomly laugh out loud at the thought of being paid so much for so little? For me, it's 2 to 3 times a day.

>> No.54306129 [View]
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>lifting at gym went well last night
>only got around 6-7 hours of sleep so felt tired on Friday morning
>turned on work laptop, jiggled mouse
>spent just over an hour learning programming
>had lunch
>had lunch break and did chores outside
>read 3 chapters of an old book
>applied for a fee jobs
>now watching anime as the work day comes to an end
>plan to go for a walk today after it gets dark

It was a good week.

>> No.53692475 [View]
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>spent first few hours of work doing nothing workwise and learning programming in my free time
>been browsing internet for an hour
>will now read a book or apply to other jobs
>may watch anime later

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