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>> No.54261531 [View]
File: 55 KB, 813x624, gas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas prices will spike. If you want to dump instantly $8 might not be enough (no idea though), after some minutes (or tens of minutes?) it should be fine. Arb gas prices are complex and I'm surprised no one is covering this and calculating estimated scenarios. Worst case scenario is that we have 600,000 txs in first minutes, realistic is ~100k txs (15% of all airdrops) in first minutes with maybe like 10k bots that claim on the first second. The claiming website will probably break kek. I'm a retard and can't understand arb gas prices, is there someone smarter to give their opinion? Is speed limit still at 7M gas? Docs don't say anything and it's all on the research forums. So the first few blocks won't have massive gas prices but it rises steadily over time when "gas backlog" fills up. So it's very similar to mechanism of EIP-1559. Arbiscan shows block gas limit at 1.1 QUADRILLION so the first blocks will be HUGE when we see a 1000x increase in usage? So the gas backlog fills up instantly? Can't gas price spike to fucking thousands of USD because of this? I don't like that equation in picrel and hope it's outdated. I really hope the people at arbi have thought this through because the usage spike will be unprecedented.
Bots will create trading pairs on DEXes instantly after the airdrop. You should look for how much liquidity these have when you dump.

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