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File: 293 KB, 1920x1080, e8ec7006b2765615ad16bc94dfbd059bb66584b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
757481 No.757481 [Reply] [Original]

*rapes Blender*
Nothing personell, Blenturds.


>> No.757496

Rent free

>> No.757502

Zbrush is harder to use. Blender is easymode.

>> No.757508
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No Linux no buy

>> No.757509

Zmodeller retopo. At last.

>> No.757510

>still no real polymodeling tools
>uv tools abandoned
>retopo abandoned now just replaced with zmodeler extrude
>still no gpu acceleration
>still no dedicated polypaint layers
>still no layer mixing modes
>still no fucking way to control the scale of your scene

Yey, more useless gimmicks. Cant wait for that "do it all" cloth brush that i will use once and realize the self collision works like shit and there are no fabric settings.
At lest the thicken modifier is nice, i like they adding more non destructive shit since the basic extrude was worthless.

>> No.757516

>retopo abandoned now just replaced with zmodeler extrude
they literally show a retopo tool in the video
>still no gpu acceleration
they literally show calculation acceleration from 2020

>> No.757543

expecting polypaint improvements and a better way to pose, gets a meme cloth brush when md clearly does a better job.

>> No.757545
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>*rapes Blender*
But... literally all of that can be done in Blender? The cloth brush is literally just lifted from Pablo's recent work on Blender's sculpting tools.
I guess Zbrush has better performance with those huge web arrays, but still. How on earth is this "rape"?

>> No.757546

I fucking hate zbrush because it anchors me to w*ndows

>> No.757548

3D Coat doesn't have this problem

>> No.757549


>> No.757555



>> No.757557

>still no real polymodeling tools
You just dont know how to use them.
>uv tools abandoned
>retopo abandoned now just replaced with zmodeler extrude
Do you even use zbrush?
>still no gpu acceleration
Again, talking out of your ass here.

>> No.757563
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>Subscription license
miss me with that gay shit.

>> No.757564

i hope we get a cloth brush in zbcore.

>> No.757565

>paying for software

>> No.757569

You can pay for a perpetual licence
But... this >>757565 is based

>> No.757574

zbrush is miles better than blender

i still will never use it until there is a UI overhaul

>> No.757576

I think they're trying to chip away at MD more than Blender. I would have preferred if the would have made other updates rather than this

>> No.757579

This kills the blendlet

>> No.757580

The brain dead normie-tier comments under these videos turn my stomach.

>> No.757581

>they literally show a retopo tool in the video
What they show is basic fucking quad draw, fucking feature that is in every package since 1980ties, if this is supposed to be a way to control your exact topology then fuck me, zbrush future is fucked. Drawing 10 thousand polies one vertex at a time gonna be lovely.
>they literally show calculation acceleration from 2020
The fuck does that have to do with a gpu? They improved some math, yey, how about they now fucking use the most powerful piece of hardware in most pcs.I know that when zbrush was made first cpus were the king in the 90 ties, but its been 30 years since that.

>You just dont know how to use them.
Oh yeah, i fucking love my "make all" magic brush that snaps at random has 0 precision, no way to select individual edges and vertexes and cant even modify a single edge to where i want it.
You seeing them anywhere retard?
>Do you even use zbrush?
Do you with comments like this? >Again, talking out of your ass here.
Anybody who uses zbrush knows that it runs cpu only since its code is so old its older than most people alive here.

>> No.757582

As a zbrush cowboy I would be annoyed that I have to learn something else to make good models. But then again, zbrush cowboy wouldn't know that, so who exactly made this post?

>> No.757585

Don't bother with this retard, he's a brain dead anon who can't into Zbrush and spews this nonsense every time it's mentioned

>> No.757612
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Ehm. I wan to thanks Blender Foundation and its community for inspiring Pixologic to work harder on their products.

Thank you.

>> No.757616

This but unironically.

I mean, why is it that Autodesk introduced their version of a realtime viewport when Eevee showed up, or why is it that Zbrush only now introduced cloth brushes when that animu sculpting boy made them for Blender.

Not a blendie fanboy, just saying. It's good to see all the software improving fast though. Tools are crazy good now, you should almost praise their programmers more now than artists who use them. What they are doing is insane.

>> No.757624
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No irony of any sort was in my words. I'm as serious as cancer, as sincere as a mother's kiss.

>> No.757626

>my software beats up your software
yeah, but what does it matter when you'll never learn to use it
it's like bragging your cousin's friend's uncle is a billionaire. yeah, and? you're still a neet

>> No.757638

Autodesk had realtime shader in the viewport since ages.
Cloth Brush is also not an new idea, possible in C4d and Houdini since a while.

>> No.757644

god I wish I could rig like that

>> No.757648

Pretty cool. Now I wonder why I never heard about it when I was learning and using Max (or was it just in Maya?). Not even once has anybody used it in a tutorial, while Eevee is used all the time. I've only seen a discussion about it when last (or second to last) version of Max released. Or maybe at least it didn't have the same amount of features as Eevee? Anyway, maybe it's just because of marketing.

>> No.757652

It would be fun if they had just copy pasted Pablo's cloth deformation algorithm in Zbrush. Even if they're almost probably not retarded emough to do so, having the Blender Foundation GPL-strike the shit out of them would be the best CG plot twist of the century

>> No.757653


make rigging and animation in zbrush. hahaha

>> No.757661
File: 38 KB, 346x406, 1555508030531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be hilarious

>> No.757663

Blendlet delusions

>> No.757682

That is because it was pretty clunky to setup. In Maya you had to use a complete different node editor system to create these opengl shaders and you had no access from the attribute manager.
AFAIK these were developed when Autodesk tried (for 1 year or so) to get into gamedev, but they scrapped their dedicated software and frankenstein'd the tools into Maya as their name is Autodesk and that's what they do.
And of course the overall toolset is more limited as Eevee, it was just supposed to be used as a preview for assets - but people just used marmorset or threw them into their game engine of choice and ignored that renderer.
I don't know too much about Max, but there is Nitrous.

>> No.757689
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The zbrush UI is simply an IQ test. If you cant get used to it you never will, your IQ is simply not high enough

>> No.757704

Can you replace Zbrush with 3D Coat? I saw some people doing sculps with it and seems much more realistic than what Zbrush does, like if it was actual clay.

>> No.757714


Because Zbrush made it better. Also C4D had that before Blunder.

>> No.757719

>What they show is basic fucking quad draw
its still a retopology tool and you stated in your comment that they didn't have any...
>The fuck does that have to do with a gpu?
do you only buy a powerfull gpu and a puny cpu?
you sound like a newfaggot.

>> No.757726

They only showed a few features they said there will be more. I'm betting you will be able to set the flow of auto retopo with the quad draw brush. That would be a massive improvement. Gpu acceleration is no magic bullet. Marvelous and Substance are just a fraction faster since they moved over to it.

>> No.757727

>do you only buy a powerfull gpu and a puny cpu?
"Buy a better CPU" isn't a reason to not have gpu acceleration for a task that consists of precisely what GPUs exist for.

>> No.757736
File: 73 KB, 450x450, 1591444920062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck blendets are SEETHING over this

>> No.757737

When we start needing 1 billion polys to model a donut you come on back and tell us off again. Meanwhile Zbrush easily handling 150 million while Blender shits itself on 3 million I would say it's not needed.

>> No.757744
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>> No.757749
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>> No.757752

>Meanwhile Zbrush easily handling 150 million
In your fucking dreams you lying twat.

I got 3900x 64gb ram and a 3500mb/s ssd and 20mln is where zbrush shits it bed and starts working slow. Using layers and undo at 20+mln meshesh is a nightmare and i usually split my characters into for 5-10 mln poly models.
In zbrush you gotta switch to HD geo to go high that only shows part of your model at a time.

>> No.757758

You think that's an acceptable performance? lel

>> No.757763

That looks laggy as fuck, you can literally witness the cursor skipping lmao

>> No.757773
File: 13 KB, 600x315, nZsASAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm no longer taking your weak bait. I refuse to believe someone is genuinely this retarded.

>> No.757781

It's completely buttery smooth, but whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.757785
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>save as an image, open as a model

Actual improvement for once

>> No.757798

i swear sculpting used to be much faster during the early 2.80 beta

>> No.757801
File: 150 KB, 500x500, 1279859332644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to use Blender for box modelling base stuff, rigging, animation and compositing a scene,
use zBrush for sculpting a high topo mesh,
use Substance tools for texturing
Unreal Engine for interactive stuff.

and not be a "ONLY USE ONE TOOL" idiot.

New cloth stuff looks nice,
and I'm curious to see if it will be better for retopology.

>> No.757809

depends if you have dynamesh on or off

>> No.757823

I'm actually glad other software is adding stuff that you can find in blender.

>> No.757847
File: 196 KB, 599x990, 1498795639.yasano_tubbuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blendtard here.

Software pushing each other is good, open source is about making things better for everyone.

>> No.757860
File: 87 KB, 300x300, 1595248884732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at last I truly see

>> No.757872

>20mln is where zbrush shits it bed and starts working slow.
M8 I was working with 17mil polygons in Zbrush on a core2duo with 8 gigs of ram, stop lying

>> No.757897

Are you using a high document resolution?

>> No.757899

3d coat has a different problem, being made by literal christian fundamentalists and terrorist supporters

>> No.757900

How can one program be so based.

>> No.757902


>> No.757908

have they said when its gonna drop yet? didnt see a release date on it

>> No.757910

Still no upgrade fee. I think I will buy it this year.

>> No.757935

The blendlets are acting as babies who have just had their candy taken away. And it is beautiful.

>> No.757936

I'm too poor for zbrush and too untalented to sculpt something worthwhile in blender

>> No.757966

Blender is so bad oh my gosh look at the op video haha.

>> No.757993

>The blendlets are acting as babies who have just had their candy taken away.
point me to at least three (3) posts where this is the case.

to me it seems like it's just your wishful thinking.
And most of them are actually more like
"whatever, we still can do other things with blender that zBrush can't do"

It's more like ZBrushlets acting like they're mighty superior in every way possible, when this is not the case.
Or show me a movie or show that is entirely done in zBrush. Protip: you can't.

>> No.758053

>"whatever, we still can do other things with blender that zBrush can't do"

Wanna talk about what Zbrush can do that Blender can't?

>Or show me a movie or show that is entirely done in zBrush. Protip: you can't.

Because it's a dedicated sculpting software, that's the reason it's so much better than Blender FOR SCULPTING. Blender is a jack of all trades. You should compare it to other generalist 3d software like Maya/Max.


The nerve of you blendlets.

>> No.758055
File: 429 KB, 1280x720, 9jVqFje.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The blendlets are acting as babies who have just had their candy taken away.
>point me to at least three (3) posts where this is the case.

so you cannot back up your claim, okay.
Keep living in your dream world, but it won't help you.

>> No.758057

>Or show me a movie or show that is entirely done in zBrush. Protip: you can't.
That's like saying Blender is better than Maya because Blender has a compositor and video editing tools....

>> No.758066

>anime poster

>> No.758074

But it's designed to ease art grads into 3d, how can it be both that and the big brain UI?

>> No.758084

I think you'd appreciate having a compositor in maya.

Strange example.

>> No.758088
File: 77 KB, 2000x525, BlenderIsJewish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over for blendlets

>> No.758091
File: 101 KB, 621x851, zbrush-blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you trannies love black cock so much?

>> No.758092

No, I don't actually. Compositing, video editing and game engines should be separate and their own things.
It makes sense to have some form of pre-comb ability for tools like Katana and Clarisse but otherwise I do not care for them in 3D programs.
>Strange example.
I've heard it coming out of the mouth of an blender-fanboy.

>> No.758093

I don't know but I clicked on the Live stream Pixology just streamed hours ago and there was a dude in female clothes and a female name and he/she/"IT" sculpted some ghastly looking abominations and I immediately turned it off. I am still shaking profoundly from way back when Epic served us this landwhale blob sitting/laying on the couch trying to present the Blender UE4 import/export tool without looking like a massive parody of identity politics (didn't work out).

>> No.758123
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>> No.758214

Does this mean I'll finally be able to retopo properly in zbrush, or are the modeling features overblown?

>> No.758268

Hope so. I bet it will force quads though.

>> No.758297

Doubt it, the few second retopo looked like complete shit, it was just placing vertex by vertex. You need ways to extrude edges, bridge and draw loops if you gonna retopo something denser than 5k tris,

>> No.758314

Is there a reason to use zmodeler over conventional 3d softwares?

>> No.758315

not really.

>> No.758316

A lot of people fall into this trap thinking that because they can sculpt a 16mil polygon sphere it's equivalent to sculpting a 16mil polygon character with different objects, textures, modifiers, etc.

Try again kiddo.

>> No.758322
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Thats Scott Spencer, became a tranny like 5 years ago. Somehow he hasnt improved at all in 10 years and is still dogshit. I dont know how thats even possible, and yet some how has worked on all the biggest movies and games.


>> No.758337

not him but what? I'm doing a sculpt in blender right now that's 15 mil tris on 18 different objects with materials and such and it's honestly fine, no brush lag when I'm doing anything. I7-3770k and 16 gb of ddr3 btw.

The raw polycount is so far down on the list of problems I have with blender sculpt so far in comparison to zbrush that I'm not sure why people even bring it up.

I guess it's the only thing people who don't actually sculpt know about?

>> No.758344

Zbrush is Paint3D. Obviously a UI designed around 2d software but lmao now it's 3d but we didn't accommodate the UI for it

>> No.758347

>fight for equality
why do companies feel the need to openly promote socialism? Aren't they worried they will lose more than they gain, considering the political divide is around 50/50 ?

>> No.758349

Cope all you want, he's simply above you all

>> No.758350

No business school today teaches about sustainability or long term goals.

>> No.758364

>and yet some how has worked on all the biggest movies and games.
So that's the power of virtue signalling, genital mutilation + hormone therapy?
Seems like the Oestrogen fucked with its spatial understanding and Its "creativity".

>> No.758367

15 million polygons (not tris!!!) is what I can sculpt/work with in ZBrush on my ancient I5 laptop with 4GB of RAM, to put things into perspective.
>The raw polycount is so far down on the list of problems I have with blender sculpt so far in comparison to zbrush that I'm not sure why people even bring it up.
Because they need the raw performance in contrast to you? Don't be retarded...people in production need as much as they can have, since every kind of limitation creates more work and costs more time.

>> No.758368

People in production pipelines would rather the other missing features over the polycount, guarantee you

>> No.758397

I agree, but we where talking about raw performance.

>> No.758408

Pic source?

>> No.758411


>> No.758453

lolifags get the rope

>> No.758464
File: 85 KB, 603x720, Miyoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have a magnet for it? I haven't been able to download anything from TPB for weeks

>> No.758467

Paying for a Guitar.

>> No.758473

3d coat uses voxels, you can do anything with that shit

>> No.758482

Is there any reason nobody seems to talk about it? I found some posts saying it lacked good retopology and had more polygon limitation but its from 5 years ago.

>> No.758486

Jesus will smite you if you make dicks with it, plus the DRM is kinda ass.

>> No.758510

how does that even work

>> No.758513

it's annoying bugs with symmetry for me why I rather use something else for retopo.. it's good for concepts tho

>> No.758529

Its some gimmick
Guessing a voxelizated compressed mesh with vertex color, you can easily compress a million voxels to under 1mb and encode it into a 1,5 mb image.
Normal vertexes often require insane accuracy, can be triangles, quads, ngons, have vertex normla data an other shit, but you can save voxels locally in some small like a 0-1000 10 bit scale.

In the end i expect i will make 5 files, be amazed how well they save and never use this again.
Eventually this feature will join all the other abandoned ones.

>> No.758586

you never played illusion h-games, did you?
they've been saving character data in images to easily share around for quite a while now.
there are even booru websites where you can browse waifu images and just download them, put them in the game folder and load them.

it may be a little different in what is being saved exaclty here, but generally you can put a LOT of data in image files without the data being shown.

a few years back a german TV show even demonstrated how code to access your webcam could be put in an image and just put on a website (maybe has already been blocked by firefox and chrome by now)
they made an ad banner with the script inside that image file, loaded it on the website and got access to website visitors webcams and demonstrated that live on tv.
Only way a user would notice if a light on their webcam went on (if their cam even has a light).

>> No.758690

Yet another 3rd degree tard. Enjoy using your dying, expensive and laggy and non intuitive app faggot.

>> No.758734

seethe harder

>> No.758782


blendlet cope

>> No.758790

Can I just say one thing:

Everyone in this thread are faggots and threads like this should be banned forever.

That is all.

>> No.758829

Spotted the blendie.

>> No.758841

<s>> harder to use</s>

has more tools

>> No.758843


log into CGpersa and download from there.

>> No.758846

That's illegal.

>> No.758873
File: 536 KB, 100x160, fuck the police .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it every day. Come and sue me.