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>> No.24760373 [View]
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This is a nice screenshot, but the "feudal serf" thing at the very end is a much abused comparison. Feudal serfdom would be far preferable to what's coming. Serfdom varied throughout Europe where it was practiced and while serfs worked hard for much of the year, they then had a lot of time off for holidays and their own projects. It was a more fulfilling life than being a wage-slave. Wage-slavery is not chattel slavery, it's not yeomanry, it's not serfdom, it's not hunter-gathering... it is its own thing and we should just call it by it's name and not confuse the issue with false comparisons.

>> No.10450295 [View]
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Things made more sense under feudalism because then the connection between taxes and rent was clearer.

Republicanism screwed this up by propagandizing self-ownership, individualism, and the fantasy of the independent rustic gentleman, but in reality the state simply became a plutocratic oligarchy disguised as a sort of minimalist co-op. The flaws in managing co-ops reared its head and the mythos has gradually been shed for practical reasons.

Individuals don't exist prior to society.
You don't own your self.
The land isn't yours.
You own nothing because you can't defend it. You merely have a privileges granted by the state.
Taxes are rent paid to property owner (the state)
The modern state generally, and particularly America, is a dysfunctional, strange co-op system with late-protestant/masonic theology to legitimate it.
The contradiction between the practical necessity of the state acting like a prudent manager of property and the fantasy that the modern state is predicated on creates endless ideological battles.

The solution will be the return of sane government and sane legitimation: divine right monarchy.

>> No.10189645 [View]
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A society properly constituted is like a healthy family. The children do not rule over their parents and the parents do not abuse their children. Anarchy/democracy and tyranny/despotism are the result of the big family becoming unbalanced. Liberalism and socialism exhibit characteristics of both these unbalanced positions. Modernity has been a swinging between these polarities.

A properly constituted family is ruled by the father (the king) but the father is responsible for those under his care and while he may chastise his children and direct their activities, his ultimate goal is their autonomy, to spin them off, as they develop becoming increasingly free.

The idea of the state of nature and the war of all against all is ruining us. It gets everything backwards. It imagines a family formed by fatherless children who choose a father to rule over them or who are kidnapped by an unchosen one. Society becomes a contraption of peace treaties and chains rather than a continual outpouring and development of kinship. It's false anthropology.

>> No.8937031 [View]
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>Achuelly the opposite of what is true is true

Nah, jk. I admit that your theory is one very possible future that I've considered, but I think the default Bitcoiner idea of a decentralized, anti-bank future is also reasonable.

The more interesting concept is that liberalism (and I mean that in the academic or international sense) is going to implode over the next century and because Bitcoin can be seen as just another liberal experiment (rule by protocol in an anarchic state of nature) it may thus fall with the rest of the ideological superstructure. Or it could end up being used in an unforeseen way and subsist despite liberalism's political collapse.

You'd probably be interested in De Jouvenal's On Power and Mencius Moldbug's blog fwiw

>> No.5110694 [View]
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I am not a nazi, but I am an absolute monarchist and far right wing.

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