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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.3517973 [View]
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New York sanitation makes bank don't sleep on them this anon is right. Anon I was once in your position, I wish you the best seriously. ( I didn't drop out I just didn't know what to do). You will make it, lots of hard work ahead but you will be happy when you push through! Godspeed my friend.

>> No.2399221 [DELETED]  [View]
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Since niggercoin is waves based. Can't this hurt waves in the future somehow? Would Sasha approve of something that would hurt his name?

>> No.2204674 [View]
File: 95 KB, 725x483, 1493612330053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at /biz/ now - tears fucking everywhere, all these motherfuckers quivering like a pack of raped schoolgirls, the whole board looks like a fucking /b/ rekt bread, all I can do is shake my head and stroke my massive erection contemplating where you niggers went so wrong.

>Gather round scouts, daddy will soothe the pain

You see, you boys fucked up, you came in with the wrong mindset, you thought you could simply download a fucking lambo in days.


The stupid fucking choices you dickheads have made trying to overnight moon is your fucking problem. You couldn't get behind the ideas, you couldn't imagine a future where they might have a place, you have no fucking idea what you're doing, you heard shit was going up so you threw money at it, you refuse to accept that day trading is the meme of investing, that 30 year fucking veterans make scraps, you're retarded enough to think you could master this pastime overnight.

At some fucking point in the past couple months anons stopped pushing the idea that crypto was HIGH FUCKING RISK and instead started pushing demented fucking shit like the bean, the posw, the redd, the fucking xtrabytes, the shit that has not so much as a fucking whitepaper, only rabid fucking cults who think they deserve nothing short of a fucking handout from the good people of earth.


If you motherfuckers can't get behind the ideas you're going to have a bad time, you can't see the fucking future but you CAN have a GUESS and you can BET money on it. You can bet on a property, you can bet on a stock, you can bet on a greyhound, you can bet on fucking potatoes, yes you can bet on crypto too. Do you know how most motherfuckers bet? They pick a horse because it has a special name, a team because they want to suck one of the players cocks, even worse they just pick what everybody else is picking.


Next I will tell you how to be comfortable with the outcome.

>> No.2030394 [View]
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Mfw I bought ethereum at $50 and less and now it's $3 short of $100

>> No.2012656 [View]
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To everyone who is missing the eth moon mission and is looking for the next best option, buy Golem on poloniex. It's only 20 cents right. Trust me. We can all make it.

>> No.2001300 [View]
File: 95 KB, 725x483, 1490319876255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for this. anything else? ive been spamming final countdown personally.

>> No.1952882 [View]
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Where do I get this boy anon?

>> No.1892697 [View]
File: 95 KB, 725x483, 725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8wNDFmMTNlM2FiNWE0ZjJkMzQ3MjNjYTk2ODBkZmIyMi5qcGc=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hope you bought at $35!

>> No.1885792 [View]
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Fuck the stock market just invest in crypto. I've been making 100% ROIin the past week. Started with 200 dollars now I'm at 914. Wish I put more money in. Oh well. Just invest in whatever coin everyone is shilling, (not meme coins dopecoin or milo) sell when you gain enough or right before the dip. It's really simple.

>> No.1870790 [View]
File: 95 KB, 725x483, ethgainz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who are new to Ethereum and are curious about the distinctions between that technology and bitcoin, below is a quick primer courtesy of CryptoCompare:

1. In Ethereum the block time is set to 14 to 15 seconds compared to Bitcoins 10 minutes. This allows for faster transaction times. Ethereum does this by using the Ghost protocol.

2. Ethereum has a slightly different economic model than Bitcoin – Bitcoin block rewards halve every 4 years whilst Ethereum releases the same amount of Ether each year ad infinitum.

3. Ethereum has a different method for costing transactions depending on their computational complexity, bandwidth use and storage needs. Bitcoin transactions compete equally with each other. This is called Gas in Ethereum and is limited per block whilst in Bitcoin, it is limited by the block size.

4. Ethereum has its own Turing complete internal code... a Turing-complete code means that given enough computing power and enough time... anything can be calculated. With Bitcoin, there is not this form of flexibility.

5. Ethereum was crowd funded whilst Bitcoin was released and early miners own most of the coins that will ever be mined. With Ethereum 50% of the coins will be owned by miners in year five.

6. Ethereum discourages centralised pool mining through its Ghost protocol rewarding stale blocks. There is no advantage to being in a pool in terms of block propagation.

7. Ethereum uses a memory hard hashing algorithm called Ethash that mitigates against the use of ASICS and encourages decentralised mining by individuals using their GPU’s.

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