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>> No.57522267 [View]
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AVAX was deflationary from the start. its also hardcapped like Bitcoin.
so please cope more you dumb nigger

>> No.56192491 [View]
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Vitalik is mad because Chainlink and Avalanche kill the MEV faggot business and shove him on the sidelines.

>> No.56175070 [View]
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Avalanche will poach JPM.
Ethereum cucks will cope and seethe and dump to zero.

>> No.56156667 [View]
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Chainlink and Avalanche will absolutely CRUSH the MEVniggers

>> No.56121838 [View]
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you will never get rid of me.
ETH is spagetticode that cant scale and has 20 minute confirmation times.
Avalanche scales and has sub second finality and no MEV.
Total MEVnigger death

>> No.55190008 [View]
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Avalanche is superior.
>better consensus protocol with sub second finality
>scales through Subnets
>hardcapped and deflationary (fees are burned)
>supports every Virtual Machine not just the EVM
>Subnet to Subnet communication is also Sub Second
>no MEV

>> No.55013825 [View]
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Avalanche opens up to all developers. It supports ALL VMs not just the EVM.
So its not only targeting EVM developers but all developers and they can build in whatever language they want whatever custom VM they want for their usecase.
>do you think people will want to migrate all their projects to avax?
they dont really have a choice, if you dont have the flexibility, sub second finality and the throughput of Avalanche you arent going to be able to compete against the same/similar dapps.
example lending: your users get liquidated because your shit L2 is slow and has 3 weeks finality while Avalanche users can adjust their position and have it final in under a second.
what system will win out?
the fast one or the slow one? its obvious.

>> No.53708335 [View]
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Ethereum is just 1 chain, Avalanche is hundreds of thousands of Subnets. is Blockchain as a Service really such a hard concept to grasp?
>and won't be getting replaced.
Avalanche has more potential and will be way bigger than Ethereum.
On Avalanche ANYONE can launch their own EVM or any VM.
Also Ethereum is inferior in many ways,

Lets compare ETH staking to Avalanche staking:

>ETH staking withdrawals will not be available right away
Avalanche withdrawals are available since Mainnet launch YEARS ago
>The current plan is to deploy the withdrawal functionality in a software update 6 mo - 1 year after the Merge.
essential stuff like this was never missing on Avalanche, this means you have to stake ETH for up to a year, maybe even longer while on Avalanche you can Stake for 2 weeks minimum or 1 year maximum or anything in between.
>The current projected income rate (for ETH) is around ~4% APY
Running an Avalanche Node has a proven 9% - 12% APY (paid in AVAX) since Mainnet Launch 2 years ago.
If you run a Node you get Staking rewards, % of your delegators rewards and Tokens from validating several Subnets. (The Golden Subnet Bullrun has not started yet).
>Also the withdrawal system will be implemented as a queue to limit the amount of ETH that can be withdrawn per day,
there is no queue on Avalanche, its instant, sub second, its finalized faster than you can press F5. thats all transactions or smart contract interactions on Avalanche, even when you go crosschain between X Chain and P chain and C chain and other Subnets its instant. Sub Second finality.
>Transactions take 14+ Minutes until they are finalized
I repeat: on Avalanche transactions are almost instant.
>Ethereum has Slashing which means you can lose your stake due to a Hardware or Software bug
No such thing as Slashing on Avalanche.

>> No.53313469 [View]
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>wtf, you can't just use metastability properties of epidemic protocols to create a fast-finality leaderless consensus. that's not fucking fair.

>> No.52669775 [View]
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Ethereum is a centralized OFAC chain now. they always say Avalanche is an "Ethereum Killer" but the Truth is that Ethereum killed itself and Avalanche just took the best out of it (the EVM) and improved on the idea and scaled it.
Vitalik sold out to the Banks and was bribed with easy access to children and meth, thats why its centralized now and why they datamine so heavy.

>> No.51227752 [View]
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there will be no flippening for ETH, its only downhill from here and its place will be taken by Avalanche.

lets compare ETH2 to Avalanche:

>ETH staking withdrawals will not be available right away
Avalanche withdrawals are available since Mainnet launch YEARS ago
>The current plan is to deploy the withdrawal functionality in a software update 6 mo - 1 year after the Merge.
essential stuff like this was never missing on Avalanche, this means you have to stake ETH for up to a year, maybe even longer while on Avalanche you can Stake for 2 weeks minimum or 1 year maximum or anything in between.
>The current projected income rate (for ETH) is around ~4% APY
Running an Avalanche Node has a proven 9% - 12% APY (paid in AVAX) since Mainnet Launch 2 years ago.
If you run a Node you get Staking rewards, % of your delegators rewards and Tokens from validating several Subnets. (The Golden Subnet Bullrun has not started yet).
>Also the withdrawal system will be implemented as a queue to limit the amount of ETH that can be withdrawn per day,
there is no queue on Avalanche, its instant, sub second, its finalized faster than you can press F5. thats all transactions or smart contract interactions on Avalanche, even when you go crosschain between X Chain and P chain and C chain and other Subnets its instant. Sub Second finality.
>Transactions take 14+ Minutes until they are finalized
I repeat: on Avalanche transactions are almost instant.
>Ethereum has Slashing which means you can lose your stake due to a Hardware or Software bug
No such thing as Slashing on Avalanche.
>ETH2 has Censorship at the Protocol level as all validators are ran by Kiked corporations
on Avalanche you have independant Node operators.

tl;dr if you want low risk staking where you dont get fucked you stake AVAX instead of ETH.

>> No.51200197 [View]
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Lets compare ETH2 to Avalanche:

>ETH staking withdrawals will not be available right away
Avalanche withdrawals are available since Mainnet launch YEARS ago
>The current plan is to deploy the withdrawal functionality in a software update 6 mo - 1 year after the Merge.
essential stuff like this was never missing on Avalanche, this means you have to stake ETH for up to a year, maybe even longer while on Avalanche you can Stake for 2 weeks minimum or 1 year maximum or anything in between.
>The current projected income rate (for ETH) is around ~4% APY
Running an Avalanche Node has a proven 9% - 12% APY (paid in AVAX) since Mainnet Launch 2 years ago.
If you run a Node you get Staking rewards, % of your delegators rewards and Tokens from validating several Subnets. (The Golden Subnet Bullrun has not started yet).
>Also the withdrawal system will be implemented as a queue to limit the amount of ETH that can be withdrawn per day,
there is no queue on Avalanche, its instant, sub second, its finalized faster than you can press F5. thats all transactions or smart contract interactions on Avalanche, even when you go crosschain between X Chain and P chain and C chain and other Subnets its instant. Sub Second finality.
>Transactions take 14+ Minutes until they are finalized
I repeat: on Avalanche transactions are almost instant.
>Ethereum has Slashing which means you can lose your stake due to a Hardware or Software bug
No such thing as Slashing on Avalanche.
>ETH2 has Censorship at the Protocol level as all validators are ran by Kiked corporations
on Avalanche you have independant Node operators.

tl;dr if you want low risk staking where you dont get fucked you stake AVAX instead of ETH.

>> No.51008871 [View]
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Lets compare ETH2 to Avalanche:

>ETH staking withdrawals will not be available right away
Avalanche withdrawals are available since Mainnet launch YEARS ago
>The current plan is to deploy the withdrawal functionality in a software update 6 mo - 1 year after the Merge.
essential stuff like this was never missing on Avalanche, this means you have to stake ETH for up to a year, maybe even longer while on Avalanche you can Stake for 2 weeks minimum or 1 year maximum or anything in between.
>The current projected income rate (for ETH) is around ~4% APY
Running an Avalanche Node has a proven 9% - 12% APY (paid in AVAX) since Mainnet Launch 2 years ago.
If you run a Node you get Staking rewards, % of your delegators rewards and Tokens from validating several Subnets. (The Golden Subnet Bullrun has not started yet).
>Also the withdrawal system will be implemented as a queue to limit the amount of ETH that can be withdrawn per day,
there is no queue on Avalanche, its instant, sub second, its finalized faster than you can press F5. thats all transactions or smart contract interactions on Avalanche, even when you go crosschain between X Chain and P chain and C chain and other Subnets its instant. Sub Second finality.
>Transactions take 14+ Minutes until they are finalized
I repeat: on Avalanche transactions are almost instant.
>Ethereum has Slashing which means you can lose your stake due to a Hardware or Software bug
No such thing as Slashing on Avalanche.
>ETH2 has Censorship at the Protocol level as all validators are ran by Kiked corporations
on Avalanche you have independant Node operators.

now if you still cant figure out why Avalanche is superior you must have some sort of Braindamage.

>> No.50975581 [View]
File: 240 KB, 1280x861, 16603475255141312312q3121770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets compare ETH staking to Avalanche staking:

>ETH staking withdrawals will not be available right away
Avalanche withdrawals are available since Mainnet launch YEARS ago
>The current plan is to deploy the withdrawal functionality in a software update 6 mo - 1 year after the Merge.
essential stuff like this was never missing on Avalanche, this means you have to stake ETH for up to a year, maybe even longer while on Avalanche you can Stake for 2 weeks minimum or 1 year maximum or anything in between.
>The current projected income rate (for ETH) is around ~4% APY
Running an Avalanche Node has a proven 9% - 12% APY (paid in AVAX) since Mainnet Launch 2 years ago.
If you run a Node you get Staking rewards, % of your delegators rewards and Tokens from validating several Subnets. (The Golden Subnet Bullrun has not started yet).
>Also the withdrawal system will be implemented as a queue to limit the amount of ETH that can be withdrawn per day,
there is no queue on Avalanche, its instant, sub second, its finalized faster than you can press F5. thats all transactions or smart contract interactions on Avalanche, even when you go crosschain between X Chain and P chain and C chain and other Subnets its instant. Sub Second finality.
>Transactions take 14+ Minutes until they are finalized
I repeat: on Avalanche transactions are almost instant.
>Ethereum has Slashing which means you can lose your stake due to a Hardware or Software bug
No such thing as Slashing on Avalanche.

>> No.50916814 [View]
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ETHomo NIGGERS pretend AVAX doesnt exist

>> No.50900432 [View]
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>The subnet running the EVM is pretty much a tech demo
hey nigger, the EVM on the C-Chain is a finished product and works better on Avalanche. its not just a "Demo", its far more usable than Ethereum ever was.
>and once ETH 2.0's scaling solution is out
its already confirmed for useless trash, if you cant figure out why Sub Second Finality beats 14 minute finality then you are lacking some brain cells.
see OP for why its gonna fail and why its inferior in about every way to Avalanche Staking you goddamn stupid nigger.

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