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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 398 KB, 1440x900, autism power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
756148 No.756148 [Reply] [Original]

um, oh lads, time to drop blender.


>> No.756149

I can see you are a kek

>> No.756170

The ultimate freeloader 3d artist

>> No.756176

This is nothing. He is missing all the good stuff.

>> No.756202

Fuck off, Cris.

>> No.756229

>8gb ram


>> No.756230

why are you pirating unity wtf

>> No.756231


>> No.756552

dark theme?

>> No.756556

Lol you just need to edit a hex for a dark theme, no need to pirate a whole program wtf

>> No.756580
File: 80 KB, 1022x1024, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>torrents all the newest toys
>does absolutely nothing
Once I was like you

>> No.756590

LOL Cristian

>> No.756605

Can you pirate some better specs.

>> No.756607


>> No.756661

does 3600 do the job?

>> No.756662

>8gb ram

>> No.756678
File: 31 KB, 272x246, 393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a SSS grade pirate

>I Pirate my entry to private trackers
>I Pirate my ratio on private trackers
>I use my pirated GBs to put high bounty requests for things I want so people use real money to buy them
>I used to put requests for my own content so people gave their real money to me, I don't do it anymore, it takes more time than it's worth.
>I have never EVER payed for media or 3D material
>I have enjoyed thousands of dollars without paying
>Well I only pay for Spotify premium because is so good for discovering new music, that and PS4 games because there isn't a convenient way to pirate them

I'm not going to say how to ratio cheat safely because it could affect the stability of the private tracker economy, but if your search for it you could find how... is not that difficult.

>> No.756680
File: 48 KB, 481x481, 1595134430872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.756683

Cool, can you run any of that on your integrated graphics?
Also post work

>> No.757120

An important video.

>> No.757140

only software i have pirated is Zbrush because it has a shitload of stuff i am never using so it feels stupid to pay so much to use 20% of the functions

>> No.757186
File: 72 KB, 623x527, 1584124078881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.757873

don't you go breakin the law now buddy

>> No.757898

>8GB ram

I've got some bad news.

>> No.757929

I'm not smart enough for something else.

>> No.758202

your post make me sad

>> No.758239

>anything else
>having games

ok lol

>> No.758241

so much this

>> No.758242

>playing games
worse than a coomer

>> No.758244

fuck you don't pirate this shit

>> No.758259

why not?

>> No.758273

>torrenting unity
>not using the unity hub
it's like you are just a monkey repeating what it saw some pirates doing.

>> No.758317

wait you're serious
Imagine still being so bad 3D isn't your main game