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File: 25 KB, 600x337, saintFloyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
754705 No.754705 [Reply] [Original]

Have you used your art to make some political statement, or do you feel like the industry would fuck you up if you did it?

>> No.754709

Yes to both of those.
Did a pro-Trump one back in the day. Funny thing was one side thought I was making Trump look like a badass, the other thought I was making Trump look like a moron.

If you do whatever you want with your art then what's the point to creativity anyway?

>> No.754710

>If you do whatever you want with your art then what's the point to creativity anyway?
If you can't do whatever you want with your art then what's the point to creativity anyway?

>> No.754713

the industry does political statements all the time

>> No.754717

restrictions breed creativity

>> No.754743

Because as we all know, Stalin's gulags were the home of the greatest works of art the world has ever seen.

>> No.754745

So fucking dumb.
How were they even supposed to do art if they weren't allowed to have a computer.

>> No.754766

I mean, it's easy when your political views are the same of the industry. If you diverge a tiny bit you're exposed on twitter and cast out of the industry.

Any point diverging from the over the top trans/lgbt/BLM activism is viewed as facism.

>> No.754770
File: 34 KB, 600x450, ccec052c68435a9c517abd3a609b4e1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think that your blackface cartoons are in any way commercially viable?

>> No.754774

Good strawman, I'm not even talking about this level of divergence of opinion. Even milder stuff, like saying George Floyd wasn't a saint would make you get cancelled.

Also, it's not about commercial viability. It's about being able to have a different opinion while working on the industry. Even your personal projects will get under the scope of the PC police.

>> No.754777

stfu incel nazi poltards

>> No.754779
File: 158 KB, 888x1024, georgeHoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.754780

Don't advertise, it's that simple.
You think I attach my name to the garbage I put on aco.

>> No.754792
File: 93 KB, 1024x561, 1591202378542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is worshipping a criminal making your mommy and daddy proud?

>> No.754793

Can we please stop having these fucking retarded pol-tier threads
none of you guys are here for modeling and it's fucking obvious

>> No.754796

It's better than the constant software war threads. At least politics is something where we can find some common ground on.

>> No.754797

No, it's not better.

Go to bed.

>> No.754798 [DELETED] 

I am retard, I just want to have some idea if this industry is as pozzed as I think it is or if people with different "fringe" opinions still exist.

I'm doing my best and making the bulk of my work non dependant of the bigger companies, so I also work under an alias, but it sucks not being able to use some slightly right wing stuff on your folio. Fuck, even if I sculpted some soldier or policeman under a good light people would say "it's problematic".

>> No.754799

I am, retard, I just want to have some idea if this industry is as pozzed as I think it is or if people with different "fringe" opinions still exist.

I'm doing my best and making the bulk of my work non dependant of the bigger companies, so I also work under an alias, but it sucks not being able to use some slightly right wing stuff on your folio. Fuck, even if I sculpted some soldier or policeman under a good light people would say "it's problematic".

>> No.754802
File: 6 KB, 193x261, 1298737108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me. Nigger.

>> No.754834

Whatever you say, Jordan Peterson.

There's hardly any of them, and they have people actually discussing 3D thing in them rather than dumb politics.

>> No.754930 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 1300x1074, 1594349053957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this political niggery is a distraction and tape worm on art. Japs are kings at dynamic poses while Americans focus on making character designs tranny-friendly.

>> No.754931 [DELETED] 
File: 1.32 MB, 1386x2080, SmartSelect_20200610-174835_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pozzed

>> No.754937

I was thinking one thay that I would model, texturize and rig all the 30's cartoon caricatures of other races (that are considered racist today) but I decided it was too much work and I couldn't even sell it anywhere

>> No.755011

Why yes I do ever heard /pol/ they have money unlike the left they a lot of money.

>> No.755014

>Every rightwing racist on this board.
>complains about 'cancel culture' instead of dealing with their inability to create anything
Thanks for at least admitting the truth

>> No.755088

Wow ignorance and arrogance of the left right there. I used to hate the right more then you lefties but now... Yes I use to be so foolish as to believe we could all be one big happy family.

>> No.755089

take the final red pill:
Left and Right is a false dialectic
It's about You vs. Them
The Ingroup vs. the Outgroup
The Nation vs. other Nations
Loyalty to your team vs. betraying your people for fancies and lollies

There's no such thing as "communism" in China because Xi arrested and imprisoned 90 000 Marxists i.e. globalists. There's more freedom of speech in China that there is in the US. As long as you don't criticize the nation's interests nobody cares whereas as in the US the moment you promote the nation's interests you get attacked by the ADL, you get branded as a nazi-bigot-racist-homophobe, you get doxxed by the MSM, and get shunned from the workforce in perpetuity.

>> No.755121
File: 255 KB, 700x1556, china-social-credit-rating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China actuwawy good! China actuwawy namba wan!
Yeah, no. Communist-marxists only pretend to cooperate with their fellow revolutionaries up until the moment the kosher ZOG-backed government is in power, then they'll start purging anyone that could potentially threaten their faction. After that they can re-brand themselves as anything they want, and sadly people like you will fall for it, thinking their government has "changed for the better".

>> No.755128

You sound like an americuhn.
The republican party is full of marxists. China's social credit system is transparent, the US' social credit system is hidden, and run by jews. Enjoy.

>> No.755131

Lol this is exactly communism, brainlet.

>> No.755189

>China's social credit system is transparent, the US' social credit system is hidden, and run by jews.
The average Chinese can't even own a toy gun. What sort of fear of reprisals from their general populace do you think the Chinese government has at this point? Honestly.
>You sound like an americuhn.
Because I'm not falling for the stupid nazbol "Russia/China is based and will save Europe!" eurasianist meme, or because you're projecting your puerile nationalist views on me that if I don't like China, that means I'm automatically on Team America? Either way, you sound like a huge retard for sure.

>> No.755190

looks like meritocracy to me.

Considering china job too, hopefully I can find one where I won't have to move. If that social credit system were actually true, it means my credit is guaranteed unlike what we have in "free country" today where people that actually work get bitched around by pozzed retard above that took all the credit..
what the hell, with that social credit system I get to say MY merit is MINE. Such system shove equality down the drain in favor of fairness. Fuck equality if it means means the fruit of labor of 1 person must be shared with the rest of the team no matter if they helped or not. Affirmatice action, diversity hire, participation reward are all about equality and none of it is FAIR. No wonder libshits looks like such a degenerates, socialism/communism is about getting away with not working and getting your way by rule of mob surely it attract such people.

atleast china have one obvious dictator. In the rest of the so called free countries everyone with a megaphone and a violent mob backing them is by all definition a dictator.

>> No.755192

>If I dont like China, then I'm automatically on team america
no you're definitely team hongkong. only hongkong team jump at everything related to china. And you guys play all side using vpn sockpuppets and irl totting pepes blm gayflag unionjacks hoping to rope everyone into your fight.

>> No.755193
File: 22 KB, 450x335, israel epstein mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like meritocracy to me.
Yeah, merit based on how well you suck circumcised CCP cock.

>> No.755203

Haha so it IS a meritocracy. If thats the case at least its a metaphorical cock and there's only one suck.
Compared to communism where you'd get to suck an unending streams of literal cocks everyday just to not get your life canceled. Only uppity cocks would pick the latter.

>> No.755405

Guns don't mean shit if you're not going to use them, cretin.

The typical american can own 100 guns but the moment someone calls him racist he'll castrate his own children and enslave himself to jews and negroes.

>> No.755407

Hey, retard. Ask the a Chinaman if he were to have a choice where would he rather live now? China or the US?

Actually ask anyone that's not a retarded american and let's leave China out of this. Ask them where they would rather live: America or their shithole country?

>> No.755412
File: 31 KB, 450x739, china_emigration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Typical non-White/lefty cope
Yeah, stop projecting your little ladyboy self, Wong. You make yourself look stupid with every post you make.
Was that question really directed at me? Why don't you ask Mr. Wong over there instead.

>> No.755415

>2011 statistics
>current year 2020

shamefur dispray

>> No.755416

>Implying anybody except a chink would choose to live in China over the U.S.

CCP propaganda at work right here.

>> No.755425

It's the only infograph I could find. Though if you wanted recent articles/statistics, there's still plenty for you to suggest that the Chinese still considered the US to be their main gtfo destination (not considering recent holocough events for obvious reasons).

>> No.755428

>ccp bad
idk man, so far I see one anon mentioning china and there's already people posting 2 infographic and 1 b/w pic trying to make china look bad. but somehow, the one that says calls them out is the one that do propaganda.
(srsly how is an ancient picture even relevant?)
>inb4 okay chang/bot/paidshill/whatever (classic dismissal tactic in propaganda warfare)

anyway I did a bit of googling, I found some chinese VFX company where the owner is a white guy, and there's one where the boss somehow makes lefties in the US seethe to the point of trying to dox him and made death threats so I think hey, the enemy of my enemy might be my friend. imma polish my portfolio to match their past works and in a couple of months gonna try my luck with them, maybe a couple freelance gigs for a start.

and do you think an average 3d hobbyist/artist give a damn? All I care is that if there's an opportunity from china or anywhere in the world, I'm certain I'm gonna regret it if I let bias or political agenda cloud my judgement. Also I'm not stupid enough to fall on filter bubble when I type in keywords for my research.

>> No.755439

What people don't realize is that Chinese digital media has overtaken the GLOBAL market.

While Hollywwod and Disney has been targeting brainwashed millennials with their pedo propaganda, the Chinese have been targeting toddlers.

Look at YouTube video views of "BabyBus". It's this child-friendly channel where the mascots are 2 panda bears. The company pretty much keeps itself secret but I've done a deep dive on them and it's clear what they're doing. Their audience is larger than that of Disney and Hollywood COMBINED. They have hundreds of games for mobile devices. They have a region-specific channel for each major language which mirrors its main channel in the relevant language. They're literally everywhere.

They come up with a new game every 3 weeks or less.
They post a new video on YT every hour.

The trend is clear: China numbah huan! (whether you like it or not)

>> No.755450

>All I care is that if there's an opportunity from china or anywhere in the world, I'm certain I'm gonna regret it if I let bias or political agenda cloud my judgement.
You do you, dude. Hopefully neither of us sees you boarding the plane back to the US along with the other rich Chinese expats who've already figured things out.

>> No.755606

wow, thanks! Here I'm left wondering how the hell did this kind of niche never entered my peripheral. Not even a niche rather, secretly mainstream? idk it somehow never shows in my media algorithm though I admit I never even consider 4kidz jobs perhaps due to my aversion to didney, pbs, or lgbtnqlodeon products even as a consumer, but to think it could be pretty wholesome..
heh if lefties been making a killing with sorosbuck I dont see why I shouldn't get a taste of some ccpbucks amirite? You a chinese btw anon?

I want to say touche, but I'm hoping to board the plane back home to buy properties just like those rich chinese. (oo.. ooh! If you think about it, all this fear mongering about rich chinese outbidding the locals forgot to highlight one super important point, its means money IN! How is an inflow ever a bad thing?)

>> No.755694


>> No.755699

>How is an inflow ever a bad thing?
If you're talking about real estate, expect prices to get jacked up, putting more pressure on the local middle class in case they want to own their own homes in the future. Not to mention allowing the Chinese to dictate property values on your own soil.

In the case of intellectual property, consider Tencent's censorship in its apps, or even in movies such as the recent Top Gun.
As nasty as the SJW's are when it comes to making games, at least you can freely choose not to buy them if you don't want to, and that's the end of it. The Chinese are smarter than that though, they want to buy up the convenient things that you use every day, and they're not shy about using them to monitor your personal data or control the narrative like they do it back home. The yellow man is much, much more dangerous than the loony lefty in this regard.

This is why government committees like the CFIUS exist in the first place, because letting your political rivals on the international scene freely gobble up the most sensitive areas of your industry/economy is guaranteed suicide (which in your situation could be equivalent to allowing a blue-haired landwhale into your company's board of directors).

>> No.755799


>> No.755801

As if being a criminal somehow justifies killing him without due process.

Still, I wish subscriptions as the only means of accessing software were outlawed. Fuck you Adobe/Autodesk/CLO, I can't read my files.

>> No.755804
File: 37 KB, 960x952, 1575706074387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shockingly I believe in due process too, but so far the deification of Floyd has done nothing productive. The US has a police brutality issue all around. Where are the riots for 12 year old white boys getting shot up because they had a clearly plastic toy gun? Or that one dude who was killed in his sleep? The US has too many mall-cop tier cops running around and the system needs to be changed to hold cops more accountable.

>> No.755813

>As nasty as the SJW's are when it comes to making games, at least you can freely choose not to buy them if you don't want to, and that's the end of it. The Chinese are smarter than that though, they want to buy up the convenient things that you use every day, and they're not shy about using them to monitor your personal data or control the narrative like they do it back home. The yellow man is much, much more dangerous than the loony lefty in this regard.

You're so stooopid!

Hey moron, the Chinese are copying the american system of thought policing. Where do you think they've learned all the tricks from? You're not even allowed with non-Chinese mobile devices in certain buildings. Just because they're honest about it doesn't mean they're the only ones doing it.
The only difference is that the Chinese are "China First or DIE" whereas the US is "Israel First or DIE". Chose your devil.

>You a chinese btw anon?

Not in the slightest. I'm from a former communist country. Whenever people here hear "communism" they think "it must be hell on Earth". Then they visit China. Then they go "China Number One". It's impossible not to think this way once you see a video of what Wuhan looks like.


Is that what the 1984-style nightmare looks like?

Who's really controlling the narrative here that China is just another communist country?

>> No.755818

>It's impossible not to think this way once you see a video of what Wuhan looks like.
>links to a video showcasing handpicked buildings from all over China
>Comments section all calling this out
You sound like you're full of shit and obviously astroturfing for the CCP. Are you chinese by the way, anon?

>> No.755832
File: 409 KB, 1398x924, night-view-of-canton-tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video is the equivalent of me saying how great Milwaukee is while cobbling together landmarks from different cities across the US. Even the Chinese can't be asses to be sincere about their own cities.

>> No.755868

Ok, faggot.
Let's compare:



Americans are just so fucking dumb. They haven't even been around for three centuries and think they have the cultural gravitas to compete with a civilization that's been around for 5000 years.

>> No.755877
File: 77 KB, 500x564, chairman mao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think this is the video about Wuhan that you meant to post:

>> No.755908
File: 2.76 MB, 1920x1080, 2019-03-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that not what daz was made for?

>> No.755915
File: 357 KB, 1920x1080, SWEDEN YES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.756104
File: 307 KB, 720x1080, BLM-720x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would this political art cost?

It's an approximately life-size statue, 3-D printed resin on a steel frame, using a computer model produced by software that combines hundreds of photos to generate a model surface.

>> No.756112

>How much would this political art cost?

>> No.756143

I've been wondering about this myself. It's got to be tens of thousands of dollars at minimum. I suspect it's into the six figure range.

Someone spent enough money to buy a house on throwing up a shitty temporary statue of some wannabe terrorist.

I hope someone sledgehammers it soon.

>> No.756179

good news everyone...

>> No.756183


>> No.756200

>Mr Quinn then contacted Ms Reid through social media and they worked together on the statue, which was erected shortly before 04:30 on Wednesday.
I wonder if he was successful and fucc'd her?

>> No.756256

So this is a 3d printed scan right. Normies are reporting it like it's the new greatest work of art.

>> No.756306

>So this is a 3d printed scan right
Yes, it is. Condemned to degrade like everything else in this world. Some things faster than others. This, faster than most. So as quickly as it mounts, the protest quickly goes.

>> No.756308

I've been trying to learn sculpture, but what's the point when you can just buy a camera and run some software?

>> No.756310

They missed an opportunity to lynch it away.

>> No.756323

Dostoevsky was sent to the gulag.

>> No.756326

Kill yourself retard

>> No.756337

yeah, even the Donald himself despite acting like he's against china had his family members learning chinese. This commie thing is definitely a disinfo, probably to weed out competition. In a year or maybe two I'm gonna visit china to see for myself.

>As nasty as the SJW's are when it comes to making games, at least you can freely choose not to BUY them if you don't want to
buying them? We're talking about MAKING them. Not gonna waste my energy arguing with you, you're a shill. But thanks to you though I get what all this anti-commie is about and I'm not gonna bother explaining.

>> No.756505

>buying them? We're talking about MAKING them.
The only things you can make are funny lines such as considering moving to a communist country to find work, which wouldn't be that ridiculous a line of thought if you didn't base it around just trying to do the opposite of some random libtard's opinion. How infantile do you have to be to think like that.
> Not gonna waste my energy arguing with you
Good. Then do us both a favor, buy a one-way ticket to export your trite, over-inflated ass to your fabled land of libtard-triggering and stay there, idgaf

>> No.756618

this desu.
im willing to live in a tyrannical state as long as the people in power are of my kin and their interest is to my interest. let alone being a super power meaning it can stand its ground against outside states influence. unlike smaller states that has been subject to infights between socialist vs capitalist throughout the cold war and some of them eventually blown up (syira).
anon you're a retard. 10 years from now you will wake up to the reality that this unhinged democracy is sole reason for your extinction. and you'll want a state system as sophisticated and powerful as the CCP is. toying around with guns and larping as whermacht soldier while whining about jews and negroes would only get you so far. most of your people had already given up to the idea that israel was a successful state.

>> No.756619

this is hot anon.

>> No.756675
File: 3.77 MB, 483x556, china.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon you're a retard. 10 years from now you will wake up to the reality that this unhinged democracy is sole reason for your extinction. and you'll want a state system as sophisticated and powerful as the CCP is
And you're a double retard, anon. Backing of the international jew during WW2 aside, do you know how many millions of its own people the CCP had to kill to enjoy the "power" it has today? I won't argue that the same won't happen in the jewnited states eventually, but if you think the communist model was/is proof of an efficient model for anything, you are one gigantic brainlet.
>im willing to live in a tyrannical state as long as the people in power are of my kin and their interest is to my interest.
OK, so killing millions of your own kin for a jewish ideology, so that you can invite your foreigner capitalist buddies in to use your own people as slave labor, pollute your cities and develop the most Orwellian surveillance system ever humanly conceived because you're afraid your general populace will start to revolt against your government so corrupt that it's constantly threatening to consume itself as new people come and go (either through nepotism or bribery, is totally a legit government by the people for the people. Am I right??
>most of your people had already given up to the idea that israel was a successful state.
Alt-right e-celebs don't talk for me, because the solution for Israel is simple: you cut off all the billions in annual taxpayer foreign aid to Israel that it needs to stay afloat out there in the desert and guarantee you it will collapse overnight. Such is the fate of a parasite nation.
>toying around with guns and larping as whermacht soldier while whining about jews and negroes would only get you so far.
Fun fact: you don't need to be a National Socialist to enjoy caving a bolshevik supporter and their handlers' skull in. You do know people hate the reds just as much as they do the evil nazi stereotype in fiction, right?

>> No.756722

>millions of its own people the CCP had to kill
>for jewish ideology
>muh communism is non efficient
ok. tell me about a system today that is able to keep 20% of earth population under control and hold its ground as a super power? the state where china is today makes the amount of people died irrelevant. literally they don't matter anon. once you get your head out of the "commie bad" "government bad" BS you will realize that white people not only been killing each other through civil/major wars but also destroyed their own infrastructure and world dominance to bow down for the jew rule eventually. this is why the millions died during the GLF don't matter today for modern commie china. this is why if if HK gets vaporized tomorrow or its entire population dies to the kung flu it won't matter either. the chinese man had established his society and rule within it. and his smart enough to know how to change slowly when needed. it is not utopia by any means. but hey, it turned out it is effective in the end. i know amerimutt like you wont like this. you grew up on shooting guns and "fuck the government" shit. then you found out about jews and negroes through the 4chanz. and you wanted to take action and build a society the keeps fends off that impeding doom. but you then realize you can't have it both ways; you can't force "racially homogenous" values on society in its current demographic and cultural situation and expect to keep your "free world" status in your ethnostate. and while you're shooting your toys in the backyard practicing for the upcoming race war and the revival of the reich. you're working your ass off for your jewish company to pay off your tribute to the jewish state through taxes. living next to your negro neighbor and sucking on your tranny gf cock when you get home. but hey anon. thank fucking god you live in a free country with your trusty AR and not in a state that controls your live and enslaves you for someone else prosperity. right?

>> No.756776 [DELETED] 

Consider this:
1) Jews own the propaganda machine of the US
2) The US exported said machine (Hollywwod) the the rest of the world
3) Jews are a diaspora which once in power, subverts the whole nation and its power, ruins the country, then complains it got persecuted for "just being jewish"
4) Lenin was a Jew.
5) Stalin took the reigns of power away from Lenin, the jew.
6) Stalin was not jewish.
7) Mao was not jewish.
8) Jews invented communism.
9) Stalin was a communist, Mao was a communist, Jews are communist

How come whenever we hear about the horrors of communism it's always associated with non-jewish communist rulers?

How come Marx himself got promoted by the titans of industry of his day?

How come the richest of the rich in our day (the capitalists) all promote ideas like equality, women's rights, universal basic income, welfare, affirmative action, and so on?

Everything makes sense once you realize it's nationalism vs. globalism. Everything else it's just a branding game.

When you let another nation rule over you it always ends in tragedy. Enjoy your hook-nosed overlords, goys.

>> No.756891

>Trying to frame the whole discussion as "Well, my defeated nation's jew-occupied government is better than YOUR jew-occupied government! Look how well the jews leave us alone, in our occupied state!!" in order to avoid addressing how the CCP was, is, and always will be, a thoroughly-jewed out entity meant to promote foreign interests at the expense of the average lower class Chinese
Yeap, real cute. It's pretty telling when you have to paint anyone that dares to criticize grorious CCP as emasculated westerners, because that's the only way you can make your shilling for deleterious jew ideologies sound good. Is this the CCP inferiority complex? By the way, North Korea also held its ground against superpowers (China included). Why don't I ever hear about you wanting to move there? Is that because you are in actuality part of the rich Chinese mentality the US is really the land of opportunities when compared to China, even in its terribly cucked out state?
>y-y-you cucked amerimutt how DARE YOU m-muh racial homogen-
The writing is on the wall: given the chance to move, even the Chinese prefer the US over China itself when it comes to seeking better opportunities such as when it comes to education and quality of life. You still don't have an answer to this one, do you?

>> No.756895

>6) Stalin was not jewish.
Maybe not, but he was a top kike enabler such as that he might as well have been one himself. He surrounded himself with notable jews such as Genrikh Yagoda, head of the NKVD and Lazar Kaganovich, architect of the Holodomor. Then on top of that he made anti-semitism in the USSR a crime punishable by death in the 1930's. How many goodest of the good goy presidents today could manage this feat? Everything comes back to the jewish question in the end.
>Everything makes sense once you realize it's nationalism vs. globalism.
Just call it for what it is: Gentiles vs jews. Without drawing a clear line on ethnicity, nationalism eventually becomes the failed concept of civic nationalism that you see today in every developed country. A communist White European can still be deprogrammed and assimilated in two generations, tops. But the moment you let in someone with loyalties to their blood surpass those of their adopted nation and they don't assimilate (such as in the case of many jewish people), that's when you start to get problems.

>> No.757049

>Without drawing a clear line on ethnicity

I was using nationalism and ethnicity interchangeable because etymologically speaking they're pretty much synonyms.

nation = people =/= country =/= state

Nation and country becoming interchangeable terms is another jewish trick. The US nation is comprised of colonialists from Britain. American blacks are a nation onto themsleves, but they're not part of the american nation.

Though not jewish Stalin was not Russian either. Again, letting a foreign nation rule over you always ends in tragedy. Look at all the former communist states from Eastern Europe. They were rules by communists but their communists were of the same nation. Now geopolitically speaking Eastern Europe is the safest place to be in Europe in the upcoming war.

>> No.757056

4chan is so utterly worthless now I wanna cut myself

>> No.757077

>upcoming war.
no need to fear anon. the upcoming war will be solely inside the us.

>> No.757114

My shithole country, thank you very much. It's in a worse state right now, but with a system that makes positive change more possible than in the US as long as there's no EU takeover or the EU gets a better system, preferably the former.

>> No.757138
File: 260 KB, 1232x1330, 7a3dc87a0de26656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a waste of time and muddying of the waters, anon. While you're here arguing about definitions and encouraging people to possibly spiral into a bottomless rabbit-hole of analyzing whether a figurehead is leading his people to their doom because of his 1/16 Irish side, or his 1/4 Scottish, or his 1/2 German heritage (as is surely the case with many of today's remaining White Americans), the Hungarian jew and his ilk out there plotting your downfall have absolutely no issues coordinating with each other based on their shared DNA. One notable example being Alicia Garza née Schwartz who had her jewish roots conveniently scrubbed from her Wikipedia article recently. Why do you think that would be such an important detail to hide from the public, anon? I think you're the one trying to get folks to mislabel things when things like these make it so obvious what the real actual issue is: a war between the jewish aristocrats and the ones they deem to be below them (us).
And no, you won't escape the South African template anywhere on Earth. Any collective group of White European people, if they have a pro-Israel government, or one with a communist past or - dare I say it - bordering Based Chabad Lubavitch Putin's lands, should rightfully be fearful for their continued existence today. Just because they don't get you now, doesn't mean they won't do it later down the road.

>> No.757210

>based russian zionists.
ok vlad

>> No.757220


>> No.757527

>China because Xi arrested and imprisoned 90 000 Marxists
If you told me how many he executed you could've got me to join the 50 cent army.

>> No.757577

You have fallen for the trick that's not even funny.
There's no such thing as the "white race" in the same manner that there's no black race.

They're doing to so called "whites" the same what they're doing to blacks: herding them like cattle through words.

"White race" is a term designed to obliterate any ethnic and national identity. Germans aren't Irish aren't Hungarian aren't Russian.

A frenchman is compeltely different to a swede. Their loyality must lie to France and Sweden respectively, not "huwhites".

Americans are so dumb that I have to explain this shit to them. In Europe this all goes without saying. In Asia they're even more hardcore. Let's see you use "Asian" to denominate both Chinese and Japanese. Let's see how long you last there.

>> No.757593

you're just replacing the amerimutt method of prole control with the euro one. the modern american racial obsessions were indoctrinated into its lower-class population largely to sabotage unions, because if your factory's wop workers despise your factory's nigger workers then they won't work together to improve their shared slave-like existence. american whites are just house niggers, rabidly defensive of their status as slightly higher-rank slaves.

"national identity" is simply the euro variant of this. "the french" is an imaginary group invented in the last 2-3 hundred years and imposed as a method of population control on peasants who until then had vastly different regional cultures and languages, and were linked only by the fact that their labor eventually benefited the same extortionist warlord. the idea that a peasant from normandy and a peasant from occitania should consider themselves "the same" and march happily to get killed in a war together for their masters' economical bene... i mean "for france!" had to be slowly beaten into their heads over the last couple of centuries.

the throughline of all this "identity" shit, from race and nation to current twitter culture wars and "fandoms", is to get people to live their whole lives in these identity dream-worlds and pay no attention the material conditions of their existence and who's responsible for them. you can get your pill in any color as long as it's blue on the inside.

>> No.757610

isnt being a ''nazi'' a good thing?

>> No.757645

>the throughline of all this "identity" shit, from race and nation to current twitter culture wars and "fandoms", is to get people to live their whole lives in these identity dream-worlds and pay no attention the material conditions of their existence and who's responsible for them. you can get your pill in any color as long as it's blue on the inside.

you talk like a basic bitch incel atheist

Nazi is globalsim by a different name. There's a reason why they had to rebrand the National Socialist party of Germany as "Nazi Party". There's nothing "nationalistic" in invading other countries. There's nothing "socialistic" in sending million of your people to fight on foreign land.

Nationalism combined with a form of socialism is the most prominent form of government in the world. They can call it whatever they want but all successful political campaigns revolve around (a) national identity (we numbah huan!) and (b) a form of social welfare (free stuff for everybody lol!)

Trump: America first! Also everyone gets a job!

>> No.757650

>There's no such thing as the "white race" in the same manner that there's no black race.
You think we're all equal in the eyes of our Lord (((Yahweh))) or something like that? So what Black African nations in known history have been comparable to White European ones, can you say? What about the crime statistics based on race in the US and in European countries? Were they also all clever jew ruses too according to you?
>In Asia they're even more hardcore. Let's see you use "Asian" to denominate both Chinese and Japanese. Let's see how long you last there.
Sure, but first let's see how long you last being a Blasian in Japan first, as compared to being something like half-Korean/Japanese, and that's even after being bombarded 24/7 by the Asian people's own governments how mean the folks in the other S-E Asian countries are towards their own.
>the throughline of all this "identity" shit, from race and nation to current twitter culture wars and "fandoms", is to get people to live their whole lives in these identity dream-worlds and pay no attention the material conditions of their existence and who's responsible for them. you can get your pill in any color as long as it's blue on the inside.
I really like how you used the term "amerimutt" a few paragraphs back which is mainly used to describe the dysgenic state of the American population due to the effects of race-mixing, and then later on describe race as being just another meaningless social construct comparable to online fandoms.

>> No.757657

>There's nothing "nationalistic" in invading other countries
There is. What must one do once the nation has run out of resources? Let it perish? Of course not: you invade others; they are lesser anyway.

>> No.757666

Yes, all you need is just go outside and take photos of dragons

>> No.757824
File: 509 KB, 932x451, 1586831651136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's more freedom of speech in China that there is in the US
Americunts have it bad but imagine thinking the Chinese Pooh Party is any better

>> No.757825

Or alternatively model them out of a figure made out of clay, which may be harder or easier depending on how well do you sculpt irl.

>> No.757923

about three fiddy

>> No.757933

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.757988

Oh shit, he can't breath; quick, call a veterinarian

>> No.758274

photoshop used to not have an undo function many years ago, and there were people (artists™) back then who were against implementing it, because you don't have undo in traditional art mediums.
No matter how good you may be at sculpting in real clay, there are things you just cannot do, and I should not need to be explaining

>> No.758440

should I use blender

>> No.758530
