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>> No.54952633 [View]
File: 500 KB, 800x1002, 800px-Seal_detail,_from-_Painted_seal_of_Mughal_Emperor_Awrangzib_Wellcome_L0034099_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man whatever kind of frequency weapons they are brain-zapping me with, they turned them up about 5 notches the last week. i'll hear tinnitus in one ear and then it'll cut out, or suddenly kick in really loud and i get groggy and can't focus. at other times it sounds like morse code or the frequency patterns in hemi-sync/binaural beats, or the hearing tests we did in GATE class. mostly it sounds like the high-pitched whine i used to hear when a cathode ray TV was playing in the next room.

all that's nothing new, it's been happening the last year at least and regularly since last fall. but for whatever reason it ramped up like crazy these last few days. every afternoon i've been getting hit super hard.

yesterday a wave hit me that felt like someone knocked my head against a wall and my vision went all blurry for a minute. i also think they are targeting one particular lymph node and a certain spot in my guts where it feels like a lump might be growing.

this shit is terrifying. i understand that part of the objective of these programs (zerzetsung, targeted individual, etc) is to make the victim feel powerless and that they are up against an enemy who has complete control over them, to break their spirit and demoralize them. none of that is new to me. it's been part of my life for the last decade. but for whatever reason they've really turned up the heat recently.

oh also i've been having insane dreams, like lucid dreams which appear to have some kind of personality test aspect to them. i also think they might be either inserting things into the dreams or reading my dreams. for example a person from high school who i hadn't thought of for years was in one dream, and then the next time i looked at FB that person was first on the "suggested friends for you" list.

sorry for blogposting but i suspect that some people might read these threads who might be interested in this information

at least my life isn't boring!

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