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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.50872699 [View]
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Here's the thing. It's true that you don't need to know much to get a job writing code. But guess what? The only companies that will give you a job are companies where your colleagues also don't know anything and are retarded, and retards write horrific code and are incapable of any forethought or consideration to design, readability, maintainability or extensibility. They only care about getting their tickets marked off as done as quickly as possible so they can get back to their video games and tv shows and snack food. The consequence of this is the code base quickly devolves into an enormous incomprehensible mess where even the smallest change will break things completely unrelated and bring down the entire system. And of course there's zero tests. Working on a code base like this is absolutely soul crushing. And code bases like this are all too common because the VC money continues to pouring in which has triggered the avalanche of bootcampers and learn to code imbeciles to rush in and shit up every code base they touch. So either you grind for years with autistic fanaticism and get good so you can get into companies and work with colleagues who are high IQ and grinded just as you did, or you quit the industry altogether before you end up quitting your life.

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