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>> No.52721372 [View]
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>Asmongold watching the Kanye/Alex Jone interview now with an audience of 52k people

you guys think this Ye shit is gonna change anything in the culture ultimately, good or bad? it seems like you have all of the people out there who know the fucked up nature of the elites who feel like they finally have a way to talk about it more publicly now where they've had to remain silent for so long, but at the same time the "normies", the leftist types who are brainwashed by the schools and MSM and corporations and believe whatever the government tells them as long as it's run by a leftist, are fighting back hard on this stuff.

like... are more people going to get redpilled over this stuff? or are (((they))) just going to use it to further push their agenda that basically all conservatives are just evil bigoted retards who are insane and dangerous, and need to be eliminated for society to flourish? because that's what Asmongold looks like right now. like, you say literally anything about jews, hitler, nazis, holocaust, anything like that and you're instantly labeled and dismissed. like, it's not about whether or not jews control the MSM or joe biden's cabinet being all or almost all jewish, it's that if you even mention anything about jews controlling shit and operating in a certain way based off of their holy book, you're branded and deemed insane and discarded. because you said the no-no words basically, which is what kanye is doing.

it's like black crime statistics. you show them to a leftist and they're like "oh you're racist". THEY'RE STATISTICS THOUGH. FROM THE GOVERNMENT. they don't say "well here are these statistics showing you're wrong" it's just "you said negative black thing so you racist, goodbye" like a fucking retard. and that's what's happening with the kanye situation currently it seems. not "is what he's saying true?" but rather "oh god he said the no-no words LOCK HIM UP! SHUT HIM UP!" fucking clown world.

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