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>> No.18861190 [View]
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SARS_Cov_2 does not exist. It's a lie by the CCP to destroy Western economies in retaliation of the trade war. The fraudulent test kits that are being used do not measure viral load nor differentiate between this alleged "new" strand and regular coronaviruses that only cause the common cold. On top of that, most of the testing, at least in the beginning, was being done only in high-risk patients (extremely old, diabetic, morbidly obese, immunocompromised, etc) thus these absurd and obviously false death rates in the 5-10% range. The statistics are fake: The criteria to determine deaths by corona is a joke and death rates are extremely inflated.

If you believe any of this "deadly virus" shit you fell for a chink scam.

I rarely even bother telling this thing to anyone anymore. It's not like any of you retards will listen. You're the same guys that believe 9/11 was terrorists, that there were WMD's, and that fall for the lies of every mass hysteria every time it happens. You don't deserve me educating you.

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