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>> No.728562 [View]
File: 833 KB, 1920x1080, smoke vfx breakdown.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you go about compositing smoke sims you previously made into a scene? Composite isn't really the right word I guess though. Not in post, but like as part of the scene.
Like can you render out a smoke sim, and then put it into a scene as a plane/billboard and have it look right? Even if the lighting isn't exactly the same?
I mean why would people sell those vfx smoke packs if they could only be used in one lighting condition? I feel like the sims would look totally off if the lighting was even slightly different than what you have in your scene, but tons of movies and amateur shit pull it off just fine.

Not to mention, in vfx breakdowns like the webm (even though it's shitty quality), it looks like the sims are simulated completely separate from a scene and then overlayed onto it in post, but I don't really get how they get it to look exactly right with the scene. Especially if they're using something separate like Houdini for their sims, the render wouldn't look exactly the same as if it came out of Maya, right?

I've tried looking up tutorials for this sort of thing, but shitty Youtubers only go for the low-hanging fruit and floods the results with basic shit like "how to make a smoke sim", not actually how to integrate it into a large scene economically or composite it into one in post.
I know this was a bit all over the place, but if someone can help me wrap my head around this it'd be much appreciated. Thanks.

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