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File: 218 KB, 756x1000, ask-question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
480135 No.480135 [Reply] [Original]

New Q&A thread since old stopped bumping.

old thread: >>476880

>> No.480140
File: 221 KB, 601x674, 00fe953fa314037371836d9b2855eacf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /3/, this isn't really related to 3d modelling as it is to going to school for 3d.

My question is, should I go to a intensive 3d school knowing that i'll have to be pumping content out at crazy rate, and not having much time for myself,


Should I go to a okay 3d school where some of the portfolios of these people are abysmal as hell and I feel like i'll be surrounded by idiots with little to no ambition and are only doing it because they want to 'break through' to the game industry? This way i'll at least have time to mess around but I still intend to do a lot of learning on the side by myself

>pic related what I have to compete with in the 2nd option

>> No.480141

I should also mention that the second option is in Portland which is near the games industry booming city Seattle, as oppose to the first option which is based in Florida which would mean that I would have to move to a new state after I finish school

>> No.480148

You could be a lazy piece of shit and so could the school for all we know, so "intensive" work and "crazy" output rate has little meaning in this context. It sounds like you're debating between fun and fast growth as a student. What you choose depends on your own preference and future goals. Do you want to learn as much as you can in as short a time as possible? If so, why?

I would go for the first option. But in any case, I'm sure there are more important things to consider.

>> No.480153

I know I'm not going to find anyone who'll do it for the love of it, unless they've got some old models that fit the bill lying around gathering dust (and maybe not even then) but if I was looking for a couple of generic anime character models in a format usable by 3ds max 9, not too detailed although they'd need faces, and also be rigable (although I would do the actual rigging myself), what would I be looking at money-wise for someone to do them?

Backstory's not much - I write books for my own amusement, I want to write one that's kind of sci-fi, want some character models for illustration but I suck at characters and so am considering trying to get a couple of generic figures I can then mod done on commission, and I haven't been able to find any free resources to use.

Although, also admittedly, I've got no idea where to look :P

>> No.480154
File: 191 KB, 1280x720, Nelson_Alexandria_Print[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, thanks for the response sorry if I came off a little rude, I've been annoyed lately

the first school is called DAVE School, and its a school where on the very first week you already start modelling things like pic related as oppose to learning game theory and game design and other preparatory courses. I've also talked to a guy from DAVE School on here before and he's told me that its exactly what it looks like and you go there to learn not to have a social life.

I'm not quite sure why I want to learn as much as I can in the minimal amount of time as possible, maybe because I don't want to be just another college kid who gets a 4 year degree and comes out without a job or the feeling of having nothing in my life to work for or learn. And I guess I could just learn from myself but I've been doing that for about 6 months and it kinda feels like i'm stagnating in one spot.

but anyway thanks for letting me output my thoughts. I'll probably go with the first option just due to the fact that i'll be driven more to make something of myself and something of my future.

thanks bro

>> No.480166

Is it possible in any way to bake a normal map just with rounded edges without baking it from a hipoly?

>> No.480171

duplicate, convert to NURBS, bake normals.

>> No.480188

if blender is so good then why people pay thousands for maya and 3ds

>> No.480206

Don't start it.

>> No.480209
File: 1.45 MB, 837x878, gimbal lock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I prevent gimbal lock? My counter-twist rig doesn't seem to be working as it should. You can see the upper arm twisting incorrectly.

>> No.480210


What school?

>> No.480211

nvm, saw your post

>> No.480273

just tried the zremesher

what settings should i use to make my model

1.not look like complete shit
2.won't slow down computers

>> No.480293

I want to make props and 3D busts/models to help with my 2D portfolio. The sticky says to learn 3DS Max before Zbrush but I have no interest in animation, only the modeling. Should I still stick with 3DS Max?

>> No.480294

If you can get your hands on more common industry software, don't hesistate ppl

Or pirate that shit like everybody else

>> No.480299

Max is for all sorts of things, including modeling and animating. It's not just for animating.

>> No.480305

Alright thanks anon.

>> No.480328
File: 68 KB, 400x254, ornaments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Zbrush fine detail/engraving tutorials you guys know of? My body and cgpeers dl ratio is ready.

>> No.480334

In Maya if i right click > duplicate Layer on an animation layer, it will duplicate the layer with animation, however it doesn't duplicate the keys; it just shares the same keys as the layer that was duped. Does anybody know a way to duplicate an animation layer's keys as well?
If i select all the keyed channels on a control shape and copy paste them into a new animation layer with a key set for each channel, it doesn't paste them at the correct values.

>> No.480342

Keyshot's still relevant?

>> No.480343

What's the best board to ask questions about 2d games and how to make sprites?

>> No.480346


Search for /agdg/ boards on other chans. Can't link directly, since 4chunk bans for it.

>> No.480350

That thread exists on /vg/, any reason why you mentioned other chans?

>> No.480387

Hi I'm modelling a full environment for the first time. The first scene has a room with floorboards. Should I model the floor as one piece with a displacement map to add detail or model the floor boards individually?

>> No.480415
File: 159 KB, 1366x768, what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me /3/. I was busy making a rig when suddenly the model disappeared. I know for a fact that I didn't hide it and and it even says it's un-hidden. The last thing I clicked was X-Axis Mirror. What did I do wrong? Did I accidentally delete it?

Pic related, the bones without the body

>> No.480560
File: 321 KB, 1554x1176, whatthefuckisgoingon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm creating a multi-system rig in 3ds Max. The systems are IK, FK, and for even more control, a spinner which is controlled with an Attribute Holder modifier. The rig is using three different Orientation Constraints. Because of the way these constraints work, I have to turn them on/off through parameter wiring. This is where I'm having a problem. I know how to control two of the systems. One system is on by default, and turning the second system on turns off the other. I don't know how to control the third system. How can I control all three systems using Expressions with Parameter Wiring?

>> No.480562

go to mesh, undo history and post that

>> No.480564
File: 1.41 MB, 1543x1177, 2015-06-16-2105-32.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a video demonstrating my problem. You can see how I'm unable to turn two rig systems off at one time. What Expressions can I use to correct this?

FK System On (default) = IK and Spinners off
IK System On = FK and Spinners off
Spinners System On = FK System on (default) and IK off

>> No.480570

New to sculpting, what I want to know is when making a character that will eventually be retopo'd and rigged, do I sculpt the character with an open mouth so I can bake the teeth and retopo the inside of the mouth (then close it with the rigged model)? Or do workflows do it differently like modelling the teeth outside and assembling afterward. Also A-pose, and legs spread out too?

Also, looking for a good video guide that covers:

3.Bake normals

>> No.480664


Because I don't dwell on /vg/, so I actually forgot about it. Plus now I figure a whole board is better anyway, more retention.

>why do you mention other chans exist

Because they do. They even have stuff in them.

>> No.480724

Does anyone have an image of 3's dwarf?

>> No.480725

A-pose / T-pose is matter of preference, T-pose is easier to set up joints and model, b ut since the arms are lifted the shoulders/trapezius are tensed. Point weighting from a natural position is generally easier. Also in an A pose you have less distance between the arms and the side of the body (this also makes deformations easier to weight). You can tell I favor the A pose... but it doesn't matter as long as you rig it right.

Open mouth can make it easier to select the top and bottom verts of the lips but again it's not a necessity, I would say it's easier if it's slightly open though.

>> No.480737

You're assuming the character has their arms by their side most of the time. If your character will be raising their arms above shoulder height a lot then a T pose is more in the middle of range of motion. If you rig such a character from an A pose then they will have heavier stretching when the arms are raised.

>> No.480741

From a range of motion POV the T-pose is always incorrect. You can't raise your arm higher than level with your side.
Try pressing down your left clavicle with your right hand and try to rasie your arm, notice how you can't.
The rest of the motion to get your arm pointing straight up is provided by lifting the clavicle and scapula.

As far as range-of-motion the A-pose is superior in every way. Only time I would ever opt for a T-pose is if I created a cartoon
or simplified character that doesn't have a clavicle/scapula.

>> No.480883

How can I get a better noise free render without having to add thousands of samples and wait 1-2 days? Or is the noise reduction always done in post processing?

>> No.480899

1. It depends on the renderer.
2. A render doesn't have to take 1 to 2 days to be noise-free. It can take as little as a few seconds.

>> No.481150

mandatory bump

>> No.481185

Step 1: Stop using Cycles.
Step 2: Use a decent GPU accelerated raytracer like LuxRender or Iray. Or use a Biased one but put more work into it, such as VRay or Mentalray.

>> No.481215

I'm actually using Luxrender. But it is still taking a very long time. Could it just be my GPU?

>> No.481222

What GPU do you have?
And did you enable the metropolis light sampling?

>> No.481227

I'm guessing then that no one takes commissions here? Or if there's another thread, please direct me. While I do troll /3/ a fair bit, I do tend to look more at the low-poly threads or WIP, and don't know if there's anything like what I'm looking for.

>> No.481267
File: 102 KB, 1627x888, something.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm following the blendertutor vids on youtube to learn the basics but this happened when I added a subsurf modifier.

What did I do wrong?

>> No.481269

I have two Radeon 6770s. I know they are old and out dated but they still shouldn't take that long, right?

And I'm using the Luxcore 2.x API and Blender crashes whenever I use MLT. So I use the sobol sampler instead.

>> No.481272

nevermind fixed it

>> No.481280
File: 75 KB, 960x1620, Sphere Normal Problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I'm using Blender to make some models for a project. I encountered an issue with baking normals from a high to a low poly model. These distinct creases show up on the low poly along the edges when the normal map is applied. Think it has something to do with the cage, but I know very little about that. Also I'm importing to Unity 5 if that makes a difference. This is just an example of the problem I am having

>> No.481281

You're probably using proprietary baking tools. The pros use xNormal. Shit's cash

>> No.481285

what be yar bake settings

>> No.481286
File: 99 KB, 793x675, bumpmap setup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a correct way to use diffuse, specular and normal map in cycles ?

>> No.481290
File: 37 KB, 637x321, Screen Shot 2015-06-21 at 1.27.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks m8

>> No.481295
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, 1434843231937.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but which program do you use to convert .mp4 to .webm suitable for 4chan? Tried Miro and it's terrible.

.webm related. Good quality, lengthy, less than 3mb

>> No.481298

Yeah, but i'd use a roughness map instead and connect a layer weight node with a color ramp to the diffuse-glossy mix so I can edit the fresnel.

>> No.481299

From a technical POV, why is clipping still an issue? For example, if you have a clothes mod in skyrim or something that clips, I imagine it'd be simple enough (conceptually) to have the clothing be deformable while the body model isn't (or at least, not by the clothes), so any 'collisions' would lead to a small deform in the mesh.

Is it as simple as computers not being powerful enough yet? I'm familiar with programming, so I can already see how checking for collisions between cloth meshes and body meshes is going to be computationally expensive, but is that the only issue, or am I missing something?

>> No.481301


oh for fucks sake, source

>> No.481303

Is clamping generally not advised? When is it okay to use clamping? Especially if you're trying to go for photo realism.

>> No.481304


VDub with an external encoder

>> No.481306

don't clamp, you'll lose your hi range

>> No.481309

Then is there an alternative to removing fireflies?

>> No.481311


>> No.481316

use a better renderer

>> No.481317

How can i get pbr textures work in cycles ?

>> No.481319

I'm familiar with sim but not in realtime so i can only partially answer:
it takes computation (more substeps) like you said
however there are several factors... like if you make the cloth more loose, have more drag, then the amount of substep solves may not be sufficient and you might get some clipping. self collisions can also be an issue. but you're somewhat right, if we had more computational power to spare then I guess you could always have a huge number of substeps and avoid clipping as much. but as it is you want to optimize as much as possible while still getting acceptable results.

>> No.481320

So blender is just failing me? Alright, thanks

>> No.481321
File: 56 KB, 342x507, robotleg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm tying to rig a robot leg with an IK, but I need it to rotate at the hip, and keep the leg straight up and down. Pic related.

So say you drag the IK up the y axis it needs to rotate at the large ball joint and bend at the knee, while keeping the leg aligned vertically.

>> No.481323

Essentially I'm trying to change the pivot point of the top of the IK chain, I guess. I can always keep it aligned with a pole vector constraint. I just need to make sure it bends the right direction.

>> No.481341

I don't understand your question, I think. What's the problem? I make an IK from the hip joint down to the ankle, and I can still rotate the whole leg from the central hip joint.

>> No.481346

My guys upper leg is essentially shaped like an upside down L. It's not 2 bones, it's 3. I need the long bit of the L to remain vertical with the leg and and leg has to rotate from the end of the short bit of the L. Drawing an IK from the ankt to the actual hip (the giant ball part of my pic) will bend the upper leg from the ball joint.

>> No.481351

You mean you want the leg to maintain the perpendicular angle to the hip? That's very hard to achieve with a single IK control. I tried setting up a separate IK chain from hip to foot, then feeding in the lateral rotation to to the inner ball joint and the forward-backwards to the hip. It worked but obviously it doesn't stay where the IK handle is.
A semi-solution is to draw the IK from the inner ball joint down to the foot. The issue is that it won't maintain that perpendicular angle, and the first bone will bend more than you want.

What you could do, although I hvaen't tried, is take that IK from the inner ball to the foot, and then through some math ensure that the right angle is preserved. That may be a difficult task.

>> No.481361
File: 75 KB, 682x512, 1434863550557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Anon was giving out Invites to a Private Tracker a while ago. Had a ton of /3/ tutorials, software etc.

Anyone happen to know the site I'm talking about?

Can't remember the name of it...

>> No.481364


>> No.481365
File: 100 KB, 200x200, 1434926191631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it! Thanks anon.

I really wish this site wasn't stagnate. And that moot hadn't Bawwed and quit after his web 5.0 startup failed.

And had some sort of tipping service. I woulda given you like 3 bucks for the help breh.

>> No.481379

I use miro video converter

>> No.481380

clamping is ok if its very small, say for blender a point .03 clamp would be best

>> No.481381

google pbr node setup

>> No.481405
File: 36 KB, 721x641, lensflares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I make these textures work like Additive blending in 3dsmax2013 viewport? I saw some document online saying to modify the INI file to change some alpha blending paramater but no such entry exists.

Also when i try alpha from RGB intensity it washes out the red to a crappy grey and the square is still visible (only on render; in viewport looks the same as pic).

>> No.481410

Trying to go from 3ds max to blender and having a lot of difficulty finding out what the efficient workflow is.

When I go to delete something, Blender always gives me a prompt. How do I disable this so that it just deletes when I hit the key?

In 3ds max I can extrude an edge by holding shift and dragging it. That was a huge part of my workflow. Can blender do that or be made to do that?

>> No.481416

Here's some workflow tips for you.

>Use x to delete instead of del. It's more convenient.
>The prompt is really neat once you learn how to use it. Alternatively you can right click any of the options and bind a key to it.
Extrude with 'e'. Always. This applies to verts, edges, faces, curves, keyframes and everything else you might wabt to extrude.
Shift is used for precision, ctrl for snaps. They work together as well for snapping smaller distances.

If you try to make blender behave like like max, you're going to end up ripping your face off.

>> No.481419

I guess you're right. I just hope this doesn't end up being much slower. It definitely feels more clunky.

>> No.481420

Is there a way do have edged solid in Blender? Solid view that displays the wireframe on top, so it's easier to see where the polygons are?

>> No.481422

nvm googled it and found the answer.

>> No.481429

Alright, what the fuck. I hit some key in blender and now every time I select a vertex, it selects them in a line.

Anyone know what I hit? How do I unfuck this?

>> No.481453

Release alt

>> No.481462

Looking at getting a 5960x.
Why should I not get this beast if I can afford it?

>> No.481464

WHen is the new metallic roughness workflow going to be incorporated in render engines like arnold?

>> No.481486

Anyone here use zbrush?

Ive made a project with several subtools, i saved it and now when i open it i shows up on the doc but i cant edit it? i cant select it in subtool menu or anything but its there on the doc?

I get a similar error when i save doc, it puts a copy of my work onto the doc an i cant get rid of it?

>> No.481487

Make sure you're in edit mode (t).

>> No.481488

Wont let me enter edit mode?

>> No.481489

You could have a broken copy of ZBrush. Share the file, delete your post, and I'll see if it works for me and report back.

>> No.481490

No need figured it out, i had thought that "N" cleared canvas but its "CTRL-N" then i was confusing opening a document an a project...

Thanks anyway!

>> No.481491

Good. Now you can finish sculpting that horse cock.

>> No.481492
File: 146 KB, 1061x803, ConceptAsFuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah m8 doing the eat3D hard surface, concepting the mesh is pretty hard, only started using Zbrush last week though, think im coming along nicely

>> No.481493

If you don't know already, there's more great hard surface sculpting tutorials if you search Grant Warwick and Kirill Chepizhko.

>> No.481494

ahh will add that to the list thanks man!

>> No.481495

Whats a easy way to up your ratio on cgpeers?

Will it automatically track to my account if i use Utorrent?

>> No.481500

dont do it, they will track ur ip and tell it to software maufacturers and ull get sued

>> No.481502

>being this paranoid

And how will they prove you've profited from it?
They aren't going to take you to court when you haven't made any money from their software.

>> No.481607

When i create a new animation layer in Maya it doesn't keep driven keys. Anyone know how to copy Driven Keys?

>> No.481611
File: 756 KB, 500x513, 1415167335297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember there was an hour long video on box modeling in 3ds Max, demonstrating all the tricks you could do to make your life easier.

Is there something like that for Zbrush?

>> No.481613
File: 127 KB, 787x480, 2015-06-24_05-19-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two questions, why is only the shell model being motion blurred, when i have all scene objects set to image blur. And why is the front of the weapon have some sort of "field" where it looks shittier than usual, on the front.

nevermind i think its just that my directional light wasn't high enough because i'm a retard for the front problem

>> No.481616

wtf is "the front problem"? Directional lights don't have a radius. Why haven't you specified software / renderer?

I don't have much experience with motion blur in renderers, but it is probably that the shell is moving much faster than anything else.

>> No.481620

the "front" problem is that the directional light was too low, so it wasn't catching the front of the guns heads when it was rotated up. SO it was unlit

Trust me, it's not blurring, I've checked most of the options I know of (hint: not a lot I could find) and changed the blur values and time it blurs, the only thing that is blurring is the shell.

Default scanline renderer, nothing special used at all

>> No.481636
File: 291 KB, 670x862, das boot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this happen and how do I avoid it?

>> No.481678

Autodesk ples go

>> No.481679

what are your trying to do?

>> No.481700


Crop the mesh. What does it look like I'm tryin'a do, nignog? smh

>> No.481704
File: 2.52 MB, 1280x720, boomstick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since i'm stupid and I don't ask questions correctly
it's 3ds max using scanline renderer with no advanced lighting and such

>> No.481717

like i said, the shell is moving like 10x faster than anything else. Have you tried just making the gun move incredibly fast and see if that gets blurred?

>> No.481718

I want to extrude a torus/cylinder along a looped path, and be able to insert different radius of the tube at specific points along the path. was trying to do it in Maya but it's fucking rubbish at this. Should i dig up Max for this? Or is there some easier more convenient software that can create this easily and export a mesh?

>> No.481719

you need to believe me, I've rendered a few things before with blur (specifically fps animations, shocking) and i can tell if there is blur or not, i've tried changing the blur settings but it does NOT want to work. but scanline is much faster and i do not need a complex render. Can I link the .max for you to examine?

>> No.481730
File: 531 KB, 833x328, gifcam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I mirror the animation on the other "bowtie" part?

I'm using 3ds max 2015

>> No.481731
File: 20 KB, 567x446, 2015-06-25_05-59-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a suggestion
you could have made the rig contain a bone that moves both bowties

>> No.481732

is that still possible or do I need to make a new animation for that.

I tried to mirror the thing but when I did that the animation looked like it was mirrored too in some way

>> No.481733

you'd probably have to start over, yes
the ghetto way I use and the only way I know how to mirror an animation is copying the keyframes in the Curve Editor and pasting them to the other bone. be careful not to paste the wrong keyframes, that's the only method I know and it's extremely shitty sounding

>> No.481734
File: 1.01 MB, 596x325, gifcam2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm ok, I'll guess I've to do that.

btw, this is how it looks like when I mirror it. don't know why everything turns green in the gif

>> No.481735

sorry if my solution is time consuming and dumb, it's the only method i know. check back in the thread and maybe someone will have a better answer

>> No.481742
File: 598 KB, 713x295, gifcam3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it finally works when I did a mirror with instance.

the bones were moved but the animation was the same mirrored so I just hided the bones

>> No.481745

This is a bad idea. What is you want to animate that side different to the side you instanced it from?
Why not just animate the right side separately to the left side? It's not exactly a difficult animation.

>> No.481748

they're supposed to have the same animation like it has now

>> No.481749

what he's saying is
it's not good practice to just... like.. instance a bone and replace it with another then hide the bone

>> No.481751

but it works fine, what could go wrong?

>> No.481752
File: 84 KB, 423x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.481763
File: 335 KB, 1280x720, header01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a character(s) for a video game most likely with a Physically Based Rendering engine like Unity 5 or Unreal 4, how many textures do I use and at what size?

So I basically need a Normal map, Albedo map, Metallness+Smoothness map and a Ambient Occlusion/Cavity map.

But having FOUR(4) different textures at 1024px or 2048px seems a bit overkill so I guess there are some that need to be high resolution and detailed and some that can be of lower resolution.

I havent worked much with real time game rendering and all those different types of texture maps, or atleast its a bit different for rendering animations and still images in some render program where you basically dont have that much limitations in resources compared to game graphics, so I am a bit baffled and overwhelmed.

I would aprichiate if anyone cared to explain and/or give me a link to some explanation. I tried googling for "game characters how big textures" but I didnt really find what I wanted.

Or if someone could give me a breakdown of an already existing in-game character and all the textures used and what resolution.

>> No.481769

Hey, I'm currently learning 3D on the side from my Gnomon sub. I notice a lot of devs want their artists versed in either Maya or something else like 3DS Max. I'm currently learning 3DS Max, should I learn Maya alongside it or wait until I've gotten really good with 3DS Max?

>> No.481827
File: 35 KB, 116x713, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started using ZBrush and I'm working on my first project. This popped up and I don't know what it is. Little background in case it helps:

Started with one of the built-in sphere tools, shaped it into a head. Used slice curve along the connection between top and bottom jaw, split hidden. Dynamesh to close open meshes, rotate tool to rotate bottom jaw into place. Shape roof and floor of mouth. The picture of the floor of the mouth, I used move topological and this thing crept up from underneath the surface.

Apologies if it's something stupid.

>> No.481828

uhh.... i dont know i usualy just smooth the shit out of it and use dynamesh several times until its fixed. But this might fuck up your topology.

I would save the current version, duplicate the mesh then use the history to go back to a point before that happened and then mask that portion and project the details from this mesh into the copy. This will give you all the details minus that part.

>> No.481834
File: 28 KB, 640x165, rgb_med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most engines today generates automatically differents LODs (level of details) according to the place the objects takes in your scene. So my advice would be: the bigger, the better (2048x2048 at least).

Also, you'll have to create 5 textures, but will end with only 3 in your engine: Albedo, Normal and RGB map. The RGB map is a compositing of the metalness+smoothness+AO in one image.

Metalness, smoothness and AO do not use color information, they are only black to white images (8bits). So you can use only one channel in your final image for one of them (red for metal, green for smooth and blue for AO, for example): that's 8bits/channel (in a 24bits image). You can even use the Alpha channel as an extra if needed (save your texture as 32bits then).

>pic related, it's the only pic i found to explain this, and I'm too lazy to make one myself now.

>> No.481900

I understand thanks, but which colour channel is responsible for what map?

>> No.481901
File: 55 KB, 1106x644, yunoscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone knows how to scale/resize doto 2 models without double transformations like these?

>> No.481902

selected now every joint in the outline and created a shortcut for this selection, not excatly how i wanted it but it works

>> No.481903

well the sclaing down workd, but moving and transforming it any further won't anymore xD

>> No.481904

Whichever one you decide to put your map into. You could do red as metal, green as smoothness and blue as AO, or any other order you wish. As long as you know what individual colour channel represents.

>> No.481920

Should I learn maya instead of 3ds max? I've been using 3ds max off and on for about a year now, but, I'm an animator and not a modeler. And I've heard Maya has better animation tools and people on this board say a lot about how Maya is better.

>> No.482043

I have a few products I need to render and display. I don't want them just floating in nothing, should I make a pedestal to put them on? do people do this, is there a name for it?

>> No.482063
File: 28 KB, 758x489, 2015-06-27_10-29-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put like a ground and a wall or something?

>> No.482067

It's very common and it's typically called a baseplate.

>> No.482092
File: 67 KB, 503x854, zzztmpqiuzhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ran into a problem when I bake normalmaps with xnormal. The low-poly mesh grid keeps showing up in the baked normal map (I did the hi-poly in zbrush). It works fine with another model I made with the same method. The color map and the AO map of the same model works fine too. The hi-poly obj looks fine in zbrush or maya. Would anyone please tell me where I did wrong?

>> No.482096

No need to save the texture in 32bit though, it will be waaay too heavy. Just use a format that supports alpha channels (ei. TIFF)

>> No.482100

Smooth the normals of the low poly in maya

>> No.482109

Yeah it works. Like you said I found the lo-poly normals got pretty messy after I exported and imported it several times. Thanks man!

>> No.482110
File: 53 KB, 509x607, instanced duplication.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid question here,

I'm really quite new to all this and I find it fairly hard to pin point the exact question with words when googling for solutions.

Basically these two halves are special instanced duplicates, if i move one half the other moves as well etc. But how to I join the two halves while being able to work on them at the same time?

>> No.482113

Not a stupid question, but what you're asking for is not possible in Maya

>> No.482137

there's a symmetry tool in the selection tool, it sometimes breaks but you dont have to use the instanced method necessarily

>> No.482158

Why do you want to use as much of the zero to one space in the uv editor in Maya? Why does it matter, the texture repeats it self anyway...

>> No.482188


Thank you both.

>> No.482194

I've seen in game texture sheets that DON'T use the 0-1 UV space. But I imagine that unless you specify otherwise, the engine will look for data in the 0-1 space and repeat that.

>> No.482213
File: 420 KB, 1352x1712, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is in Blender, I have two meshes: one larger than the other, it's slightly transparent, so I can see the smaller mesh for editing, but when I select the smaller mesh, there's some sort of effect-overlap that prevents em from seeing the smaller mesh texture. How do i fix this so when I select the smaller mesh for editing, the translucent one doesn't overlap it like shown?

>> No.482214
File: 849 KB, 1400x2000, Shoulderjoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning to rig joints but having difficulty. What can I do to my mesh so the arm isn't crumpling?

>> No.482215

You need to smooth the weight out more. add more influence to the underarm/armpit on the shoulder joint. It looks like the Joint for the chest is having total influence over the armpit.
On the skinCluster node in the attribute editor make sure Normalize weights is set to Post. and max influences is set to 2 or 3.

>> No.482431

Character Rigging
Production Practices and Techniques


Is this worth the $80 pricetag?

>> No.482432

>Is this worth the $80 pricetag?
no, get the Animator Friendly Rigging series by the man who rigged gollum

>> No.482510

3ds max question
Is there a way to make all viewports update in realtime when viewing an animation? it only plays the animation in the selected viewport

>> No.482662
File: 62 KB, 747x486, speccy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any must-have upgrade for my computer for 3D work (Maya, Mental Ray, etc.) , or is it good enough? Pic related.

I've been thinking about getting a 1440p monitor but I feel it's not justifiable for $500.

Is it REALLY worth replacing my Celeron G1620 for an i5 3550S for almost $200? Apparently the i5 3450S is only "1.41 times" faster overall.


>> No.482713

Say I've got a friend who wants me to do a music video for him? what's some of the fastest ways you could do it? I'm talking 5-8 hours work now not something fancy, doesn't necessarily have to be a 3D soft even

>> No.482722

sony vegas or adobe premiere for video editing, after effects if needed. not sure why you're posting in /3/ though

>> No.482772

>Say I've got a friend who wants me to do a music video for him? what's some of the fastest ways you could do it? I'm talking 5-8 hours work now not something fancy

/3/ – realistic images, unrealistic expectations

>> No.482782

Uh, bruh... If you want a good workstation computer, stay away from anything "Celeron" or "i5". You want only the i7 series. It's only going to be $100 more than the i5 for drastically more performance. It also means you'll probably be using a triple or quad channel memory system, so even more performance gains there from much higher memory bandwidth and transfer rate.

>> No.482859
File: 50 KB, 410x236, I suck at Blender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea if this is the right place to ask this, but how can I fix these black 'stripes' on the bullets, considering I'm basically a complete newfag to Blender and this is my first project I don't know shit about what it is or what to do

>> No.482890

Okay, so which program BESIDES MAYA is the best at:

1. Rigging.
2. Animation.

>> No.482895


>> No.482898

side effects houdini is actually really fun for procedural animation (water, physics,smoke, trees and vines, etc) Lego movie used houdini to simulate their lego water

>> No.482902
File: 407 KB, 1190x896, Absolutely Radical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /3/. I just got into modeling for a project in unreal. Just have a quick question. How do I into textures and texture mapping in Blender? I can't seem to find a tutorial that treats me like a retard and walks me through step by step. If you could point me to one I'd be really grateful.

>> No.482903

My mesh is triangulated low poly. I need to smooth it. Turbosmooth, Meshsmooth, OpenSubdiv, etc all quadify the mesh which produces weird smoothing. What other methods can I use?

>> No.482974

if you dont have money use blender like the poorfag you are

>> No.483126

Can having crossfire enabled affect render speed?

>> No.483139
File: 526 KB, 1024x819, -usr-local-www-raptor_rwd_it-cache-559936648d800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to buy a new gpu for my pc, I use 3ds.

i can afford a nvidia gtx 970 and i'm wondering if buy an asus strix gtx 970 ( but i think nope ) or a msi

I'm unsure if buy a GTX 970 4GD5 OC or a GTX 970 GAMING 4G LE. The secondo one looks pretty better but the OC have 3 DisplayPort and, in a sort of way, looks more suitable for my 3d modeling/rendering purpose ( i'm not a gamer at all )

What do you think about?
any suggestion around 350€ are welcomed

>> No.483140

I can't find a good face rigging tutorial, help please!

>> No.483147

GL man, I gave up trying to find a reliable/consistent way to rig faces and just use whatever method best suits the job. Which usually means joints/floating joints driven by locators, and controls with driven keys to move the locators, so i'm only manually keying the controls in 2 axes + custom attributes.

>> No.483166

I want to start training to use industry standard software packages (max, ue4, zbrush, photoshop) and start stepping up my game in general.

In order to stay motivated I need an ongoing project that I can build up over time - I'm currently thinking of creating a game environment in UE4. I'm thinking of a small village/town and some interesting landscape features surrounding it (to hold my interest and get me creating a wide variety of assets.)

I'm wondering about the best way to approach the preparatory stage. Should I try to collect a large volume of reference images/concept art/inspiration at the start, then rough out some designs myself?

Also, if I use a photograph of a building as the primary reference for a model, do I need to provide the source, and give credit? (I wouldn't be using any part of this image directly)

>> No.483175

Maya has replaced Max for game development now. Autodesk has updated it drastically with game dev oriented features over the past few versions, even releasing a cheaper Indie dedicated version called Maya LT.

>> No.483183

Can anyone help? Im making a first person rig in 3ds max and I cant get any spline controls to work. Since the character is a robot the meshes are all parented to the bones and this has worked perfectly. I used the biped rig to make the bones and it seems that I cant parent the bones to splines and link constraints don't seem to work either. Could anyone know the answer?

>> No.483185

There's quite a few helpful ones on Digital Tutors.

>> No.483186

Stop looking at gaming GPUs. They are not designed around CAD programs.

Autodesk has a list of recommended hardware on their website.

>> No.483187

>Stop looking at gaming GPUs. They are not designed around CAD programs.
Neither are queer quadros. No gpu that you can buy online is built for certain program.

>> No.483201

Stop talking about shit you clearly don't know. The Quadro and Firepro cards come with drivers that enable GPU acceleration of CAD operations, drastically increasing performance. It's basically a driver feature AMD and Nvidia implemented like 15 fucking years ago that hasn't really need much updating, but they continue to make you pay out the ass for it by overpricing these "workstation cards". Sorry, but double the RAM doesn't mean $1000 extra fucking dollars, it's so stupid.

3DS Max is not CAD software numbnuts, It's basic modeling, and if you're using the Nitro viewport instead of the classic, then a gaming GPU is actually better. Especially in Maya Viewport 2.0.

>> No.483202

Why bother? You can get Maya for free for 3 years under educational license. And if you actually make it as an animator, you'll be able to afford Maya and the studio you work at will absolutely be using Maya.

>> No.483203

>but they continue to make you pay out the ass for it by overpricing these "workstation cards". Sorry, but double the RAM doesn't mean $1000 extra fucking dollars,

Aren't they over priced because of the fact that the only people who will buy one is big companies with lots of money?

>> No.483206

That is their main market yes, so they can price it at these stupid price because they know corporations will pay it, AMD and Nvidia play along on this, it's literally price fixing. But the individual user market for them has been growing quite a bit, they could afford to lower them and bring in more users.

>> No.483217
File: 865 KB, 957x2159, gat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I add that pro gpu have double precision in floating computation and a great strength against hardware error. That's make them really more reliable and in fact are matched to xeon cpu and ECC RAM and used to build pro workstation. I bet you will the extra precision when you are designing and simulating engineering stuff, and you don't care if you have to spend double for such a computer when you are paid to do that.

lol, pic related

>> No.483232

>Not knowing what you're talking about: the post

>> No.483235

So I've just learned how to create image based lighting in Maya. Now...I'm new to the whole 3D thing (spent almost 2 years grinding that 2D) and this feature seems ridiculously powerful.

Is image based lighting used in film? It's so cool and I'm wondering if it's seen as a cheap trick in the world of 3D artists/designers.

>> No.483236

Yes it's used in film, but relying on it entirely for your lighting will lead to a "cheap" look. The more actual geometry for your scene to reflect, the better. As well as the use of actual lights instead of image based lights.

>> No.483237

>Claim without anything to back it up: the post.

>> No.483262
File: 73 KB, 225x868, fill_mode_draw_pallette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if there's a hotkey to switch between Fill Modes 2 and 3 from the Draw Palette? I switch between these a lot and would like to be able to do so much faster.

>> No.483263

Preferences > Enable Customization > Alt+Ctrl+Click/Drag the button to your UI. Store Config to save the UI.

>> No.483264
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1008, masking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me how to disable masking through the mesh? I keep catching this little area behind the eye when trying to mask out the eye sockets.

>> No.483265

Make sure you have Double Sided off. If that doesn't work, use the Lasso Mask instead (b > m > l)

>> No.483275

go to backside masking. it's in the brush palette i think

>> No.483276

I tried going to Brush -> Auto Masking and clicking the Backface option, but it didn't seem to change anything.

>> No.483293

When you hold ctrl, it's basically a different brush. Look at your Auto Masking menu when you hold control, notice how Backface Masking turns off when you hold it? You have to hold down control and then click the options you want on, so hold Ctrl and click backface masking.

>> No.483313


oh yeah i forgot. if its masking you need to hold ctrl

>> No.483314

is there a way to stop blender from placing inbetween animations on a dopesheet?

>> No.483319
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, Zsphere-is-pretty-nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to create pick related because why not. Having trouble getting the skin/fur texture of the model. Do any of you anons know what tool is best to get the same effect of the characters skin in zbrush ? CurveStrapSnap is working but it taking a while and isn't 100% accurate.

>> No.483328

Try actually copying your reference. That image doesn't have squiggly pasta stuck to it. Just create postcards in some areas, not over the entire body. Then if you want to give them depth extrude inwards.
Why not just rip off that design and create something that isn't fucking disgusting and entirely unappealing?

>> No.483329

I'd make an alpha for it and spray it

>> No.483337

Breh, just put the object in a group and scale the group... ctrl+g will group whatever is selected. Or, even better, create a control object, like a NURBS ring and make it the parent of your rig, then you'll have something visual in the viewport to select and scale.

>> No.483339

I'm still new to zbrush anon, just started yesterday and wanted to try out a model still getting to know how to use the software to do details. Do you have an example of the postcard method you mentioned ? It would help.

>> No.483393
File: 187 KB, 1539x814, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody help explain why this is happening to the color in the rendering process? It looks normal while editing but then breaks apart. Any fix?

>> No.483408
File: 62 KB, 500x414, 500px-Erwin02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an amateur 3D artist and I'm hoping to get to work making character models for games. For one of my first projects I decided to surprise a friend by modelling the character Erwin from GuP for them, one of their favorites. But my question has to do with translating anime body form to 3D. You see her face from the side view, where her mouth extends out of her face, if I were to model it like that would it look weird, should I just make it have a flat face altogether?

>> No.483420

I have no interest in character animation: Is Maya still significantly better than Max in the field of game development?

>> No.483449

Absolutely. And the game dev version is immensely cheaper. It has direct export to Unity/Unreal, including your Shaders, textures, rig, animations and model. It's Veiwport 2.0 is basically a game engine viewport as well, so you're able to see what your model should look like in-engine for the most part, without having to export.

>> No.483474

Why are faces so hard /3/? :(

>> No.483552
File: 920 KB, 1114x856, asymmetry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow managed to make this mesh asymmetric. I'm not sure how, but I'd like to mirror the left side over to the right side so I can regain symmetry.

Anyone know the best way to accomplish this? I haven't seen anything like that covered in most of my ZBrush tutorials.

>> No.483554

My first experience of "muh commercial software":

"// Error: file: ../Maya2016/scripts/shelves/shelf_Rendering.mel line 278: Object 'renderShelfIPRRenderButton' not found. // "

Anyone had this issue and resolved it?

>> No.483557
File: 181 KB, 368x336, flagbones.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would do an animated looping flag with bones? Every guide ive seen for max does it all with clothsim but I cannot find a method of doing it with animation bones or what layout of bones are best to use

>> No.483558


Using others 3d models as anatomical reference is not the best idea

>> No.483559

somewhere in the right hand menus there is a mirror and weld option

>> No.483560


its in modify topology.

You can also go to deformation, mirror to switch the model to the other side and then go back to modify topology and hit mirror and weld.

You can also use options such as resym and smart resym in deformation

>> No.483564

Is this board active now? I left for reasons a year ago and it seems like you guys post a lot more now. Good on you.

Interest in 3D must be growing.

>> No.483572

Duplicate the object.

Mask one half of the object.


Delete hidden.

Deformation > Mirror.

Your object is symmetrical again.

>> No.483573

Don't forget, you can animate a flag with displacement maps too.

>> No.483579

Thanks! Worked like a charm.

>> No.483581

There's a really good ZBrushWorkshops course that can teach you how to sculpt the human skull step-by-step.

>> No.483584

The one with Ryan Kingslien? That's the one I've been working through lately.

>> No.483602


Because you lack information about the human head.
Read an anatomy book for artists, srsly.

>> No.483603


It is, blame Japan.

>> No.483613


Sounds cool, but still need to know how to transfer that movement to keyframed bones

>> No.483618

idk how to do that in max, but i'll use general tersm for how i do it in Maya.
create 9 joints ( corners, middle of edges, middle of face)
duplicate the base flag for later.
cloth sim the flag and bake the animation. duplicate the anim clip and offset/blend the end/start to get a decent loop.
create clusters from the verts on the flag and center the clusters where the joints are.
parent the joints to their respective cluster.
clusters follow the baked anim, joints follow the clusters.
skin the duplicate flag to the joints and weight it similar to the cluster weights.

>> No.483661 [DELETED] 

Why do applications that read UV maps depict meshes as being made of tris instead of reading the face definitions and showing the actual polys?

>> No.483689
File: 18 KB, 1455x713, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In low polygon models, should you almost never be using squares, and only triangles? How do you know when is too much?

>> No.483694

What are some good resources for generic bipedal humanoid Maya rigs? Preferably with a simple facial rig (blendshapes are ok, maybe even preferred).

I need to do an animation test, but the studio won't provide any rigs. All of my own are cartoony with no facial rigs.

>> No.483695


You just gotta get rid of all the stuff you don't need.

>> No.483702

No, you don't need to do it that way anymore... Just mask the half you want to keep, then you go Deformation>Smart ReSym and it will analyze what is different in the non-masked portion and fix it, making your mesh symmetrical again without any weird distortion happening down the middle of your model.

>> No.483704

Thank you, this looks like it will work for what I need.

>> No.483707

Try this:

In case you mean lowpoly for games: All quads get converted to triangles upon importing the mesh into the engine, but keeping a mesh mostly quads makes your life a lot easier during the modeling stage.

In case you mean lowpoly as in lowpoly base meshes for subdivision modeling, triangles and n-gons should really be avoided. They are OK to use in flat areas (make sure there is a quad border between them and other areas), but in most other places you'll get nothing but trouble.

>> No.483709
File: 48 KB, 1093x492, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI webmbro's version is old and outdated.

please recommend the nixxquality one from now on. It's a fork of webm for retards but has WAY more features.


>> No.483726

noice, didn't know that, thanks!

>> No.483754
File: 131 KB, 400x400, a44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is there any way to get older versions of 3ds Max, I mean 3ds Max 2012 and below? On Autodesk site they have only new versions of this software.

I thought about torrents but I'm not sure that I can use my student license with it.

>> No.483780
File: 156 KB, 500x282, nathan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm completely stumped. I've been trying to figure this shit out for 2 days and just can't manage to crack it.

I exported a mesh from Zbrush and imported it into Maya. I then added a jiggle deformer to the object.

For some reason, when the jiggle deformer is on, it *pushes* the affected areas. So if I slide my mesh upwards, the affected area is pushed upwards ABOVE the unaffected areas instead of lagging behind it as it does on Maya generated objects.

Has anyone encountered this before? There's nothing about it on Google and I can't find any leads. I tried pissing with the UVs, the Normals, the jiggle node (I can't invert the influence even on the actual node itself either).

Any ideas?

>> No.483782
File: 132 KB, 294x611, for what purpose.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a visual example. It's like the deformer's influence is inverted.

>> No.483795
File: 217 KB, 1911x1080, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help. I'm just trying to bake normals onto this desk. Why is it baking like shit.

>> No.483796

Did you UV map the lowpoly?

Your Envelope % is at 0.0%. This could also be causing issues. Typically you're going to want some non-zero positive number. Try 0.1%.

Quality baking will require manual tweaking of the envelope so that it will not overlap or have wonky areas.

>> No.483798
File: 36 KB, 1286x500, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both are uvmapped.

envelope should be fine for this

>> No.483799

For reference, you only need to UV map the lowpoly if the highpoly is only for baking purposes.

Does your UV map have any overlapping UVs?

See if the "Map Space" option has a "Tangent Space" option instead of "Object Space". Most normal maps are done in Tangent Space, IIRC.

>> No.483800

Also, move anything that isn't part of the desk away from the desk for the bake.

I'm not sure how Maya handles other meshes being inside the envelope when baking from one mesh to another. Couldn't hurt to remove anything that isn't the desk.

>> No.483801
File: 127 KB, 1878x870, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright problem partly solved. I tried it as tangeant and now it's looking like other normal maps I see.

Now the problem is it doesn't seem to be shading correctly on the sides.

>> No.483802
File: 48 KB, 973x558, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is what it looks like in mental ray.

pic related is maya software.

>> No.483803
File: 357 KB, 1200x743, smoothing_groups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under Advanced Options, see if you are using Geometry Normals or Surface Normals.

IIRC Geometry Normals are typically used when baking from high-to-low if you've got hard edges on your mesh. Does your low poly mesh have any hard edges? As in, did you click on certain edges (like the edge of the desk) and use the "Harden Edge" tool at all? If so, I believe Geometry Normals is what you're looking for.

Pic semi-related; "smoothing groups" in Max are the same as hard/soft edges in Maya.

>> No.483804
File: 120 KB, 1862x824, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been on geometry normals the entire time. I haven't deliberately hardened any edges.

I tested this by averaging normals than re-baking and now it's certainly changed it, but not for the better at all.

>> No.483805

I would undo averaging normals, then set "Fill Texture Seams" to 3 or 4 instead of 1.

Might help, but frankly I'm no normals-guru.

>> No.483806

still not changing anything. I think I'm just going to make unity take the extra polycount. All I wanted was some edge bevel anyway. Thanks for your help.

>> No.483807

Make sure the surface normals along that edge aren't actually facing inward...

>> No.483815

Alright, so I'm pretty new to blender. My biggest problem is the creation part. I know this may sound silly but when I see "speed creations" or what ever on YouTube, they always do these things which allow them to shape in what they want. Sorry for the retarded question. I dony really need a full tutorial if someone could just tell me where to go on blender to get started that'd be great. (Ex[if you're confused]: how do I make a face, or body. Where do I start?) thanks...

>> No.483817

Alright, so I worded that poorly... Let me try again:
Do you guys have any modeling tips for blender?

>> No.483881

>1.create a cube.
>2.Drag vertexes until it is as close to the shape you want
>3.add edges where more detail is needed
recur step two and three.

>> No.483882

they weren't facing inwards.

>> No.483894


>> No.483898

I don't know what to model. Is there a large gallery of royalty free reference material on the internet?

>> No.483906

Pinterest is great for references.

>> No.483983
File: 94 KB, 604x590, xbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is my topology acceptable for this abdomen?

>> No.483984

It's good, but the crotch looks weird and the stomach is lacking definition.

>> No.484197
File: 275 KB, 356x472, LinesOnBake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me how you get rid of the lines on the bake?

>> No.484201

Either your UV's are fucked or you didn't smooth the normals of the low poly.

>> No.484203
File: 34 KB, 424x646, dfgfdgdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do I create and associate render passes to render layers? All I can do is create a new render pass when I right click on the layer, does that mean I don't have to associate the render pass with the layer manually?

This is in regards to the new maya 2016 UI as the passes tab with the two dialogue boxes has been removed. Before you would create a render pass and associate it to a layer by moving it into the bottom dialogue box, but now the passes tab has changed. I'm a big noobface so I understand this might be a stupid question.

The picture attached is what I'm talking about, it's the old way of doing things with the two boxes.

>> No.484219

it doesnt look like it would deform very well given normal ways of a pelvis deforming, but im guessing those white parts are rigid. If so then it'll probably work.

>> No.484220

UV seam protection
is probably right. Show us your UV map.

>> No.484227

Looks like a margin of 0 to me. If that's the case, try setting it to 4

>> No.484231

with a full normal organic range of motion it might pose problems

watch people model on youtube regardless of the software, it's the same concepts. really though you have to understand the form/function of what you're modeling and from that point it's just execution.

>> No.484238

>margin of 0

What is margin of 0?

>> No.484251
File: 74 KB, 1024x467, baking-normals-margin-anti-aliasing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When baking normals, you should be able to define the amount of "bleed" outside of the UV islands. If there is no bleed, you will be able to see the seams very easily. Not sure what the standards of your program are.

>> No.484274
File: 15 KB, 300x300, Can you not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In an art chatroom
>Guy keeps posting his 3D model every 10 minutes saying "doing 3D work!"
>His model is an obese lizard thing with a clearly humanoid arm/hand
>Hand only has three fingers and a thumb
>"Man, the missing finger keeps throwing me off."
>"It's not missing. You're just used to it."
>"But why, then? Why change it?"
>"Again it's not missing."

Is this seriously a thing people do? I'm more associated with the 2D community, so I don't come in contact with them as much, but do people make excuses like this often in the 3D community, or is this an isolated incident?

>> No.484275


I don't understand your conversation. Is English not your first language?

>> No.484276

The "It's not missing. You're just used to it" and the "Again it's not missing." were his responses to me questioning why there was a missing finger.

Though my "But why, then? Why change it?" was a bit incoherent, so sorry about that. I was just questioning why he would change the number of fingers, since it was on a humanoid hand. However he was very set on the idea that it was a stylistic thing, and then continued to say how proud he was of it.

>> No.484280


Why should a fantasy obese lizard thing have 5 fingers?

Do you freak out at the sight of Mickey Mouse?

>> No.484281 [DELETED] 

Because Mickey Mouse doesn't have sculpted and detailed humanoid arms/hands.

>> No.484282

Because it might as well be a human base mesh with a dinosaur head on it.
>Do you freak out at the sight of Mickey Mouse?
No, because Mickey Mouse doesn't have sculpted and detailed humanoid hands.

>> No.484295

>No, because Mickey Mouse doesn't have sculpted and detailed humanoid hands.

That's because Disney bought Marvel instead of the other way around.

>> No.484362
File: 765 KB, 1344x710, Substance Painter Problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I've been stuck on this for an embarrassing amount of time now
Just got Substance Painter to try out with Blender. I UV unwrapped, assigned materials to the cube mesh and exported the cube to try out in SP (obj and fbx, I'm getting desperate)

I always get this missing texture color. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.484374
File: 86 KB, 1364x739, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to start toying around in UE4. It's cool.

Screwed around in Blender for a little bit and managed to arrange some shapes into something resembling a sword. So far, so good.

After finaly getting it to import the fbx without smoothing errors or being insanely huge I tried applying some materials to it and got a couple weird issues and I can't quite figure out what's causing this.

If I apply a material to the blade, it also applies to the handle and the little knob at the end of it and I can also also apply a different material to the hilt. No idea why it's treating the four pieces as two but, more importantly, the material doesn't actually affect anything on the model. It just changes its color without adding the texture or mapping.

I guess the question is what am I doing wrong?

>> No.484375
File: 51 KB, 725x412, meshes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is all it is in blender.

>> No.484380
File: 29 KB, 549x606, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind. There was no UV map. Derp.

>> No.484381


update your grafickard driver.

>> No.484404


I tried that with no luck. The funny thing is, Substance Designer works just fine, Substance Painter is the thing I don't get...

Should I check out some older versions of SP? would that work or is that going to be illogical?

>> No.484406

Either your graphics card is wacko or Painter can't find the texture

>> No.484428
File: 688 KB, 3552x2000, krakenarttop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys - I'm trying to model a Kraken based on my drawing here, but I keep messing it up - I'm using Maya, but should I start with an orb (doesnt seem viable to me), a cube (lot of hassle) or a cylinder (also hassle)? What would you do?

>> No.484473

Alright. I don't know how to fix that besides getting a better graphics card. thanks for the help

>> No.484475

Sculpt it in Zbrush, maybe learn the fundamentals of 3D before you start trying to make a feature length film

>> No.484503
File: 135 KB, 1055x746, Untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, is there a better way I could turn all these holes into the half spheres dice have? turbosmooth is just gonna lead to a shit ton of unnecessary polys.

>> No.484515

cant you bevel the lines in side each hole to make a circle?

>> No.484525
File: 79 KB, 751x591, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by bevel you mean chamfer then eh, it doesn't make a complete circle - do I need to add edges inside the diamonds so they will become full circles when chamfered?

>> No.484526

Do it in the normal

>> No.484527

the what?

>> No.484528

>select the superfluous loops
>still take less time than posting on 4chan and begging for help

>> No.484530

it technically should make a full circle, make sure all the sides are the same length when you chamfer.

>> No.484541

>try to select loops
>doesn't work
And for that matter is there a way to remove edges that also removes the verts too? Just using backspace doesn't.

>> No.484658
File: 242 KB, 850x1112, proportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this information correct? I'm creating a base sculpt in ZBrush,. The proportions look fine, but they're far from correct according to this image. The arms and abdomen are too short, for example. I've tried to fix this but it's making my sculpt look worse. Da fuck?

>> No.484697
File: 45 KB, 624x309, donkeykongcountryreturns_000b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you model the eyebrows on this guy? My mesh is pretty low-poly still, should I just smooth it and use sculpt geometry? Any way to do it without a lot of polygons? Currently I just added divisions on the faces around it, but still trying to keep it low. Using Maya

>> No.484703
File: 577 KB, 1920x2160, Dice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think every software has a feature that tries to convert faces or edges into circles, that's what I used to make this in blender.

>> No.484708
File: 31 KB, 363x150, eyebrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a modeler but wouldn't it be possible to do it with as little six polygons?

>> No.484716

You have to put an edit poly mod on top of turbosmooth you scrub

>> No.484720

yeah that's pretty alright, I think the issue is that my polygons are arranged horizontally and vertically, and its really difficult to get proper deformation

>> No.484724


You turbosmooth then collapse the stack/place an edit poly on top. This is basic.

hold ctrl while hitting backspace to delete the verts as well. 95% of the time you want to be using this.

>> No.484752

Simple question maybe.

3DS Max 2013

I'm trying to use slice plane, but I can't rotate it. It seems to be bound to only the x-axis.

How do I fix this?

>> No.484753


A) What are you using slice plane for?

B) Are you sure you're selecting the polygons you want sliced before attempting it?

C) Are you possibly drunk? Because mine rotates in any axis without any issues.

>> No.484754

A) I'm making crown moulding and i'm trying to slice is at a 45 degree angle.

B) I have the top, front, bottom, and back facing polygons selected. Since those are the ones i'm trying to slice.

C) No. It was working just fine until about an hour ago. The only thing I did that could have caused this is scale the object i'm trying to slice.
It will only rotate on the green axis on the rotate selection tool.

>> No.484755

I notice that when I try to rotate it, the slice plane (yellow) area just becomes a trapezoid shape. the red line that shows where the slice will be on the object only manages to rotate about 5 degrees before the slice plane flips over on the rotating axis

>> No.484789
File: 102 KB, 805x976, mocapstudio3_hexedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to pirate iPi Mocap Studio 3, but there doesn't appear to be any torrents of it anywhere that I can find.

I downloaded the free trial and thought maybe I could use HexEdit to remove the 30 day limitations and such from the .exe file. Does this sound doable, or am I just grasping at straws?

>> No.484790

If you're doing what I think you're doing I'd just use symmetry at a 45 degree angle instead

>> No.484853
File: 667 KB, 1228x1548, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time sculpting in ZBrush. I need some help with this male face. He looks human but I have a strong nagging sensation that there is something very off in the back of my head. He still lacks detailing on the forms on his bottom eyelid, lower orbital, ear, and the back of his head and I'm not very satisfied with his eyes in general. I'd ideally like to know what is objectively wrong, subjectively disliked, and subjectively liked, but any input is appreciated.

>> No.484854

Looking at the image has helped. It looks like those curves on the sides of his head lateral to his cheeks are pretty weird.

>> No.484855

Included is follow-up image one. Made some changes based on my realizations, and I'm including questions I have been asking myself and would like to ask the public:

Is the dome of his head too tall?
Do his orbits need to come down some?
Are his eyes too small?

Change not visible in picture: pulled out the tip of his nose to make it a touch longer. It also got a bit cut off on accident in the picture.

>> No.484856
File: 269 KB, 602x828, follow-up1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.484880
File: 206 KB, 592x841, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One step closer to SFM use!
Any idea how I can snap the head to body? The vertices seem to line up but I cant quite get the snap to verts right

>> No.484884
File: 280 KB, 1296x818, head_guidelines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.484885

excellent photo. Thanks!

>> No.484886

Try to use the 3d cursor. The shift+s menu should have all you need.

>> No.484887
File: 320 KB, 960x540, ThanksAnon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah! thanks!

>> No.484888
File: 1.35 MB, 3104x1746, DSC_0037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Software: 3DS Max 2013
Problem: Slice plane tool will only rotate on one axis.

Any ideas?

I've tried starting a new project and deleting my ENU folder.
Doesn't work.

>> No.484902

Nevermind. Nothing worked, customer support didn't help. I just formatted my fucking computer.
It works now.

>> No.484909

is that cat's name Mr. Man?

>> No.484916
File: 542 KB, 1000x600, book_low_final_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best mocap software I can pick up to use with PS3 Eyes that isn't iPi? iPi is prohibitively expensive and there are no torrents anywhere, so I'm looking for alternatives.

Any suggestions?

>> No.484936

Try MotionBuilder. The guys at NI-Mate said they would be releasing a new version of the software soon, you could email them and ask if the new version has support for PS3 Cameras.

You can also try Brekel, but I'm not sure if works only with Kinect.

>> No.484941

The cats name is Wednesday.

>> No.485000


As a traditional sculptor and anatomy student here is my input:

>Is the dome of his head too tall?

On the contrary, it was too low but it appears better here >>484856 Although it's harder to tell without a view of the profile.

>Do his orbits need to come down some?

Yes, but they are not so impossibly high that it detracts dramatically from the realism. Again I'd say this >>484856 is an improvement.

Some definition where the temporal process of the zygomatic bone attaches to the zygomatic process of the temporal bone would lend some realism I think. The overall length of the mouth from corner to corner looks too long. The barrel of the mouth and the nasolabial folds look really good though. On the whole I'd say you're doing a great job, the major landmarks are well laid out and the proportions are solid.

>> No.485031

Awesome. Thanks for your help!

>> No.485154
File: 135 KB, 1089x865, ipimocap_usbcontrollers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do mocap with 6 PS3 Eyes through iPi Mocap Studio 2. (Using iPi Recorder 3).

I only have 4 USB ports on my laptop, and they're usually taken up by my keyboard, mouse, headset, and external. So I figure I should get a USB hub.

Will having 2 USB hubs (3 plugged into each USB hub) bottleneck the mocap?

The website says "1 USB controller can handle recording from only 2 Sony PS Eye". I have 4 USB ports (1 USB3, 3 USB2), but I'm not sure how many "controllers" I have.

Would buying a powered hub like
be helpful? Or would it not help?

Would buying 2

>> No.485155

On second thought, I think I have 3 controllers. Two 2.0 controllers and 1 3.0 controller. So since each controller should be able to handle 2 PS3 eyes (according to the chart), I can hook up all 6 and have appropriate bandwidth, right? I just need to buy 3 USB splitters. 3 USB ports -> 3 controllers -> 6 cameras, right?

>> No.485168

I do programming, not 3D modelling. Asking as an outsider, if I wanted a single human model, including rigging/textures, and I want it to be pretty detailed, what kind of cost am I looking at if I hire an artist to do it for me? Would it cost extra if I wanted high/low poly variations (IE, for cutscenes vs real time)?

I appreciate that everyone will charge different rates, but I'm really just looking for a ballpark figure here.

>> No.485212
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's about the number of tris or polygons used for characters(main characters) in triple A titles at the moment and in the near future? I know its depending but whats about the range?

Also how much console and how much PC?

>> No.485306

about tree fiddy

>> No.487162


>> No.487166

for uncharted 4 it says nathan is double the poly count of joel from last of us, if i remember the last uncharted game drake was 40k triangles? there is a slightly more informative list somewhere on polycount but i'm on a new computer and i haven't imported bookmarks so i don't have it on hand, but i believe for last gen triple a games were pushing 30-50k for main characters, it's all relative tho, GTAV characters are probably 15-20 for the main characters, maybe less, it all depends on what the developers goals are and where they spend their budget , can only render so many triangles a frame

>> No.487324

want to get into making some 3D split depth gifs. Wondering what program can I use to do it besides photoshop and gimp. Can preview do this on mac?

>> No.487471

Wheres a good place to get basic metal textures for cinema4D, specifically lib4D files that dont cost extortionate price